The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 1441 - I Only Want You

Chapter 1441: Great to Have You (1)

Mu Qixing suddenly realized the effects of human frailty and just how fragile life was. She felt sympathy, anger, and indignation for Mu Wansheng.

She should be living happily and enjoying the bliss that life has to offer. Yet, she lost her life at such a young age.

She could have led a blissful life with the man whom she loved and yet those merry plans had now gone up in smoke. Who wouldn’t be regretful?

Unlike her, Luo Hang was rather nonchalant and insensitive toward the somber issue.

He gibed, “That just means that Heaven doesn’t want Mu Wansheng to be happy at all. She should have just proceeded with the engagement with me, yet she changed her mind at the last minute and went through such painstaking efforts. But what happened in the end?”

Glowering at him, Mu Qixing chided, “She’s already gone, why are you still gloating over her misfortune? Are you a retard?”

“Did you just call your husband a retard? Aren’t you becoming more and more brazen?” Luo Hang snapped with a sullen expression on his face.

“Are you even human? How could you say that? If you can still keep up with this attitude if ever the same thing happens to your girlfriend, I’ll take my hats off to you.”

“Are you cursing her? You jinx,” Luo Hang rebuked.

“Yes, I’m a jinx, but you’ve got a foul mouth.”

“Get on the couch tonight and stop talking to me.”

Mu Qixing would never concede. After being married to him for a few days, she understood clearly what kind of a person he was. “I’m taking the bed, you can have the couch.”

“Dimwit, you’ve been hunting for a job for weeks and yet you still haven’t found one. Well, no employers would be so blind and foolish as to hire you. You can’t even find a job, so you don’t deserve to sleep on the bed at all. Loser.”

“You’re the dimwit. You’re cowardly and you still fear your parents. Why do you deserve to sleep on the bed?”

“I don’t fear them, I just don’t want to make them upset...”

After arguing with each other for a while, Mu Qixing left, not wanting to talk to him at all.

She could not stand him at all. Whenever she was in the room with him, he would definitely call his girlfriend, Xia Banqin, and be all lovey-dovey with her over the phone. He completely disregarded her presence!

Since he enjoys hogging the phone and talking to his girlfriend all day, he can go ahead. I’ll go out and be free. At least I’ll feel less frustrated without having to see or deal with him.

In fact, she had only spent the first day searching for a job.

During the rest of the time, she would either go shopping or take a stroll in the park to relax and unwind.

It was the same this time.

She subconsciously walked into the First People’s Hospital when she reached the entrance.

There were photos of outstanding doctors hung on the wall outside the clinic.

She stepped forward and stared at all the doctors photographed in front of a red backdrop, clad in their white coats.

Mu Qixing shifted her gaze onto the photo in the middle of the second row.

It was a photo of a man who had narrow eyes, a high nose bridge, thin lips, and pronounced features.

His name was Lu Jingrao.

He was the head physician of the dental department of the hospital.

He was a young, promising, and outstanding doctor.

Mu Qixing stared at the photo for a long time before turning around to leave.

Mu Qixing knew that he was Wu Pingyang’s colleague. However, she had never asked her about him before, especially since she was Wu Pingyang.

It was only a matter of time before the sadness hidden deep beneath her heart fades.


It had never crossed Mu Wansheng’s mind that she would regain her consciousness.

She thought that she had already died, because the explosion was the very testament of her impending death.

She was certain that she would die.

However, to her astonishment, she managed to survive.

She was both surprised yet agitated.

However, her joy vanished the instant she opened her eyes.

It was pitch black around her, and she could not see anything at all.

Quaking in pain, Mu Wansheng tried to bear with it and sit up straight. At this moment, a man tried to stop her. “Don’t move, you’re heavily injured and you suffered major burns. You’ve only recovered very slightly.”

“Please switch on the lights,” Mu Wansheng asked, trembling vigorously from head to toe. Her voice had become hoarse and deep. She did not sound like herself at all.

“Can you... see my hand? Can you?” he asked, waving his hand in front of her.

Shaking her head, she answered, “I... I can’t.”

“Did you... lose your vision?”

Quivering vigorously, Mu Wansheng asked, “Could you take me to the hospital?”

“You’ve sustained serious burns and we can’t send you to the hospital. Why don’t you give me your family’s contact number and I’ll get them to come pick you up?”

“No, don’t,” she refused.

She could sense that she had been badly burned and, hence, felt ashamed to see anyone.

“Why not? Your family will send you for treatment.”

Shaking her head profusely in agony, she asked, “No. Am I... disfigured?”

After a moment of silence, he answered, “Your features are still there, but you’ve sustained serious burns on your face. I was diving in the river when I happened to see you. You had already passed out so I decided to rescue you. If I hadn’t been there, you would have drowned to death even if the explosion didn’t kill you. However, you managed to fall into the water in time and so the burns on your legs are less severe than those on your upper body. I rescued you and was afraid that your family would accuse me of killing you if you died so I didn’t inform anyone about your presence. Fortunately, you survived. I think you’d better go home and get your family to pick you up. You won’t receive any treatment if you stay here. I can only provide for your meals. I’m too poor to take you to the hospital.”

Mu Wansheng lay motionlessly on the ground, feeling as if she was in a living hell.

She may have survived, but she would have to continue living with a different face.

She could already guess what she looked like, just from his description.

She must look ghastly.

Noticing that she was remaining silent, the man asked, “It was such a dangerous and critical situation. How did you manage to survive?”

“Thank you... for saving my life. Back then...” Mu Wansheng’s heart wrenched in pain at the thought of what happened. She seemed to be unable to walk out of the trauma. Her voice, shrieks, and bawling were of no use at that time.

The man remained silent and continued to listen to her speak.

“Back then, I had no idea how I managed to climb to the window, and the explosion seemed to have occurred the same moment I jumped out. I don’t know what happened afterward because I passed out,” she said, struggling to speak because of the excruciating pain in her throat.

The man said, “You’ve lost your voice. You should refrain from talking. However, I still think it’d be better for you to contact your family.”


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