The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 1407 - I Only Want You

Chapter 1407: I Only Want You (105)

Tang Zhijing received a call from his furious father soon after.

However, he didn’t answer because it was obvious that his father was going to berate him and reprimand him for being foolish.

Hence, there was no point in picking up.

However, his refusal to answer greatly infuriated Mr. Tang, who then sent his men to arrest Tang Zhijing.

Tang Zhijing was greeted with the sight of his parents and Le Zhengmin in the living room when he was brought back home.

He shook the bodyguard’s arm off and sat down composedly. Before he could even speak, Mr. Tang hollered angrily, “Just how are you related to that terrorist Pei Yi’s wife!?! Why did you end up being affiliated with her!?! Are you trying to implicate us and cause us to lose our lives!?! You unfilial son!”

“We’re just friends, and we used to volunteer at the orphanage together before she married Pei Yi. She’s a very nice person.”

“You’re just friends? A man and a woman can never be just friends. Do you fancy her?” Mr. Tang questioned apprehensively.

After a moment of silence, he answered, “I did fancy her a little in the past, but it’s more of sympathy than love that I feel for her. She was really unlucky and had a tough life. However, I don’t have feelings for her anymore and we’re purely just friends now.”

“Don’t contact her ever again from now on. If the paparazzi manages to snap photos of you two together, our enterprise is going to be rumored to be in association with the DK Organization. Should that happen, our entire family will be in hot soup. Rascal, did you hear me!?!” Mr. Tang barked, glowering at him.

“Why? I had no say in my marriage. Am I not allowed to choose who to befriend either?”

Mr. Tang snapped, “Are you trying to defy my orders now?”

“I’ve always adhered to Mother’s instructions and yours ever since I was a child. Have you two ever listened to my opinions?” As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Tang gave him a hard slap across his face, causing him to cock his head to the side.

“Listen to you? Who’s the father? You or me? You must listen to me, precisely because I’m your father! From now on, you are to cut off all contact and ties with that woman. I don’t care if you’re friends or not. You don’t need a friend like her. Do you think others would believe that you two are just friends? Will the media believe you? If you become exposed online, that’d be the end of our enterprise!”

Although Tang Zhijing understood his father’s concerns, he could not help but feel repulsed by the way his father was compelling him and lashing out at him. Had Mr. Tang spoken to him nicely, he would have come to a wise decision after weighing the pros and cons.

Noticing that he was remaining silent, Mrs. Tang interjected, “Son, we’re running a proper and upright business. Even if you’re on good terms with that woman, she’s still Pei Yi’s wife at the end of the day. Don’t create unnecessary trouble and risks for us. You’re not to contact her ever again from now on. We’re doing this for your own good.”

Tang Zhijing quipped, “Sure, you’re doing it for my own good. Forbidding me from playing and compelling me to only study and read books when I was younger were for my own good. Forcing me to break up with my girlfriend when I was a teenager was for my own good. Even making me marry Le Zhengmin was for my own good too. You made these decisions all for my own good. You compel me against my will and force me to accept it just because you claim to have my best interests at heart. I’m almost thirty years old. How much longer are you going to restrict my freedom for? Fine, I’ll stop contacting her, but there’s something I must clarify now too. I must get a divorce with Le Zhengmin at all costs!”

“You’ve been getting along well with Zhengmin. Why are you bringing up a divorce out of the blue?”

Tang Zhijing answered, “I don’t want to hide this from you guys anymore. Le Zhengmin and I have never consummated our marriage. We’ve been having our own private lives, and we date other people as well. I don’t want to continue this toxic marriage anymore.”

Mr. and Mrs. Tang looked at each other in shock and dismay. Mr. Tang said, “Divorce is a very serious matter. How could you just bring it up so casually? Zhengmin, is what Zhijing said about your relationship true?”

Le Zhengmin admitted, “Yes, it’s true. However, I don’t want to get a divorce and I’d rather maintain the status quo. I told Zhijing that I’ll allow him to date other women so long as he doesn’t have any illegitimate children. I’m willing to give birth to his child and carry on the Tang family bloodline.”

Tang Zhijing laughed sarcastically and sneered, “You don’t deserve to have my children. I don’t plan on having children anyway. Dream on!”

Mr. Tang said, “Just keep the status quo as it is, then. Le Zhengmin said that you had multiple affairs with other women as well. It’s not like she forbids you from dating other women anyway. The Tang and Le Corporations are working closely together on a large-scale project right now. It’s not like you’re not aware of that. Your divorce will greatly affect our partnership. Just remain as you are for the sake of the interests of both parties.”

“Interests, interests, it’s forever about interests. We’re already wealthy enough as it is. Will we ever finish spending our family fortune? Why can’t you guys put yourselves in my shoes and spare a thought for me? I want to get a divorce. I don’t want to be tied down to this unhappy marriage anymore. Am I not allowed to make the decision?”

Mr. Tang said bluntly, “Are you even my son at all!?! You’re not in the least bit ambitious! What can you do with that lousy modeling agency of yours? How much can you even make?”

Tang Zhijing would get into a conflict and hear the same thing from his father almost every single time they met, such that he had already gotten sick and tired of hearing it over and over again.

He closed his eyes and opened them again. Trying to suppress his emotions with all his might, he stood up and said to Le Zhengmin, “I’ll draft the divorce agreement and hand it to you. If you refuse to sign it, I’ll raise it to court.”

As soon as he turned around, Mr. Tang hollered, “Hold it right there!”

Tang Zhijing stopped in his tracks and turned to look at him. “My marriage only concerns the two of us. It’s none of your business. I’ll get a divorce if I want to. You don’t have a say in this.”

Turning beet red and seething with exasperation, Mr. Tang said, “Can’t you wait a little longer? What’s the hurry?”

“No, I must get a divorce now.”

“Fine, go get a divorce, then,” Mr. Tang gibed while kicking Tang Zhijing, causing him to stumble forward. However, he quickly regained his balance and got back on his feet.

As soon as Tang Zhijing tried to leave, Mr. Tang ordered the bodyguards to hold him down and lock him up in a dark, tiny room in the house. He would only be released after he reflects on himself.

Tang Zhijing had been locked up in that room several times before as a child. The door of the room was perpetually locked, and there was nothing else in the room except a window that allowed for ventilation.

Tang Zhijing was filled with disappointment and dejection.

Turns out, monetary benefits and business interests were still his parents’ primary concerns and priority.

He sat on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and typed a text message.

After deleting and retyping it over and over again, he finally found the courage to send it to Jing Chu.

It read: “Jing Chu, I had once felt a great deal of sympathy for you and found you pitiful to have already suffered so much pain and torment despite being so young. I even developed some feelings for you after we forged a strong camaraderie. However, I now wish you conjugal bliss with your husband, and I hope that you’ll never let anyone hurt you again. My wife secretly snapped some photos of us visiting the orphanage together and she has verified your identity. My parents are also aware of this now, and they think that my family will be implicated if any outsiders find out about our friendship. They’re afraid that we’d be accused of being associated with the DK Organization. They forced me to cut off all contact with you and, hence, I agreed. Jing Chu, do you still remember what I said to you at the orphanage yesterday? On the surface, I may seem to have everything, but deep down, I actually have nothing at all. You’ve been trying to comfort me and encouraging me to get over it and let go. I’ve been trying very hard to do so too, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Jing Chu, I’ve found my utopia. I’m leaving now, Jing Chu. Goodbye.”


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