The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 31 Thirty stories. Big injuries, Sola.

I was heartily horrified by the information that the collapse of the orga nest and the orgy king had been crusaded.

Village entrances and exits were closed during the Auga crusade because of the increased danger of forests.

That's why I couldn't get out of the village at all.

One day was enough to take the fatigue of the journey, and about three days I was looking at the book and studying.

If you want to do any work in the village, you have to go through the guild.

I couldn't work because of it, and the rest looked around in the village, but honestly I got tired of it.

Ten days was just long.

The hardest part was not being able to get Sola out freely.

I was looking for a place where no one was and getting Sola out of the bag, but that's just for a little while too.

I didn't know it would be so hard to avoid finding it...

Nevertheless, it was nice to have the potion secured on the first day I came to this village.

Otherwise, I almost ran out of Sora meals.

The entrance to the village was finally liberated and the crusaded orgasm was brought into the village.

I mean to show you crusaded stuff and reassure you......

I was surprised by its decadence and unusual atmosphere.

I've seen Auga before, but it's the first time I've seen it nearby because it runs away so I don't run into it.

And most importantly, it's the orgasm that's in front of you.

It's a demon that stands at the top of an orga.

Even though I know I'm dead, I feel somewhat anxious.

Orga meat is not delicious, so it seems to be disposed of once the demon stone and horn are taken.

Side by side with the villagers and adventurers gathering, they head from the village to the dump.

It's Sora's meal and travel schedule.

I'm finishing everything I can while I'm stuck.

All we need to do is replenish what's missing.

Stop your feet near the dump.

I felt a lot of signs from the dump.

... well, I couldn't come and throw it away for 10 days.

I guess a lot of people came to dump the accumulated stuff with the door liberation.

You should take your time off.

Food other than dried meat, into the woods to secure it.

I'm still nervous, but the crusade was a success, and Auga would be fine because the village chief explained that he wiped it all out.

Going for the river with excitement.

There are a lot of nuts near the river.

I replenished the water in the river I reached and looked around and found a tree with red fruit.

It is a fruit that has been harvested by other rivers before.

It was sweet and delicious, so I want to harvest it if it's fruitful.

Trying to get close to the tree, Sora, who was at her feet, jumped and hit me on the leg.


I stopped by surprise.


"Wow! I got it!

I felt something flying from the tree, and I turned myself in unintentionally, but it hit my arm.

Moments, tremendous pain runs through your body.

Looking at the tree...... it's moving sloppily.

Shit, it's a tree demon!

Demons are trying to get their roots out of the soil.

Put Sola at your feet in the bag and press the painful arm.


A soggy thing touches my hand, but now I don't have time to be sure.

Eat your teeth all the way through the pain and hurry away from the riverside.

Run for a while and check the back.

... I don't see the demon.

Explore the signs, but for some reason I can't find them.

The distance isn't so far away yet that you should be able to read the signs......

Pain attacks nausea.

With endurance, I run out once more to put my strength on my feet and get a little away from the demons.

Keep running for a while, keep your gaze behind you but no moving stuff.

My body flutters all the time and I sit at the root of the tree.

When I look at my painful arm, blood is dripping from my pressing hand.

Release your hands gently...... they are quite scratchy.

Besides, I seem to have lost a lot of blood.

My head blurs.

I want to get the potion out of my bag, but my body doesn't move.


I try to shake my hazy head, left or right, but I can't move.

"... don't leave Sola..."

I feel my body leaning sideways all the time.

There is intense pain in the arm on the fallen clap and the consciousness is only slightly clearer, but the body cannot move.

I noticed the bag with Sola in it was in front of me.

I want Sola out of my bag... but my vision seeps in and my tears overflow.

"... so, la..."

I see something that moves with a corn in my seeping vision.

I don't see it clearly, but apparently Sora left the bag herself.

... Good.

I can see Sora approaching us.

... I'm sorry.

But Sora's fine even if I'm dead.

I felt my consciousness distant and closed my eyes.

The pain made my arm feel like it was wrapped in something.

When I was wondering, the pain disappeared a lot in the next moment.

The pain that was echoing in my body disappeared, and I began to gain a little strength in my body.

I pushed up my heavy eyelid and what I saw in my seeping vision was... eaten by Sola.

Sora wrapped her wounded arm around her - eating all the time.

... Sora seems to eat people.

I don't seem to feel any pain when I can eat, should I be glad?

Surprise at the end.


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