The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 78: The War Between Sects in the Past (2)

Chapter 78: The War Between Sects in the Past (2)

Hundreds of years ago the Alchemists' Sect was running wild experiments with the cultivators of their empires, by chance one of the sons of the Emperor of the Shou Empire, actually, the third prince, had been secretly sent to the Heavenly Sword sect to cultivate a richer sect.

When the Alchemist Sect found out about it, it was furious and since this sect was already experimenting with the cultivators of the empires without any scruples, they thought that taking the third prince of the Shou Empire would be no big deal, and besides, this cultivator clearly was a traitor!

It should be made clear that there was no martial law among the great sects that forbade cultivators from choosing other great sects outside their territories to cultivate. What was forbidden was for the other great sects to invade the territories of others to conduct recruitment made directly by the sect. 

This is strictly forbidden, but if cultivators want, they can move around and choose another large sect to cultivate. Being very common among cultivators, who were born in the border cities, they sought other large sects to develop better.

However, the Alchemist sect was out of control at that time, anyway, they were already doing inhuman experiments against the cultivators of their own territory, so there was not much reason or conscience for the sect at that time.

Then the disciples of the Alchemist Sect invaded the territory of the Celestial Sword Sect to capture the third prince, taking advantage of their presence there. They also kidnapped the cultivators who were friends of the third prince and brought inhuman experiments on these people. Among these people was a Song Family girl and a Shen family boy, who were part of the five great families and three great clans, who make up the power of the Celestial Sword Sect.

So imagine that things exploded when they found out about the abduction and the out of controlling things that this great Alchemist Sect was doing on human territory!

How was the Celestial Sword Sect going to let the Alchemist Sect hit their faces like this? Yeah, it really didn't and that was war! As a result, hundreds of disciples on both sides died and the Alchemist Sect lost the territory of the Shou Empire to the Celestial Sword Sect, thus developing irreconcilable hatred for this great sect. 

Thus was the beginning of the great wars between the sects! 

As both great sects were weak the others wanted to take a piece of meat from the mouth of these lions, the only sect to keep neutral was the Arcane Wizard Sect, as their training system and even Dao itself were very unique, attach more territory would not make this sect stronger.

However, the other great sects still coveted the territory of the Arcane Wizard sect! Hehehe, but they were sadly defeated by the Magicians and Magic Knights who could unleash their powers on a grand scale! It was at that time that this great sect made its name feared throughout human territory!

Of course, this led to tens of thousands of lives being lost and the general weakening of all the great sects, as well as internal conflicts with the first and second line sects, who thought it was time to rebel to become "great sects". What intensified the loss of life and bloodshed, but also after this massacre, there was a long period of peace and flowering of the Heavenly Dao study.

For the great sects needed to lick their wounds, recruiting new disciples and strengthening their pitted foundations! In addition to the resources spent on this protracted war, the sects that were least hit were the Arcane Wizard sect and the Shadow Sect.

At the end of these wars, the Shadow Sect became a neutral sect, and over the years this sect became a kind of "ambassador" between the demonic Devils and Beasts and the human cultivators.

Each of these species needed items that only the other could produce, so a trade treaty was established, which is overseen by the Shadow Sect, which was also a way of keeping an eye out for Devils and Demon Beasts, since at that time large sects were licking their wounds and did not have much power to face a possible clash with their secular enemies, at least not individually.

Already the Arcane Wizard sect founded an alliance, which would allow all the great sects and first-line sects to be able to unite if the Devils and the Demonic Beasts invaded in this moment of weakness. Of course, the Arcane Wizard Sect had not suffered much from this war, as it remained neutral during much of the conflict, except for the silly sects that went to provoke the great tiger!

The alliance is ironically called the Tiger Alliance, hehehe, the Arcane Wizard Sect is very famous for its acid humor and spared no face to the other great sects! 

Moreover, because of the barbaric experiments that were discovered in the territories of the Alchemist sect, the other great sects established strict supervision in those territories to curb new inhuman experiments. Something like an embassy in the territory of the Alchemist Sect, so that a similar "accident" of international level would not be repeated again!

So for the past tens of years, the Alchemist Sect was being watched by all the great sects, like wolves surrounding a large and succulent flesh, waiting for only a small mistake to invade and destroy the Alchemist sect and take their territories.

Leaving this sect with a deep hatred!

Visit my other novels!

My Yin turned Yang!

Living in the Future ABO!

I reincarnated as an insignificant Side Character of a Dark BL Novel!

Yes, I'm advertising in these chapters to meet the 1000-word requirement. (I'm sorry about that, but it's temporary).


1. Hu Zi is the Spirit of the Zemin Yan's Ring

2. Hua continent is used in more than one novel of mine.

3. Sying can be read as Shing.

4. That the slowest novel in smut I've ever done in my short author's life.


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