The Warden of The Witches

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

You're Always There

As the intricate mechanisms were unraveled one by one by the female prison guard, the heavy iron door blocking Aiden finally swung open.

Before him stretched a long corridor, with neatly arranged cells on either side.

The Iron Rose Prison of the Silver City, widely recognized as the strictest and most fortified women's prison on the continent, housed the most dangerous female criminals.

Aiden was the warden in charge of managing this prison.

This was the core area deep within the Iron Rose Prison, where the most dangerous witches in the world were held. As the warden, Aiden took time every few days to personally inspect this area.

Walking alongside Aiden, the head of the cell block, Franda, entered through the gate and confidently shouted, "Line up in front of the door! Behave, the warden is here for an inspection!"

At her words, dozens of cages immediately stirred.

"Aiden's here?" The female prisoners gathered in front of the cell door, peering down to the corridor through the iron bars.

"How have you been lately, ladies?" Aiden waved to everyone with a smile, just like a star actor in an opera house when greeting their fans.

This statement immediately set the entire prison abuzz. In an instant, there was an uproar of cries and howls, a passionate display of "affection" for the warden.

"You, damn it! Someone, feed the esteemed warden some shit!"

"Aiden, you son of a bitch, come in and face me one on one If you have the guts!"

"Haha! Our big shot warden's here for another visit. Must be feeling unsatisfied. Come over and kiss my feet!"

"Aiden, you stupid jerk! Come and take a punch from me!"

A torrent of vicious curses filled with murderous intent surged, but both Aiden and Franda who accompanied him, were already accustomed to this.

They walked along the corridor without much surprise, systematically counting the prisoners in their cells.

In the deepest part of this core area, only one type of criminal was primarily confined, those with outstanding strength, mostly beings beyond the capabilities of regular prisons.

They included various species like vampires, demons, witches, evil dragons, and even some indescribable entities... The diversity was enough to form a biological museum.

Most of these witches were ruthless characters who trampled on rules with their formidable power, making them the most dangerous elements in this prison.

it was possible to roughly gauge the length of their stay in this prison, From the different reactions of the female prisoners.

The ones who jumped around and shouted the loudest were actually the newcomers who had been recently imprisoned in this prison. Their spirit hadn't yet been crushed, and their initial reaction upon seeing the Warden was still a strong desire to exact revenge.

Next were those who had been imprisoned for a while, after having tasted bitterness a few times they subsequently restrained themselves somewhat.

While their edges were still present, they no longer had the urge to unleash impotent rage.

Take Ophelia, for example, who had recently escaped and was recaptured.

"Well, well, Groundhog Princess." Aiden stopped in front of a cell, looking at Ophelia, who glared at him with a face full of resentment.

Ophelia turned her face away in annoyance.

"Because of your escape attempt, your sentence is going to be extended," Aiden teased.

"Whatever, I already had a hundred-year, so one more year changes nothing!" replied Ophelia defiantly.

"Starting tomorrow, you'll be in solitary confinement for a month..."

"No big deal, I've used to slept in a coffin before!" Ophelia scoffed.

"I'll use the picture during your escape as promotional material, for everyone here to see," Aiden added.

Ophelia faltered, this time. Aiden had captured the moment when she turned around in shock while covered in mud.

If other inmates saw this, it would be akin to a public execution. She'd likely be the butt of jokes among the prisoners for a long time.

Aiden deliberately waited until Ophelia climbed out of the prison before closing the net. His main objective was to humiliate her and let the other inmates see how the escapee danced in the palm of his hand, the warden. This was to truly serve as a warning for others.

Sometimes, pride was a more effective restraint than self-interest. Many prisoners didn't mind the punishment, but they cared about losing face.

"Suit yourself!" Ophelia gritted her teeth, squeezing out these defiant words.

"And also, your treatment level will be lowered. Starting from tomorrow, your daily ration will be just half a cup of blood."

Now Ophelia couldn't hold back any longer. "Wait a minute, giving a princess like me a pig's blood to drink is already too much. Are you trying to starve me to death now?"

"What princess? You're already a prisoner. Please have some self-awareness. If you want to restore your treatment, then behave and follow the rules. Violating the discipline again won't result in just a reduction in treatment." Aiden smirked.

Ignoring Ophelia's furious curses, the two continued walking. The corridor in the deepest part was much quieter than the front. Most of the prisoners gathered at the railing were very cooperative. Some even greeted Aiden on their own initiative:

"The warden is here too today."

"The warden got a new haircut? Looks handsome!"

"Warden, when are you taking me out for some fresh air!"


Aiden waved to them with a smile, but Franda, who was following behind, didn't relax for a moment. She knew very well that most of these seemingly cooperative prisoners were long-term serious offenders.

Having spent extended years in the Iron Rose Prison and undergone Aiden personal training, they had completely assimilated into prison life.

Compared to the seemingly ferocious newcomers at the front, these experienced ones were actually more cunning and dangerous. And the most powerful group of witches in this prison are among them.

Of course, there were occasional exceptions.

"Oh, Aiden-sama! I've missed you so much!" The enchanting succubus waved enthusiastically at Aiden through the iron bars, even blew him a flying kiss.

"Oh, it's Feier," Aiden nodded out of habit and continued walking.

After a few steps, he suddenly realized something was amiss. He furrowed his brow, retraced his steps, and stared intently at the succubus in the cell.

"Why are you still here? I remember you were released on parole just last month!"

"Ahaha, well..." Feier scratched her face, awkwardly averting her gaze.

Aiden figured out what was going on and turned to Franda beside him, asking, "When did she get back in?"

"Today. The Same old reasons, illegal operations and a safety accident, privately organizing other succubi for the old trade, but without restraint, leading to a large number of men being hospitalized due to sudden weakness," Franda replied expressionlessly.

"Why is it always you during these crackdowns?" Aiden rubbed his temples, his face heavy with concern.

Considering his tenure as warden, this was already Fei's fifth time being sent here.

Could this woman here intentionally provoking him?

As a succubus, Fei and her companions had the ability to induce erotic dreams to the others and absorb their life force during the opportunity.

So, they opened a shop, charging clients for dream services. As the leader of this group of succubi, Fei became the madam of this establishment.

This line of work wasn't explicitly prohibited, but due to Fei and her companions' lack of restraint, they often excessively drained their clients' life force.

This led to clients being hospitalized due to life-threatening weakness during their sleep.

And so, all these succubi were thrown into prison due to operational accidents, and the shop was shut down.

However, Fei displayed an extremely resilient spirit. in this regard. Even after losing her license to operate the shop, she managed to gather her companions and secretly resumed her previous line of work after being released.

But these insatiable succubi had absolutely no capacity for learning from their mistakes.

They were soon caught for the same reasons again. And thus, with each repeat of their old ways, Fia became a frequent visitor to the Iron Rose Prison.

Under normal circumstances, someone with her level of power and criminal record would be completely ineligible to be compared to the other inmates in this area.

But as a high level succubus, Fei not only could use magic to pass through walls but could also charm ordinary people with just a gaze.

Regular prisons simply couldn't contain her, so she could only be thrown into the core area of the Iron rose Prison.

"I've only made a tiny, little mistake, yet they dare call me a repeat offender and sentence me to a whole year. It's so unfair! Aiden-sama, could you please find a way to help reduce my sentence? I'm willing to do anything..." Fei pouted and coquettishly appealed to Aiden.

"Oh?" Aiden suddenly seemed intrigued. He glanced around, then leaned in closer to Fia, asking her in a mysterious tone, "Really... anything?"

"Of course, absolutely anything," Fei eyes gleamed with excitement, seeing signs that he was taking the bait.

"In that case..." Aiden licked his lips, paused for a moment, then smiled warmly.

"Can you promise me you'll truly reform? Promise me you won't engage in illicit activities again, alright?"

"Huh?" Fei was momentarily stunned, then quickly forced a smile. "Yes, yes, I promise. I'll definitely do it next time. But for now, can you find a way to help reduce my sentence? I'll make sure to serve you well at night..."

"You've got the nerve to talk to me about reducing your sentence? I've tolerated you for long enough!" Aiden's expression suddenly turned stern.

He kicked the iron railing, exclaiming, "Every time, you make my workload increase over such trivial matters. Do you think this place is an inn!?"

One of the most important aspects of being a prison guard was to never fully trust the inmates. The most dangerous aspect of succubi was their ability to charm their targets when they let their guard down, thereby gaining control over their minds.

Furthermore, Fei had a long history of offenses. Even the clients who were merely recipients of her dream-inducing spells ended up in the hospital, requiring emergency treatment.

If he directly accepted her temptation..... It was possible that he would die on the spot.

Frightened by Aiden's fierce demeanor, Fei shrank back, stammering, "I was just... just..."

"Shut up. If you come in here again, I'll lock you up with the corpse witches," Aiden threatened with a cold, icy glare.

"No, please, those undead beings smell terrible!" Fei paled with fear.

Aiden didn't pay any further attention to this peculiar succubus. He continued with his subordinates to recheck the headcount.

Finally, Aiden stood at the entrance of the corridor again, took off his hat, and addressed the prisoners, "I'm pleased to see you all still cooperating with our work. Until next time, ladies. I hope you'll strive to reform and start anew here in the iron Rose Prison."

Amidst a chorus of curses from the female inmates, Aiden closed the large gate once more.

Today, it was once again a peaceful day, in the Rose Prison.


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