The Warden of The Witches

Chapter 18:

Chapter 18:

A Wealth of Talent

The next morning, the main gate of the core area swung open. Supervisor Franda, accompanied by several prison guards and a whole squad of riot control officers, marched down the corridor, shouting, "Core area, time for work!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, the cell doors in the core area began to open, the inmates came out one after another, forming two lines on either side of the corridor.

In the Rose Prison, as long as a prisoner had the ability to work, they were generally required to participate in labor reform on workdays. This applied even to the witches in the core area, who were the most difficult to manage.

This kind of labor was compulsory, and prisoners could only earn a meager amount of pocket money from it. Any excess earnings would be taken by the prison to cover operational expenses.

However, even so, the big shot in the core area were generally quite cooperative.

First because a long-term cooperation in labor reform and outstanding performance could lead to sentence reductions and an improvement in their treatment level within the prison.

Second, they wouldn't want to offend a warden who frequently employed cunning methods over such trivial matters.

Franda walked down the corridor, counting the number of people. As she went, she suddenly frowned.

The number was short. No one emerged from cell 13.

As a death row inmate who would soon be executed, Veronica naturally didn't need to participate in labor reform. However, it was different for Fei, who shared the same room with her.

Franda arrived at the door of cell 13, and shouted inside with a dark face, "Inmate 3307, why are you still lying in bed? Get ready to work!"

Fei still lay on the iron bed fixed to the wall, wrapping herself in a blanket like a cocoon. She blinked sleepily at Franda and waved her hand, "I can't do it, Supervisor. I still feel a bit dizzy from the collision the other day. Please allow me to take a sick leave."

"Are you kidding me? You were just fine yesterday, and today you're suddenly not feeling well?" Franda was exasperated by this pest, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Without the approval of the prison doctor, no one can take sick leave! If you cause any more trouble, I'll have the riot control team come and drag you to work! Hurry up!"

Veronica, who had just finished washing up, glanced at Fei who was still lazing in bed, shook her head, and sat back at her own spot to read a book, indifferent to the situation.

At this moment, Aiden's voice echoed from the other end of the corridor, "Just let her stay."

"Warden? Why..." Franda turned around in surprise, seeing Aiden striding down the corridor from the direction of the main gate. The guards stationed near the gate all saluted him.

Unlike the usual scenes of chaos and commotion when Aiden came for inspections, this time as Aiden walked down the corridor, the inmates standing outside their cells appeared quite disciplined. The most they did was shoot him resentful glances or mutter curses under their breath.

The inmates who usually cursed Aiden weren't foolish. They knew that while they might get away with some mischief in their cells, in situations where they could have direct physical contact with the guards, any slight misstep could immediately be classified as an assault on a guard, and the riot control team's batons would come down hard.

Aiden didn't pay attention to the lined-up inmates and walked to cell 13, saying, "Let Inmate 3307 stay in her room for now. I need to talk to her about something. Franda, take the other inmates to work first."


Franda didn't hesitate to follow the order. She directed the other guards to form the inmates into rows, then led them to different work areas.

"Hehe, as expected, Lord Aiden cares about me. He knows how to let me sleep a bit longer!" Fei lying on the bed, greeted Aiden with a playful smile.

"In your dream!" Aiden responded bluntly. "I'm just asking you a question. Once you answer, get to work!"

"Ugh, nooooo i don't wannaaa!" Fei protested, dragging out her words.

"If you keep talking back, I'll give you extra overtime." Aiden didn't hesitate to add, promptly quieting Fei down.

"Warden." Veronica, seeing Aiden at the door, set her book aside. "Um... is there any news?"

She tried hard to make her expression and tone appear calm, but her eager eyes betrayed her emotions.

Aiden sighed when he saw her like this. "Though I understand your feelings, I need to give you a reality check. In terms of procedure, your case was considered closed when you were sentenced to death. Reversing it won't be easy."

"I... I already know that," Veronica lowered her eyes.

"Let's gather as many leads as possible first. I also have something to confirm with you." Aiden got down to business.

"I'm asking you, this young man named Bruce, does he have a lover or someone he's pursuing?"

"He doesn't have a lover, but he did try to pursue a girl. She's a prominent hostess at a tavern in the Lower District. However, it hasn't been going very smoothly," Veronica recalled.

"Oh? Why hasn't it been going well?" Aiden became a bit more interested.

"That girl is quite materialistic. I've seen her on patrol, going on dates with men who looked rather wealthy, several times. At least with three different men.

Every time Bruce tried to ask her out, she turned him down. I advised him to give up, but I'm not sure if he took it to heart," Veronica explained.

"I see. It seems that the kid did made some money..." Aiden rubbed his chin and muttered, "But he's still a devoted puppy, isn't he?"

"May I ask, is this related to the case?" Veronica asked cautiously.

"Yes, you've provided valuable information," Aiden nodded with a smile. He then turned to Fei, "Fei, I have a question for you too. I remember you used to own a shop in Firework Alley, right?"

"Yes," Fei confirmed.

"Did you have a good reputation there?" Aiden inquired.

"Of course, I was the Night Queen who reigning over Firework Alley. If my shop dared to claim it was only the second-best in performance, no one would dare say they were the best!" Fei suddenly perked up, sitting up and bragging.

"So you not only ran a business but also had a sense of superiority as a madam?" Aiden was both amused and exasperated by this girl, "Alright, alright. Do you know a place called 'Midnight Rose'?"

"Just wait a moment! You'd rather go to that expensive and trashy place than ask me for help?" Fei jumped up from the bed angrily.

"When I was doing business across from that dump, they couldn't attract a single customer for a whole night. If it weren't for my shop being closed down, they would have gone bankrupt long ago!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Look at how Veronica's gaze towards me has turned icy!" Aiden quickly defended himself, "I was there for an investigation!"

Veronica, along with Fei, looked at him with a touch of disappointment this time. "Lord Aiden, this excuse of yours... it's not very convincing."

"I... am... being... serious!" Aiden emphasized, tapping the iron railing. "I want to inquire about two individuals who entered that nightclub yesterday. That's why I want to go ask around!"

"That seems difficult. Those kinds of places don't casually reveal their guests' privacy, and Lord Aiden, you don't have the authority to investigate," Fei blinked her eyes a couple of times.

"That's why I'm asking if you have any connections!"

"Oh, that's easy." Fei suddenly displayed exceptional confidence and raised her hand, "Give me paper and pen! I'll write you a referral letter, and with a signature, I guarantee that the people there will listen to you unquestioningly."

"You have that much influence?" Aiden was a bit surprised.

"I'll threaten them that if they don't listen to you, once I'm out of prison, I'll personally oversee their shop and drive away all their customers, leaving them begging for scraps outside of Firework Alley!" Fei grinned maliciously, showing her sinister side.

"Alright, it looks like you're finally useful for something," Aiden nodded appreciatively.

"Um... can the useful person maybe get a small reward?" Fei batted her eyelashes at Aiden.

"I can let the fact that you're slacking off today slide. If this referral letter proves to be effective, I'll consider upgrading your treatment level later," Aiden thought for a moment.

"Great! Leave it to me!" Fei suddenly became enthusiastic and clenched her fist.

Veronica looked back and forth between the two of them in daze, not knowing what to say.

This prison really does seem to produce quite a few talents.


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