The War-god of Conquering the Heavens

Chapter 5

C5 – Crown Prince

“Okay,” Wang Yan said with a neutral expression. “We’ve concluded our conversation. I hope we can part ways now without being forced.”

At this moment, Chen Shaofeng was silent, seemingly lost in thought, unable to relate on the same level.

“A pleasant meet-up and an amicable departure? Do you think you’re in a position to state that?”

Regaining his composure, Chen Shaofeng let out a mocking sneer, his eyes turning icy cold.

Concurrently, the vital energy inside him started to flow continuously. An overwhelming force radiated from him, making it hard to breathe.

Chen Liuyuan quickly restrained Chen Shaofeng, helping him regain some semblance of calm.

Simultaneously, with a detached look, Chen Liuyuan directed his gaze at Wang Jianming, warning, “Wang Jianming, you owe me an explanation. Don’t assume I’ll let this slide so easily.”

A powerful presence, characteristic of the Ninth Level of Spiritual Martial Stage, surged from him.

Most of the attendees were mere novices in the Spiritual Martial Stage, with a few not even attaining the Spirit Martial Realm. How could they be a match for Chen Liuyuan?

This overpowering demeanor immediately unsettled everyone present. For Wang Jianming, who was the primary target, the effect was even more pronounced.

“Chen Liuyuan! Chen Shaofeng! It’s wise to know your place. As they say, the informed are the true elite. It’s in our best interest to settle this. Otherwise, even if you’re Chi Yunhou, your fate will be sealed,” Wang Jianming asserted, struggling against the overwhelming pressure.

“Oh? Does this imply that your Wang Family possesses the capability to extinguish this marquis?”

Chen Liuyuan promptly responded with a disdainful laugh, his presence radiating an even more formidable essence.

Being a Chi Yunhou, he embodied the Ninth Level of the Spiritual Martial Stage within him. Whereas Wang Jianming had only attained the initial level of the Spirit realm; defending against him was impossible, not to mention harboring desires to vanquish him.

“Indeed, your power is commendable, but your progeny is the epitome of worthlessness. How dare such a worthless being fancy my daughter? How does he even muster the audacity?” sneered Wang Jianming contemptuously.

Concurrently, he declared, “Know the reality! My daughter is now the chosen companion of King Mua Nan’s son, Lee Junjie. How audacious must you, Chen Liuyuan, be to contest the son of King Mua Nan for her?”

Upon hearing Wang Jianming’s proclamation, the expressions of the bystanders instantly transformed, with Chen Liuyuan’s visage twisting into extreme displeasure.

Was he oblivious to the entity known as King Mua Nan?

He was one of the unique monarchs bearing a distinct surname in the Great Tang Country—a being elevated above the masses yet second to one.

Moreover, King Mua Nan was amongst the sparse entities in the Great Tang Country skilled in the Profound realm.

How could a Chi Yunhou like Chen Liuyuan ever measure up to such an entity?

“Good! Very good! Very good!”

Chen Liuyuan scoffed, his laughter tinged with ire: “Wang Jianming! Do you presume that parading King Mua Nan would deter me from confronting you? Should this marquis desire your demise, none could intercede.”

As he uttered those words, Chen Liuyuan advanced toward Wang Jianming, his visage marred by wrath. His countenance alone conveyed the tempestuous emotions roiling within him.

“Is there truly no savior for him?” “Are you certain of this?”

At that juncture, an unknown voice echoed, and an unfamiliar figure materialized within the residence.

The stranger bore a visage as refined as jade, tall and robust in stature, his ebony tresses tied neatly in a bun, crowned with jade. His regal attire bespoke his elevated status and lineage.

With his entrance, a smile graced Wang Jianming’s lips, while Wang Yan, adjacent to him, unabashedly sought refuge in his arms, a veneer of joy on her face. Yet, anyone observing her could discern the insincerity in her bliss.

“Junjie!” “What brings you here?” Exclaimed a delighted Wang Yan.

“Were I absent, I fear you’d fall prey to the whims of this Chi Yunhou.”

Lee Junjie responded with a warm smile, appreciating Wang Yan’s radiance.

At this, a profound alteration overcame Chen Liuyuan’s expression. Just as he was about to erupt, Chen Shaofeng, with a visage of ice, declared: “It appears you all orchestrated your machinations long before today!”

Wang Yan held her peace, her gaze avoiding Chen Shaofeng. Instead, it was Lee Junjie who, clasping her petite hands, addressed Chen Shaofeng with a smile: “Indubitably! Your folly is your sole culprit.”

Chen Shaofeng refrained from countering. He acquiesced, stating, “Indeed! My folly is irrefutable, irredeemable in its extent, and laden with naivety!”


Chen Shaofeng retorted with a cold chuckle, “All you’ve managed to claim are the scraps I discarded; is that really a cause for celebration?”

Upon hearing his remark, the expressions of Wang Jianming and his daughter shifted immediately, their gazes filled with ire fixated on Chen Shaofeng. Even Lee Junjie, who was previously engaged in laughter and conversation, found his demeanor souring, the joy previously evident on his visage evaporating instantly.

His gaze sharpened, his tone aloof, “One should be cautious with their words. Some individuals are not to be trifled with lightly.”

“Nonetheless, as the words have been uttered, accountability is essential. I’ll afford you three moves, only retaliating after. I will ensure fairness; your fate post those moves, however, hinges on fortune.”

Lee Junjie maintained a relatively steady countenance, but the furrowing of his brows betrayed his simmering rage.

It was understandable; no one would tolerate being dubbed a scavenger. Especially Lee Junjie, the progeny of King Mua Nan, for whom reputation and external perceptions were paramount.

Unsurprisingly, the most dismayed was Wang Yan. She had never anticipated such derogatory remarks from Chen Shaofeng. It contradicted her understanding of him, inducing skepticism and mounting frustration.

Her primary concern, however, revolved around Lee Junjie potentially crediting such statements.

Fortunately, subsequent assertions from Lee Junjie restored her equanimity.

Subsequently, her demeanor morphed into one of cold detachment towards Chen Shaofeng, a semblance of scorn underlying her gaze.

She was well aware of Chen Shaofeng’s limitations, his capabilities not having breached the Nascent Realm; how could he possibly endure an assault from Lee Junjie?

Lee Junjie, possessing the prowess of a third-level Origin realm expert at merely twenty, wielded formidable combat capabilities and was considered among the elite youth of the Great Tang Academy.

This realization filled her with clandestine elation, recognizing the dissolution of the matrimonial pact with Chen Shaofeng as her gateway to becoming Lee Junjie’s partner—a long-cherished aspiration.

“You’d grant me three moves?”

Chen Shaofeng responded with derision, “Your realm may surpass mine, but don’t presume I’m easily belittled. Endeavor to annihilate me, and you’ll incur equivalent repercussions.”

“Really? I’m intrigued to witness the repercussions you conceive I’ll endure.”

Lee Junjie, devoid of expression, persisted in narrowing the distance, his stride steady and his remarks continuous.

Each step manifested a commanding aura, a burgeoning pressure aimed at Chen Shaofeng, encapsulating him in a perceived thousand-kilogram force, impacting his respiration.

Such immense power!

This sensation was not exclusive to Chen Shaofeng; all attendees, Chen Liuyuan included, were equally staggered by the potent aura emitted by Lee Junjie.



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