The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel

Chapter 314: Explaining

Chapter 314: Explaining

(Ryoto's pov)

Package from Karen. I really didn't expect to receive anything from her except maybe some insults.

"Who is it from?" Mikan asked as she looked at me, observing the box.

"An old friend. Let's see what's inside."

I decided to open it. Maybe during our separation, she mellowed down and sent me something nice.

Inside the package, there were three pieces of paper folded in half on top of something that looked like a thick book. The pieces of paper had numbers on them, so I assumed that this was the order in which I was supposed to open them and either read them or see what was inside.

I picked the paper with '1' on it, opened it, and immediately ripped it in half with a straight face, burning it with fire while still holding it.

Mikan raised her eyebrow at my reaction.

"Ryoto, what was that music?"

"Don't worry about it."

I may have kept a straight face, but inside, I was disappointed in myself for falling for a Rick Roll. I am also kind of impressed since it was a piece of paper with a video on it. 

God dammit, Karen.

I took the second piece of paper which this time it was with number 3 on it since I'm 99% sure that number 2 is just another Rick Roll, opened it, ripped it in half again, and destroyed it with fire.

Now I'm starting to get annoyed. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I don't plan on falling for it three times in a row, so I took the last piece of paper and attempted to rip it before I even opened it, but I couldn't do it. 

I was literally not strong enough to tear a mere piece of paper, which raised some questions. The previous two papers were destroyed easily enough, so if this one wasn't, it meant it was important. After all, you can't destroy a key item.

I carefully opened the last piece of paper, but this time, I wasn't met with an image of a famous singer. It was a normal letter, so I started reading it.


Dear Ryoto,

First thing, Ha! I bet you fell for these 2 Rick Rolls. You can't beat a classic, can you? Suckers gonna suck, and you, my dear, are an elite sucker in front of me.

But enough of your naivety, and let's talk about what this all is about. 

Unfortunately, as you probably have already noticed, you won't get missions for some time.

You'll live. You survived Ywhach, and you'll survive anything these words throw at you... probably. I think I just jinxed you. 

Oh well. Whatever happens, happens.

Now, into what's in the box. I'm sure you are wondering what it is or what is inside. I know that you love Rick Astley, so it's a photo album of his whole life.

Just kidding! But can you imagine if I did that? I was tempted to do it—really tempted—but my willpower won this time around, and I did something different.

You see, you were gone for some time, and it made me feel bored, and me being bored is never a good thing, so I volunteered yourself as my entertainment for the time being. 

It's not stalking if I did that before as a work! And I mentioned it just because I know you were thinking about it!

Back on topic. 

I was somehow truthful before because this book is a photo album. Just not Rick Astley's. It's many different photos of your time in Soul Society. I know that you are a sentimental little shit, and I was worried that you would cry yourself to death otherwise. So you better be thankful!

There is also a pen drive if you want a digital version of the photos. Aren't I just the most considerate person you have ever met?

Call me St. Nicholas because I just keep on giving!

Well, I don't think I have anything else to say so I guess, see you later.


Huh... I couldn't stop my mouth from forming a smile after I finished reading Karen's letter. There were many moments when I would have liked to take a photo, but cameras weren't invented just yet.

"So... what is it?" Mikan couldn't stop her curiosity as she asked me about the content of the package.

"Did I explain to you how Lala and I know Rio and Kaede?"

I started answering with a question, and Mikan, despite not knowing where I was going with this, answered me almost immediately.

"You didn't go into details, but in short, the multiverse is real, and you were transported to another world for one reason or another. Did you already forget what you told me just a few days ago? I didn't think you were old enough to worry about dementia." 

The last bit was said with a smirk, but she didn't know how close she was to the truth. 

Few days ago? It's as if jokes write themselves.

"So now that we established that I travelled to a different world once before, I'm going to tell you that it happened again, and this here-" I picked the album. "-is a photo album of my time there."

My little sister didn't have a big reaction to my revelation.

"And you may wonder how long I was out there if the album is so thick. The answer to this question is 270 years."

Her eyes went wide, and she stopped eating her popsicle as she looked me in the eyes. She didn't have any reasons to doubt me, and I wouldn't joke about something like that with a serious expression. My previous actions made more sense in retrospect—why I acted so emotionally and why I had problems in the kitchen. 

"Ryoto... are you alright?" 

That was the first question she asked after hearing that I had been gone for almost three centuries, and it really warmed my heart.

I smiled and put my hand on her head once more.

"I am now. Let's go through all these photos when everyone comes back. There are even a few stories I can share."

And so we waited. In the meantime, I played with Utsu, watched the penguins do their things, and went to my room to refresh my memories.

Suddenly, I heard doors opening loudly as if they were opened in a hurry.


Rio and Kaede rushed into the house, and behind them, Nagisa and Karma.

"Is everything alright? We got a message from Ritsu that an emergency occurred, and you went home earlier. Are you feeling sick? Did something happen?"

It seems Ritsu didn't go into details when she passed my message.

"Something kind of happened. I'll explain everything when Rito comes back. I don't want to repeat myself too much."

Their worries were still visible, but they didn't push me for answers.

(Rin's pov)

The whole day was confusing, to say the least. Being back here in Sainan Town was like a dream, even though Ryoto promised me that we would come back someday, and I know how he is with promises.

After setting a time for an examination with Mikado-sensei, I returned to Saki...-sama and Aya's side. It still feels strange to be under someone weaker than me. For the longest time, my superiors were all stronger than I was. Be it Ryoto, when he was Captain of Squad 7, or when I was promoted, there was still Captain Commander up there. Saki...-sama is someone who is important to me. My whole existence before my time in Soul Society was dedicated to her... but things have changed... I have changed.

I also used a Kido so my eyes looked their original colour. It's nothing too impressive but it works as intended.

"Rin, is everything alright?"

I was broken out of my thoughts by Saki, who looked worried.

"There's nothing to worry about, Saki-sama." I was glad I remembered to call Saki, Saki-sama, and I even did it without an awkward pause.

"I'm not convinced, Rin. You were absent-minded after you came from spying on Ryoto-sama. You didn't even react when the teacher called you."

He called me by my old surname, Kujo, and I haven't used it for a long time—I think it's ~200 years. I don't remember the exact date I asked Ryoto if I could use Yuuki as my new surname. It feels like I have been called Rin Yuuki my whole life.

"Both of you don't need to worry. I have a few things in my mind. That's all."

I don't like lying to my first-ever friends, but it wasn't exactly a lie. I had a lot on my mind, but the severity of this fact will certainly be underestimated.


We went back to Saki's villa. I then realized that I didn't think of it as my home anymore. Home is where the heart is, and my heart is with Ryoto and our small, big, strange family. I'm already missing our children. I hope they eat enough and stay out of trouble.

We were about to eat dinner, and by habit, I went to the kitchen to start preparing meals for everyone until I saw the chef. I quickly backed away and waited patiently for food to arrive.

I'm not used to living rich like that. After we joined Gotei 13, we started getting paid, but we still lived modestly. Even after, we all lived together in a house big enough to fit all of us. We had everything we needed and sometimes a bit more, but it was mostly for children.

During the dinner, I didn't talk much, but Saki did, and it was mostly about Ryoto. 

To be young and in love—what a refreshing thing to see. In the meantime, I noticed that Aya hadn't finished her veggies, so I reminded her to eat them.

"Aya, don't leave any food on your plate. Wasting food is unacceptable."

I may have said it with more edge than I intended, but in my defense, it's one of the worst things one can do outside of the battlefield, at least in my opinion.

Aya and Saki were surprised at me. I think I wasn't one to care about things like that before, but living in the slums does make you appreciate any and all food. I was barely hungry thanks to Ryoto and his stealing, but when he returned injured and went into a coma, I was forced to do what he did, and it wasn't easy.

Aya thankfully started eating her greens, but she muttered something about me acting like her mom. 

Realization hit me.

Oh my God... I'm old enough to be at least their great great great grandmother, although I act more like a mother since I never became a grandmother, even though I wouldn't mind some grandchildren to spoil. 

After dinner, I suddenly felt the need to call my father. It wasn't because of my emotions, however. I felt Ryoto being emotional, and it was connected to his family. These feelings were powerful, and because I could feel them despite how well Ryoto was at hiding and controlling them, it meant they were powerful.

My relationship with my father is complicated or business-like if I'm forced to be more specific. He is the head butler of the Tenjouin household and is loyal to Saki's father, just as I was loyal to Saki.

Talking to my father, who was, in fact, younger than me, was an interesting experience, and in the end, I was happy that I did it. 

Then, I again realized something I didn't think I wanted to notice. My father tends to have his eyes closed, just like Ryoto does. 

Do I have Daddy issues, and I'm somehow comparing how Ryoto looks with how my father looks? I heard that women are likely to choose a husband who is similar to their father, just like men tend to choose a wife who is similar to their mother. The human mind is strange like that.

Suddenly, I'm happy that Yoruichi isn't here to notice that. She wouldn't let me forget that small detail.

All of a sudden, I felt Ryoto wanting to see me. It wasn't longing because of loneliness or anything like that, but it piqued my interest. Not to mention that it gave me an excuse to see him, not that I needed any.

I opened a window from my room and used Shunpo in the direction of Ryoto.

(Ryoto's pov)

Rito soon came home, and first I did was to hug him which flustered my younger brother. We then ate dinner together. Apparently, it was Mikan's turn to cook, but I'm sure it was just an excuse to let me relax a bit after she learned how long I had been in another world. Not that I remember if she was lying or not.

Then, I gathered everyone in the living room. I let my feeling of wanting Rin to come here out, and moments later, I heard the doorbell ringing. Everyone was confused because we weren't expecting anyone—everyone except me, of course.

"I think you got slower, Rin. Yoruichi would be so disappointed." I jokingly remarked, at which Rin rolled her beautiful eyes.

"Using Shunpo in this body was more challenging than I thought, but I got the hang of it halfway here." She explained herself and then addressed the elephant in the room. "What happened? I wasn't expecting us to meet up before our examination."

"I got a present from an old friend. I thought you would enjoy it as well. What do you think about having a showcase of photos of our time in Soul Society?" I smirked as I saw a shock on Rin's face. She wasn't expecting it, and to be fair, neither was I.

I welcomed her home, and now that I think about it, it should have been the first time she came here.

We entered the living room, where everyone was, and I stood in front of them together with Rin. I coughed to make everyone silent, and now that I had their attention, I began explaining.

"I know that everyone is wondering what was going on with me today, and now I'm going to clarify everything. First of all to get everyone on the same page. I'm a world traveller. It happens sometimes, and every time it happens, time stops, and I return at the exact moment I left, no matter how long I stayed there. Be it a week, a month, a year, or even a hundred years. And this time, I was gone for 270 years, and Rin here next to me was there with me."

"W-w-wait, Nii-san. What are you saying!?" Rito exclaimed, and he wasn't alone. Everyone who hadn't heard of my recent adventure was just as surprised, although Karma was the only one who hid it well, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Hooo~ Almost three centuries, and you still look the same, but I can guess it has to do with multi-world travel. How you survived all these years is a better question. It's beyond human lifespan."

"Great question, Karma-kun, and the answer is fairly simple. We were technically dead. We were in a world called Soul Society, which is a world after death, and we became Shinigami there. And before anyone asks for proof, I have two. 

Proof number 1 or rather Bakudo #1 Sai." 

I pointed with my index and middle fingers at Karma as I used Kido, and suddenly, the red-haired teen unwillingly brought his arms together behind his back and fell to the ground.


The wave of shock spread through everyone as Karma suddenly lost control of his body. Nagisa who was the closest to his best friend started checking on him the moment he noticed something was wrong but the attention shifted from Karma to me once again when I started explaining what I just did.

"What I just used is Kido. You can think of it as a spell that uses Reiryoku, which you can think of as Soul energy. This particular Kido is harmless and just restricts your movements, meaning that I can do this."

I took out a lollipop and forced it into his mouth. Next, I brought a marker and drew a mustache on him. Karma couldn't do anything as I finished my masterpiece. My action had a second purpose. It also calmed everyone in the room seeing that I was just messing around and it wasn't anything dangerous.

"You see, as I just demonstrated, I can use Kido. This one is the weakest and easiest of the bunch. I'm not very talented in them, but as you can see, I can still use them."

I deactivated Kido on Karma, and he immediately spit out the lollipop and started wiping the marker off his face with a dangerous glare and smile. He still hadn't learned how to treat lollipops with respect. I'll need to teach him about that in the future.

"And what is the second proof?" He asked as he stood up while glaring at me, probably thinking about revenge.

"Glad you asked my young assistant. Rin, let's show them our partners." 

Of course, Rin understood what I meant, but not anyone else in the room. Both of us put our hands in front of and summoned our Zanpakuto.

"This is Zanpakuto, and every Shinigami has it. It allows us to purify spirits and send them to Soul Society. I'm not sure if this function still works since we are in a different world, but besides that, it also has different abilities depending on the user."

I saw a few heads nodding as they were following mine explanation.

Then we followed it by releasing Shikai, and our blades changed their shapes which to be fair caused much more uproar. While Rin's Zanpakuto didn't change much mine did.

"This is called Shikai, and it's a released form of our Zanpakuto. In it, the swords often change their shapes and sometimes gain abilities."

Rin then continued my explanation.

"My Zanpakuto, Tsunagari, can connect two things with each other. For example, if I cut a rock and then your arm, they will be connected in some way or another. In this example, I usually connect their weight so that the arm or any other body part feels heavier. There is one more form above Shikai, but it's better not to show it. They are our trump cards and are incredibly powerful. Ryoto could probably cut this city in half if he wanted by using Bankai."

I could probably do it in Shikai, but I'm not going to mention it as I saw everyone except Lala to widen their eyes. Lala was more excited more than anything.

Rin demonstrated Tsunagari's ability to showcase her power and that she is telling the truth. She didn't do anything flashy, but it was enough to convince everyone. Everyone who was part of class 3-E had more calm reaction thanks to all crazy things we went through with Koro-sensei. Lala was very curious about the ability and I bet she will built a machine that does something similar. I doubt that she will ever succeed in making something as powerful as Tsunagari but as long as she has fun doing that who I am to stop her. Rito was the most shaken but that's who he is as a person. Mikan despite her maturity was having a blast seeing the supernatural abilities. She wasn't that impressed when she saw my fights before. I don't get young people.

"Now that we have some background on our situation, let me finally share why I gathered you all here. It was partially because I wanted to share what happened to Rin and me, but I also stumbled upon something interesting." I displayed the album I got from Karen. This is a photo album of Rin and my adventures there, so how about we look through them together as Rin and I explain the details surrounding them?"

So I sat in the center after they made space for me and opened the album to see the first photo.



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