The Wandering Inn

Book 9: Chapter 42: E

Book 9: Chapter 42: E

A week passed in the winter like a flurry of snow.

Ser Normen and the Order of the Solstice, the downfall of Elia Arcsinger, Halrac the Grim. These things took Izril by stormthen the continent was busy talking about a duel between two caravans from the House of El and the City of Zeres that ended in blood.

The echoes persisted, especially around the Liscor-Invrisil-Pallass-Celum region where each city now often echoed each other when news occurred.

Someone else who persisted was Seve-Alrelious, who didnt run off to his next job right away, but enjoyed over a week in The Wandering Inn.

It must be said, he wanted for very little. His friends, the myriad species, were given free rein of the inn, and it was therefore a joy for them to fly around and allow people to pet or feed them, and Erek, the Orangutan, happily enjoyed all the inns amenities.

Indeed, the worst incident was Reagen, the young cat, trying to assert dominance on Kithru, the magical tomcat, who sent him packing fast, especially because Kithru felt no pain from the other cats claws.

Seve made it up to the outraged Numbtongue by talking about the amazing guitarist in the Jungleclad tribe, recounting his own encounters with famous [Bards] like Barelle, and later, hinting about the Goblins hed met at sea.

But he was still the backdrop to the fact that Elia Arcsinger had apparently been checked into Tenbault and the Healer of Tenbault herself was taking over her difficult recovery. Her team, Arcsingers Bows, hadnt disbandedbut three members had quit, one was dead, the other two were in shock, and their reputation was in tatters.

The Order of the Solstice, for their part, were new celebrities but awkward with it. Normen, the burnt [Knight], was a Grandmaster of his Order. They had no base and no armory, but they had a thousand applicants and several [Knights], new and old.

A week to mourn Zanzes passing. A week for Laken to rebuff any visitors onto his land and post real guards around Erins doorand to warn any trespassers onto his lands there would be consequences.

A week closer to the Winter Solstice. But only a few people were thinking about that in dire terms. And because she was with her friends and ready-ishRyoka Griffin only had four panic attacks. That was just one every two days.

Whew. Life was good.

What wasnt good was the damn weather. The winter was at its zenith now, and everyone was shut indoors. The blizzard that had made Normens first adventure so difficult? The weather wasnt as bad as that daybut roughly as much snow fell over the week as it had during the blizzard.

It was more than Liscor got normally, and the citizens in the city grew used to Antinium crews shoveling the snow out. Even the most anti-Antinium sentiment went a bit silent when you saw them removing literal tons of snow from the streets you werent going to damn well shovel.

However, why was there so much snow? Wellit was, as ever, Ryoka Griffins fault. Or rather, a number of pesty blue faeries who kept returning from far and wide to the one inn in the world without iron nails that had food for free.

So it was Erins fault.

Hey, I just got back from dropping snow on Baleros! Twas a lot of it. I hit five herds of Centaurs.

Didnt it melt?

A pair of Frost Faeries met, blowing in from different directions at incredible speed. The first shrugged.

Pshaw, so? It was snow! Whered you go?

South! To yon Minotaurs. Not a proper maze in sight, but I got their entire island.

You idiots!

The two faeries did a double-take as a furious, green faerie shot towards them. Both groaned.

Oh, heres high-and-mighty Shaestrel. You done teaching your precious Human how to pick her nose?

Wipe her ass?

Seduce a Unicorn?

Hah, thats not hard. She doesnt even need to be breathing for that.

The two faeries high-fived and laughed bawdily as they insulted Unicorns as a species. Shaestrel just pointed back the way theyd come.

What is that?

One looked over her shoulder with a sigh. A vortex of frozen crystals, wind, and, yes, snow was coming from the west, a literal stormfront moving at dozens of miles per hour. Below, the [Guards] on the wall were groaning, and some were shaking their fists up at the air. But the Frost Faerie just picked at one nose without concern.

What? That? Oh, thats just some snow and wind. Dont worry about it.

Stop bringing it here! Its been snowing like an Ice Giant taking a dump the last week!

Pshaw. Its not that bhm. Was that farm buried last time we were here?

The Winter Fae considered the scene below them and looked a tiny bit guilty. They were arguing over whose fault it was when a third Frost Faerie came screeching southwards.

Hey! I finished in the north! There was too much snow in that icy region, so I felt bad and brought it here.

Shaestrel slapped a hand to her face.

Snow. It made going out not just unfun, even if you liked the cold and could stand it for a romp for a few days, but intolerable.

It wasnt even the snow, honestly. It was the damn cold and wind that froze you to the bone. Mrsha herself ran out into the snow one time to play with Ekirra and Visma, and the miserable trio came knocking on The Wandering Inns door eleven minutes later, begging for a warm drink.

The wonders of winter snow were over. The waiting for the thaw had begun already.

In truth, it did give the Order of Solstice some time to process what had happened. Jewel was tired of telling her teammates, Toimt and Hilten, why shed chosen to vaporize a fellow Gold-rank adventurer.

They got that hed murdered Zanze, but both said quite plainly they feared they might never get work as adventurers again in some circles. And if she was a [Knight], would they be doing charity? They werent [Knights].

You dont have to be. Im working for Erin, and itll be lucrative. Weve leveled, guys.

Yeah, but we havent been paid. Levels are half of what we want.

Hilten pointed out, and Jewel exhaled.

Listen. This is a huge opportunity.

For you. Nevermind. If you get armor, try to squeeze in some Demas Metal for us, huh?

Both stood up and huffed off to Invrisil, and Jewel exhaled. She still remembered the moment when shed thrown the acid jar.

She didntno, she regretted having to kill that idiot, but she both wished she hadnt had to and wished shed done it sooner. If so, Zanze might be alive.

It was wrong to call it a Wandering Inn classic because that trivialized the moment. It was fairer to say that this feeling of uncertainty, of loss and triumph and change, was what Erins inn was becoming known for.

So perhaps it was more that Erins regulars kept waiting for something they were certain she was working on. Somethingexpected, because the [Innkeeper] had been talking to Vess, Jewel, Durene, Ama, and the others to see how they were doing.

But she hadnt addressed the matter fully, or thrown a party or a sad not-party. Everyone was an adult. Perhaps they didnt need parties to reflect on death and duty.

Erin Solstice was suspiciously absent from a lot of the inn during the intervening week. And every time she rolled through the main room, people would stare at her with narrowed eyes.

Hey, guys, hey, Menolit. Hows the business? Closed because of the snow?

Erin. We actually still offer winter survival.

Really? Any takers?

Menolit shrugged.

Sure, for the trophies. Even a crazy [Lady] and Magus Grimalkin have expressed an interest.


Mhm. Should I clear my schedule tonight?

Erin paused as she rolled across the inn. She turned, and Menolit raised a fork with a bit of crispy potato on the end and gave her a long look.

Why would you do that?

Oh, just asking. So not tonight?

Iwouldnt know anything about that.

So tonight? See here, Erin, Ive got to deliver some Sages Grass to Wales, and Ive been putting it off because I cant tell when I should be here.

Wailant interrupted noisily, and the [Farmer] turned from his table where he was having the same beer hed been having all day while reading a book. Erin scowled about.

What are you all expecting? I dont haveif I was

She tried to look innocent, and half the patrons in her inn just stared at her. Menolit folded his arms.


Erin slowly rolled backwards towards a door in the wall. She tried to laugh.

Youre all crazy. Nuts. Tonight. Psh. Why would tonight be so cool you have toits probably midmorning. If anything was going on. And its a long thing, but you have no clue.

She gave them all an irritated look as she rolled through into her garden, then began screaming.

Aaah! Hills! Out of the way, Apistaaaaa

Her wheelchair shot out of view, and no one laughed. Someone, Drassi, took a long sip from her parfait shed brought from Barehoof Kitchens.

She pulled that gag already. Do you think shes running out of random distractions or is she giving up?

Erin Solstice reappeared, scowling, out of the kitchen and gave Drassi the stink-eye. Then she rolled away.

Calescent! You got a moment to work on something? Since these jerks apparently want to put me on a time-table

Unbelievable. Erin Solstice asked the Goblin to show her all the fruits and fresh stuff they had in storage, and then she eyed the bowls she had.

Too bad we dont have a mixer. Youll have to do it by hand.

Nah. Palt showed me new trick for his parfaits.

But not the recipes? Theyre killing us in Liscor! Imani, that traitor! Well, well get them today.

Erin punched a hand into her palm, and Calescent shrugged. He pointed to a glass jar.

Palt has a cooking spell. [Razor Whirlwind]! Only teensy. Dices up things very nice. I want that spell. Could be good for cooking and battle.

The use of Tier 4 magic for cooking tickled Erin immensely, and she smiled.

Well, I think were ready. Its great we have preservation, and Oteslias got so much fruit, by the way. Can I get a peach-mango slushie? Its hot.

She waved at herself, and Calescent, who, despite the kitchen, had a layer of padding on, gave Erin a long look. He obligingly went to a window and hauled a bucket in, and the gust of freezing air made Erin shiver. Calescent mixed some snow into a cup as he began to dice mangos.

So lots of work later?

Sure! But if you prep, I think you can take time off. Say, why do all those jerks in thereyeah, I know youre listening, thats what I saidknow somethings up? I thought I was being stealthy.

Erin looked put-out as she shook a fist out her kitchen and got a series of catcalls. Calescent just stared at Erin for a long moment.

Put aside the fact that people knew Erin. Or that she was conspicuously absent at times. Normally, she was always around when healing or her presence was needed. And ignore that Erin was cheery despite the freeze-your-genitalia weather out there.

She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Indoors, and for all there were two fireplaces going full-roar, the inn was cold. Erin kept asking for smoothies, and shed had Calescent buy up as much fresh fruit as he could and taught him how to make the icy drinks. Shed asked for roasted cornwhich, fair, was warmingbut also a lot of seafood dishes.

Oh, and one last thing. Calescent slowly held up a knife and angled it. Erin stared at her reflection in the mirror finish of the cutting blade.


Yeah. You need more mirrors in your life.

Erin Solstice checked her skin and blushed as she realized the obvious bit.

I didnt realize it was so noticeable! It was the last day or two.

She was getting tanned.

Octavia Cotton had no idea what Erin was up to, but she thought it was silly.

She was mixing a bunch of experimental oils together and grumbling when Rhaldon walked in with a delivery.

This is so stupid. Rhaldon, did you get my stuff? Youre a lifesaver!

Right on cue. Lots of Eir Kelp. Everyone wants it. But this bunch is contaminated.

What does that mean? I guess Master Saliss will look at it. Put it there and Ill get it to him, will you? Hey, do you want more lessons in alchemy? I have a spare day.

The Stitch-girl gave him a huge smile, and the [Wagon Driver] noticed he was tracking snow in. He was embarrassed, but Octavia waved it away.

Leave it, leave it. My best delivery-driver can track all the snow in. Numbtongue and Reagen do it anyways

What are you making?

Octavia was pouring a bunch of liquids together, not heating them up much, but making a series of test-vials. Then she was smearing them on her arm with a grimace and sniffing at the result.

I have no idea. Stupid Human stuff. Sorry, but it is. I get Erin needs a new batch today, but really? Im making sun screen.

Rhaldon began grinning, and Octavia waved her arm at him.

Listen, I dont often think fleshy people are worsebut you get it, right?

She gestured at his dark skin and then at her arm, which was fair-skinned and currently smeared with eight different samples of various gels, one of which was pink and goopy, another a greasy smear, a third red

She wants a bucketload and cheap, and I just wish she could replace her skin if it gets burnt. I had to buy an entirely new arm, but thankfully there was one in the bargain bin.

The Stitch-girl really didnt respect sunburns, especially as a species that was used to dry Chandrar and could change her skin to whatever she wanted. Rhaldon, though, knew exactly how much it could hurt and bent over her pots.

Whats the recipe, if you dont mind me asking?

I dont know. For once, Master Saliss was no help. He just laughed at me and told me that Drakes get peeling scales and sunburnbut he doesnt do cosmetics as much. And Xif is furry, so he doesnt really care either. I thought about buying a recipe from the Alchemists Guild in Pallass, but I might have to reach out to Invrisil if I cant whip something up. I hate wasting money, though. Anyways, I was going to hold this under a [Harsh Light] spell and see how much it hurts after ten minutes.

Rhaldon could actually do Octavia better, and as he carefully put down the first crate, he coughed.

Olive oil, rice bran, and, uh, jasmine.

Say what now?

Octavias head came up, and the chemist shrugged.

I heard thats what older civilizations used. Thats cheap enough, right?

Olive oil, rice branjasmine?

Octavias eyes lit up. She looked around, then set up another pot.

If thats true, Ill double your tip! Thanks! You sure do know a lot about my work. I guess thats why you can deliver stuff. You sure you dont want to try your hand at alchemy for real?

Rhaldon was double-checking all the boxes were there and counting up how much hed get paid for this job. He hesitated.

Not yet. Notyet. But soon. If you can give me a few more lessons or let me watch you make stuff, I think Id be willing to give it a try. Ive got to go to the Drivers Guild, though.

Thank you. Wait! The tip!

Octavia rushed around, and then, as she counted coins into his palm and he was walking off, it only occurred to Rhaldon to poke his head back into Stitchworks and ask.

Why do you need sunscreen?

Erin Solstice was a homebody. She had travelled, but adventure seemed to always find her when she left her inn, and she wanted to go placesbut sometimes you had to make good things come to you.

The magic door was an example of that. Yet, even the door could not take her to warm places so easily.

Sometimes, you had to think outside the box. Or outside the garden. Or inside another garden.

She lay half-upright in a long, slanted chair with some fabric stretched to form a canvas shell for her.

It was a beach chair, the kind that had stilted feet so they wouldnt rock in the sand, and it had come from the Unseen Empire. Durene was spending more time in her inn, and Laken had grudgingly turned over his best [Carpenter] to her on a rush job.

It was a nice feeling, lying back with a warm breeze on your face. The sun was very warm. Bright. But perhaps

A beach could be too hot, you know. Then the sand was uncomfortable, but there was something to the heat that forced you into shade or made you dance your way into the cooler sand at the waters edge. Erin hmmed loudly.

More sun.

Her skin felt warmer in seconds. Erin shaded her face and looked up.

Gah, thats bright! Less light, a touch more heat. Ooh, yeah.

That felt like a bake. Erin lay back down and nodded to herself.

Yup. Yup. Okay, were almost good on lighting. NowI think we need a dune right here. Then it slopes downwards so you run into the water there. And Im saying salt-water. Okay? If thats possible. Not chilly. Warm. But not too warm! The kind of tepid-warm you get from cool water being warmed by the sun. And chilly at the bottom the further in you go, along the edges of the dome. I need seaweed or something. Maybe I should throw some in? Oh, and the sands great, but I need seashells. Maybe I can hire someone to get me some rocks to mix in.

She spoke out loud, eyes closed as she lay in the sun, and yet, the world was changing around her. Erin cracked one eye open and nodded.

Yeah, thats good stuff. Whoa!

The ground rose above her, and she nearly went tumbling down the hill. Erin caught herself, looked down, and shouted.

Stop, stop! Too much dune! Give me half that!

The ground moved down obligingly, and Erin wiped at her forehead.

Jeeze. This place is too reactive. Id better disable anyone else changing stuff, and Id better not say firestorm agaaaah!

She left the beach chair and charged into the water below so fast that even the old Erin would have been impressed. But panic did that to you. Erin poked her head out of the water and screamed.

No fire! Never fire!

Above her, the whirling mass of flames went out. Erin stared up at the ceiling. She paddled to shore and lay there a second, panting.


One crashed over her, and Erin Solstice swore in the second before it tossed her down her beach.

This Garden of Sanctuary was not always a beach. In fact, it had taken ages of work to figure out how to get multiple features even remotely resembling something like this.

When Erin had first rolled into the room, shed thought there was a mistake. Shed asked for a sunny, warm room, and expected either the arid, aerial Garudas garden or somewhere else.

Not a blank, white room with nothing in it. Erin had found what looked like several ancient wands, magic long-spent, a quill and paper, and other supplies, but the room had been disappointingly barren. But she had recognized the symbol of Wistram and guessed that this had been the room of a [Mage].

It had only needed a bit of experimentation for Erin to find that the owner of this room had taken full advantage of the Garden of Sanctuarys power: the ability to conjure things like rain, light, and so on.

In this case, all the terrain, buildings, and everything else seemed to have been converted into one feature.

Elemental creation.

Flame. Water. Earth!

It wasnt as cool as it sounded. Erin could demand a blazing fire and it would appear, but the room had limits. She could ask for a gale and get one, but it felt like a magical version of the Strongest of Pomles training room.

She wondered if this was really a sanctuary for whichever [Mage], probably an [Elementalist], had owned this place. Maybe there was something she was missing?

Anyways, Erin had had the brilliant idea to convert it to a beach at once.

Implementing it had taken a week. For one thing, the earth that this garden summoned was terrible stuff and vanished. The sunlight was blinding, and Erin had to tune everything very carefully until she had a picture of a beach in her mind.

The sand she had literally imported into the room by making some of her inns staff shovel it in from other gardens and sieving it out. She felt a bit bad about that, but the sand didnt have to be deep.

The end result? She finally had her beach done, and Erin wiped her forehead.

Im so smart.

She puffed out her chest as she regarded her handiwork. Erin had never felt happier about a Garden of Sanctuary project yet. She admired everything for five whole minutes until she got bored. After all, this hard work wasnt for her.

Sand clung to her pants as Erin tromped over to a door waiting for her. She walked through it and into the common room of her inn. She had tanned skin, and she looked a bit sweaty, but the chairs were set up, the water had two bags of salt poured into it, and Calescent had more smoothies than he could count. Erin walked through the door and beamed as she put her hands together.

Ladies. Gentlemen. Knights. I bet youve been wondering why I called you here.

A crowded common room was waiting for her, half of them cold or wet. A scowling [Emperor] was shivering by a fire as Durene looked up with a huge smile on her face. Normen, Jewel, Vess, Ama, sitting together, glanced up from a hand of cards.

Halrac eyed Erins tanned skin and blinked. He hadnt seen her for a bithed been the talk of Riverfarm and Invrisil and everywhere hed gone.

Ooh. Nice skin tone, Erin. Humans never experiment, usually.

Revi called out. Mrsha rubbed her paws together, and Nanette, playing with one of her Stones of the Elements, looked up excitedly.

Oh, Erin, dont keep us in suspense.

Lyonette was sheerly exasperated as she hadnt been allowed to see the project. Only the Goblins and Antinium staff had been allowed in, and they were surprisingly tight-lipped. Although, Rosencrantz and Peggy both had straw hats on.

Ive called you all here because I think were all tired of the snow. And because so much has happenedwe need a break. Like last time. Only, this time its not just for me. So, Ive put together something for you all, and I hope you enjoy. Itll just be the regulars for now. Im not sure about the others. But I will take guesses on what you think it is!

Relc was rubbing his hands together as he and Klbkch sat together.

Klb, buddy, its like the old days.

No, that would be Skinner. This is the new days.

Good point, good point.

Any takers?

Visma waved her claw excitedly.

Is it a Sand Golem army?


Is itsomething hot?

Ekirra was next as Menolit made impatient sounds. Wailant stomped in, shaking snow off and shouting.

Im not late, am I? Whats going on? Ill have four!

Viceria and Garia followed him in, looking embarrassed, and Erin beamed wider.

Nope. Youre just in time, Wailant. Any guesses? Come on

Its a beach. Shes made a beachfront, and its doubtless pleasant. Hence the drinks. Someone call for Rufelt and have him set up a bar. Ill do my work there, and damn the heating stones in my office.

A sour voice called out, and Erins face fell.


Everyones head turned as Erin scowled. Chaldion of Pallass was wrapped up in a massive fur coat, looking sardonic. Kevin sat up with a huge grin, while Mrsha, Lyonette, and several others gave Erin a puzzled look.

You asked me to guess. It wasnt very hard.

Youre not supposed to get it right. I was gonnathe door appears and

Erin gestured, and the door swung open in front of everyone. Light, glorious and bright, shone through, and Selys gasped as the winter gloom of outside turned into pleasant heat on her scales. There was sand inside! And waves, rolling from the edges of the domed room, and chairs and

Now, itll be open all day, and I dont want random people. No littering, and I can change the waves, but theres just the beach and water. I would have done palm trees if I could b


Erins lecture about beach-etiquette was lost. Nanette, Mrsha, Visma, and Ekirra charged through the door so fast that Visma plowed face-first into the sand, and Mrsha went tumbling down the decent hill. Ekirra leapt into the water with a splash and shouted.

Its so nice! This is the greatest day ever!

Wait! Theres

Relc leapt through the doorway, pumping his fists in the air.

Alright! Beach! What do you do here?

Joseph was a step behind him and grabbed two non-alcoholic smoothies. He pointed to a chair, handed Relc and Klbkch a smoothie complete with a wood straw, and walked into the hot sands. Therehe stood a second, sighing, and then ripped off his coat, shirt, and sat down in a chair.

Fuck. Its so warm and nice.

He lay there, then lazily lifted a straw to his mouth and sipped the sweet orange smoothie. Relc stared at him and then took off his coat. He stood there, arms stretched in the sun.

Ancestors. Eight hours of patrolling in the snow. This is my reward.

He fell face-first into the sands and lay there like a corpse. Klbkch removed his coat as well and peered around.

Fascinating. This must be another kind of garden. The sunlight is very pleasant on my shell. Relaxation seems to be what you do here?

He took off his winter clothes as people flooded into the room after him. But Joseph and Relc began screaming at him as soon as Klbkch took off his leggings and loincloth.

Put it back on! Put it back on!

You have your chests bare.

Totally different!

The Antinium sighed loudly, but the heat in the beach-garden was such that even if you were chilled from outside, the coats went flying off.

However, not everyone was at home with even partial nudity, which was why an exasperated Erin went stomping in after everyone.

Excuse me, guys. This is what the changing room is for. I planned it out! I even have beachwear! Well, sorta.

It was mostly just trunks or handy notes and crude drawings of what appropriate beachwear consisted of. The guests clustered around, seeking clarification, and Erin realized, to her surprise, that most of them didnt actually know what the beach was.

Its so sandy, Erin. So these things are all over the coast? Uncle Zel and Tekshia told me Chandrars mostly sand, but these are fun because

The waves. You go surfing, snorkelingyouve never been to a beach, Selys?

The [Heiress] propped her hands on her hips, blushing as Erin laughed.

Some of us havent gone to a coast, no. Thanks for shaming me. In fact, Id wager most of us dont know what a beach is like.

Oh, come on. Relc, youve been beach-going, right?

The Drake looked around blankly.

Ive fought on this stuff. I hate fighting on sand. And sure, we jumped in the ocean to wash off all the blood, but

Okay. Halrac.

I have no idea whats going on, but can I bring some people from Riverfarm? Pebblesnatch, Master HelmBriganda and Cade, though hell probably have to stay away from the water.

Erins face fell as Halrac lifted a hand. She turned.


The Stitch-girl was peering around the beach-garden, smiling.

Its as warm as home! And youre getting nothing from me, Erin. Im made of cloth. I have stitches. Stitches. Cloth. How much swimming do you think I enjoy doing for fun? Hey, Octavia, is that oil for my stitches?

Nope! Sunscreen! Only one silver a pot! Im kidding, Erin. But if you had told me we were swimminglets get some spare thread and oil it up, Revi.

Erin gobbled as she looked around for anyone who knew the great art of beaches. But no one did! Not Mrsha, who raced around in the sand then complained it was in her fur. Not the Drakes. They got the idea, but there were in fact only a few people who understood what this was.

Kevin, and Joseph raced around the beach in delight. Kevin especially, but he rounded on Erin.

Dude. Erin.

Dude yourself, Kevin. Youve gotta be on my side. California has tons of beaches, and you were a surfer-bike-skateboard dude, right?

She wondered why he was so upset. Kevin scrubbed at his hair with grease-stained fingers. Kevin had a wild-eyed gaze of delight and exasperation on his face. But he grabbed her shoulder.

Erin. You didnt tell me. Of course, I know beaches. But if I had knownId have made a surfboard!

He shook her as she gave him a blank stare.

Theres not that much room in the garden. Plus, I hate surfing. Boogie-boards are cooler.

He stepped back and gave Erin such a disbelieving look that she floundered.

Well, I cant surf.

You and I are now feuding. Laken, back me up!

I hate sand. I cant tell where I am on beaches. But this is nice. Durene, get me a flag. Ill claim this beach for the Unseen Empire.

The [Emperor] headed into the garden as Erin shook her fist at him, but Durene grabbed her hand in delight.

Erin, this is amazing! Dont mind Laken, hes just grumpy because he doesnt have a magic garden.

She headed in, and people got the allure, but againthey had to be shown what to do.

The three most experienced beachers were all people who knew the sea and therefore, what to do. In fact, each one was an iconic member of beach culture.

Wailant charged forth, practically telling Viceria to take it all off, and tossed Ekirra and Mrsha into the waves.

You lot dont know beaches? Well, lets build a fort out of this sand! You stand in it and pelt any bastards with mudballsand bury fake treasure chests! [Storm Sailors] know how to have fun! Get the drinks out!

Treasure, you say?

Mrsha and the children appeared, and Wailant laughed. He waggled a finger.

Fake ones with traps inside, obviously. Then you hide and wait for a bugger to dig them up. Hey, [Pirate]. You seeing this?

Already here.

Seborn surfaced from the water, looking happier than he had in a long time. He spat out some water thoughtfully.

Not salty enough, but its not real brine. Still feels good. Hey, anyone pisses in this, and Ill stab them. Id better tell the rest of my team.

Wailant puffed out his chest as he beamed around the beach, and now people were getting into the spirit of things. Relc charged into the water and stood there blankly.

I dont get what this is about. The water bit, I mean. Cool off? Or wh

A wave hit him. Erin had asked the room to vary the waves, and it apparently could randomize them. Unfortunately, because this room had probably been meant for training, it meant one in every thousand waves was intense, and sometimes the waves were six feet high.

Or ten. Relc looked up, shouted, and the wave tossed him onto shore. He came back, roaring.

You bastard! You want to try that again? Aha!

He braced himself, and a second wave crashed around him. Then Relc posed, muscles bulging, and flexed.

Thats right! Bring it on! Hey, Erin! Can I get some big waves?

He slammed into the next one, and Ekirra promptly tried to do the same and got flipped head-over-heels. But the game of smashing into waves was a time-honored tradition.

The last and most normal of all beach-goers was already staking out a spot with a beach chair. He cast a critical eye around. Then Saliss of Lights, nude as could be, stretched out.

We need more attractive people on this beach. Nude. Feel free to join me. Not you, old man. No one wants to see anything. Ill bury you in the sand, though, if you want.

Chaldion walked past him and eyed the dune Erin had built critically. He snapped his fingers as four Drakes hurried in after him.

Level this spot closer to the ground. Theres not enough sand. Someone get me a ton of sand, quality stuff, and water. Salt, too. I need a shade spell here. Deskhere. Bring in all the non-critical work and tell Rufelt hes hired to serve drinks for the day. Oh, and find me five [Masseuses].

He sat down, and Saliss threw sand at him until Chaldion ordered him tossed into the sea. Erin wanted to object, but more sand came pouring in, and she was more concerned with her [Knights], anyways.

Hey, Normen, hopefully this doesnt bother your skin. But I thoughtyknow, beaches? I hope you like it.

She gestured to him as he stood there, wearing his Demas Metal armor, shading his eyes under the sunlight and looking around. The man turned to Erin, and when his one eye focused on herit was alight, and he was smiling.

So this is a beach. I always wanted to know what the Brothers from far off meant when they said it was sand. I want to see it with my own eyes, Miss Erin. This and more.

He inhaled, and Erins nervous look became a tremulous smile.

Its not perfect. There should be seagulls and more salt in the air, and all weve got is Apistabut I even got some shrimp all the way from Zeres! Eat all you want! Seve?

This is incredible.

The Courier walked out, looking stunned by Erins garden, and Erek sipped from a cup with great delight. Erins smile grew wider, and she exhaled.

It was a beach. She turned to the others.

Well visit a real one someday, too. But this is good enough for now, huh? Alright, lets get changed andthe last one in the water is a rotten egg!

Saliss stopped trying to drown Chaldions bodyguards.

Last one in is a burnt potato! Oh, wait, thats Normen. Wait, dont throw me out, Erin! The Brothers love that sort of humor! Dont throw me

The fun was not in seeing who enjoyed the beach, because that was everyone. It was in seeing how people either knew the allure of the beach or had to find it first.

Some entered the beach for the first time and knew what to do. Ulvama was already lying down near the calm section of the beach, which had a good view of the rest. A Garden of Sanctuary, when converted just to a beach, was surprisingly large, so there was room for over a hundred people before it even began to feel crowded.

People came in and out, but the net influx was positive. It worked like this: people would have to tear themselves away and enter the cold world outside. They would tromp back to work, and people would ask why they were covered in sand, and the lucky few would describe the beach and graciously be begged into taking more back.

It was why you stayed in Erin Solstices good books and why you nodded at Goblins and Antinium.

Shake your head too many times, and yes, you might have the moral or whatever high ground. But even Chaldion of Pallass didnt blink twice at Ulvama eating on a picnic blanket in the sun close by. His staff did, but the Drake knew the score.

You wanted the beach? Play nice.

And it was such a lure in this cold winter that even Ekirra realized his family had to come by and begged Erin to let them run into the water. Erins inn was doing fine business providing food and drinksanyone not on her best list had to payand Erin had slyly blocked Imani and Palt.

Well, well, well. What have we here? Yknow, if you guys wanted to sell whatever you have for a day or two at my inn, I could see about letting you in here all the time.

Imani gave Erin an outraged look, and Palt blinked.

Erin, are you extorting us? Thats soLarracel of you.

Erin scowled, but not even the threat of Larra could make her waver. She gave Palt a sinister smile.

Well, I suppose it is, Palt. And I guess we cant do business. Which is too bad. Because, yknow, I had planned on leaving the beach open all night too.


He was unimpressed, but Imani hesitated and elbowed him. Erin folded her hands behind her head.

Oh, I guess its not fun. Beaches by moonlight? A lau with a bonfire? Dancing? And then its quiet and the most beautiful place to be. People have honeymoons there all the time, but if you dont want to do businessheres the door.

She gestured, and Palt danced in place a few steps.

Lets not be hasty, Erin. I think we can work together. Did I say Larracel? I meant that the Haven herself cant do better! Can I offer you some of our parfaits?

Erins self-satisfied smile grew wider and wider, especially because she had the pick of anyone who wanted in.

The people Erin didnt let in could only hear stories of what was insideand people were willing to pay to sit in the sun. Erin was accepting a few people, and Yelroan was helping manage that with Liska, who actually had the duty of unlocking the main door in The Wandering Inn for people.

No access unless youre on the list. Oh, Hexel and Elirr? Go right through.

Liska pointed and, with a huge smirk, watched as the door clicked audibly and swung open.

[Door: Remote Locking]. Sorry, sir. Youre not on the list. I can ask Miss Erin to adjudicate, but her word is law.

She turned and steepled her paws together smugly. Lism gave her the blankest look in the world as Krshia Silverfang groaned.

That Skill seems like the most useless talent in the world, young woman. And I am a Councilmember of Liscor!

He threw a tantrum until Erin came out and spotted him and Krshia.

Not you. Youre a jerk.

Erincan you make an exception for today?

Krshia tried to reason with Erin, but Erin scowled at Lism. The purple-scaled Drake was flushed with outrage as he tried to flatter, threaten, and wheedle his way into the room.

Not for Krshia, and not for anyone. Why would I let you in?

She shooed him away with exasperation as her Goblins and Antinium came rushing out to buy more supplies. Peggy tugged Erins arm.

Erin, do we bring food to people in the beach? Might need more Antinium. Lots of hungry guests.

Erin snapped her fingers as Lism calmed down and stared at her sharply.

Darn. Break out the roasted corn! Grilling time! Hot dogs! Shame we dont have marshmallows, but Imani wont make them. I think theyre made of horse hooves or something.

Krshia gave Erin an appalled look, but Lism slowly backed away, and Erin didnt notice. The Councilmember of Liscor had changed.

Where once he had just shouted and bullied, he had grown as a person. Now, Lism was capable of shouting, bullying, and bribery. Which was the art of good negotiation.

When he came back, Erin Solstice stomped out to meet him.

Its you again, Lism? Im gonna ban you from even entering my inn! Why would I let you in? And all yourfriends?

She looked over his shoulder, and Lism cleared his throat importantly.

I have heard Chaldion of Pallass is in your inn with some staff. But I doubt he did much, did he?

He gave me a lotta sand. Why? Just because youve got aides doesnt mean I want more of you.

Erin squinted suspiciously at Lism and then at the Drakes and Gnolls. Funny. She didnt know he had so many helpersand they were young, too. In fact, one Gnoll was shirtless already, and Erin frowned at Lism. The Drake gave her a very smug look as he gestured at them.

These arent my helpers, Miss Solstice. Rather, because I suspect Master Rufelt, Lasica, and all your hard working staff could use a breakthe best [Hosts] of Wishdrinks, our premier lounge, have agreed to work at your establishment.

Some of Liscors most attractive staff gave Erin a hopeful smile as she blinked at Lismthen her brows crossed.

Oh no. I see what youre doing, and we dont need attractive people working here.


Even Liska made a disbelieving sound, and she gave Erin an incredulous look. Erin floundered.

I mean

Consider your staff, Miss Solstice. They need breaks, and if you intend to keep this bar openall you have to do is let me in, and Ill arrange everything.

Like a viper, Lism whispered poison into Erins ear. The [Innkeeper] squeezed her eyes shut.

Please, Miss Erin? Please? It would be supernice.

Liska herself went to beg Erin, and the [Innkeeper] wavered. Then one of the [Hosts] bowed.

Wed be delighted to serve the Antinium and Goblins, and we also can do activities, Miss Solstice. We can run games


Erin whispered. She hung her head, then pointed at Lism.

Net. I need a long net, two poles, and a soccer ball. I forgot to get them. Everyone reports to Ishkr. No racism, you dont cause trouble, and no other guests. I approve them all, and if I think someone sneaks in? Ive tossed fifteen people out who didnt belong, and you dont want to see what happens if I yell firestorm.

Lism offered Erin a claw to shake.

You have my word, Miss Solstice. I wont be there at all. Ill be consulting with Krshia about work. Did I hear this was open all night?

She gave him a long look and sighed. Then she gestured to the door.

The beach only got better and better as people began adding things that Erin herself lacked. She was like that.

An enabler. Only, of a good time, rather than anything else. Or a bad time. The point was, Erin couldnt do things alone, and it was Kevin who took it upon himself to educate the world on how things should be.

Erin, can you clear the sand off this part of the beach?

Bemused, she cleared the edge of the beach away as Kevin eyed the domed room. He nodded, then pointed.

Okay, and can you join the water that normally flows around the room in a huge circle?

But then people would enter into the waterno, wait, I can just move the door so it enters the center of the room. Go on, Kevin.

Erin made the adjustments as Kevin stood with Hedault, who was busy at work on something as their test dummy, Mrsha, jumped up and down.

Mrsha was wet, happy, but had a problem. She was bad at swimming.

Ekirra and Visma were annoyingly good, as Liscorians. Even if Liscorians didnt like swimming in the dangerous spring rains with the monsters, they could still swim every year.

Mrsha, as a Stone Spears Gnoll, swam like a rock. She was learning, but Kevin had a solution.

Water rushed around the beach, turning it more into an island, and Erin looked at him.

Going to do laps?

Nah. I just had a cool thought. You said this room can do whatever it wants, right? Thenthe laws of physics dont completely apply. Like sea currents. Can you do the waves over thereand a current over here?

Kevin made a spinning motion and then pointed.

Also, were going to need a slide down there

Erins eyes widened, and she threw up her hands.

Kevin, youre a genius!

The water began moving, and Mrsha saw it circling around the dome, now. She was about to hop in when Kevin put something over her head. The [Mechanic] hesitated as Mrsha squirmed and stared at the contraption.

It looks stupid.

He had to admit that it wasnt perfect. Mrsha squirmed in outrage, and Hedault sighed.

It istwo pillowcases tied together with a rope and enchanted so the air does not escape. With a stabilizer. It will do.

Fair enough. Valeterisas busy over there with Relc, sohey, Mrsha, if you have trouble swimming, dont do anything. Justfloat!

With that, Kevin scooped Mrsha up and hurled her into the water. She went in with a howl, and Lyonette came running over.

Kevin! What are you

Mrsha bobbed up and then spun around in the lazy current. She began paddling, then realized there was no need to.

The mock inflatable tube or bobbers worked! She lay back, turning a bit, as Kevin gave Erin a smug look. Erin gave him a thumbs-up.

Okay, slip n slide? Or a big slide? I cant do anything fancy, but maybe Moore can make a huge ramp.

The Halfseekers appeared in full as Erins beach-garden was nearly complete. Moore stared around the room and burst into a huge smile.

Ive been to beaches like these before. I thought it would be an age before I saw one as nice.

Look at this! Its like some coastal beach!

Jelaqua crowed, and Ulinde danced around in delight. The Halfseekers knew travel, and they went to find Erin.

Erin was beaming around, making a sand-castle, while Visma, Ekirra, and a bunch of kids buried Saliss up to his feet in the sandhe was in head-first. The lazy river was sending people around it, and even Chaldion had deigned to sit in a more appropriate looking inner tube.

How hed gotten one so fast? That ingenious bastard nodded at Felkhr, and the [Visionary of Flight] looked up from making a second tube with an [Engineer]. A Drake was jogging next to Chaldion as he sipped a Chaldions Eye and ate barbecued shrimp from a poker he dipped in a bowl floating next to him filled with sauce.

And the local search from the Eyes picked up nothing on the duo, Grand Strategist

Doubtless not. Close the record, but append a note for my personal dictation at a later point regarding the duo. Happily, the Hundredfriends Courier is by chance here as well, so I will inquire. Send him to me. Next?

The running Drake flipped over to the next report as Seborn stared at Chaldion with something like admiration.

Now theres a captain of his ship.

My ship, Seborn. Anyways, come in, come in! Make yourselves at home! I dont see you at all, Jelaqua or Ulinde! Were cool now. Heck, Montressa and Valeterisa are here.

Erin pointed at the Archmage, who was solving puzzles on the beach with Relc. Ulinde did a double-take at Valeterisa, and Jelaqua chuckled, looking embarrassed.

Actuallycan I bring Maughin through with a few of his Dullahan and smith friends, Erin? Theyre waiting, and I said Id ask, but itd mean a lot.


Maughin alone would crowd the beach a bit, but Erin knew he and Jelaqua were a couple. She leaned over.

Actually, its totally good. But dont leave! The beach is open all night, and I have something to give you all later.

Oh? I have something to tell you too. Imwellitsnevermind. Thanks a bunch!

Jelaqua went to get Maughin, and Erin gave the other Halfseekers a puzzled look. Moore heaved a huge sigh.

I dont know what will happen now.

Cheer up, Moore. Its for the best if everyones happy. Lets find Mrsha!

Ulinde took his hand, and his face blossomed into a smile too. Erin had rarely seen the half-Giant so happy.

Oh, right. They were dating, werent they? That left onlySeborn. He had a sardonic look in his eyes as he turned to her.

Everyones having fun.

Not you?

I try not to sleep within the team. Habits from being at sea. Its okay, Erin. Things change, and Im glad for them.

Theyre good relationships. I shouldve gone with Jelaqua more when she invited me. And Moore and Ulindemakes sense, right?

Seborn put his hands in his pockets and rolled his neck, making his crab-side crack. He was bare-chested, and the transition from man to crab ran straight down his chest, straight as an arrow.

Yeah. Sure. Sorry, I guess it is close to home. But you make life fun and interesting.

Erin patted him on the shoulder and thought for a long moment.

Shrimp cocktail? Rufelt is making them.

Seborn frowned.

Why would anyone mix shrimp with alcthis is a great idea. Ill have one. Thanks, Erin.

Only a few people werent here that could make it.

Pelt, who really didnt care about beaches and could literally work in blast heat.

Tessa, who might be around, but was gloomy and withdrawn of late and snapped at Erin when she was invited.

Magnolia Reinhart, who, despite being in the area, refused the invitation that Erin dithered over sending in the first place.

Andthe luckless pair of boys who stood outside the door to The Wandering Inn in Liscor and argued.

Shell never let us in, Sammy.

We have to go! Look inside! Ullim, do something!

Lord Sammial

For once, their guardian and nursemaid was helpless. Hethon himself wasnt arguing for prudence much, either.

He was gagging to get in there and see this beach everyone was talking about. But you had to be a regular and on Erins good-list to enter, and he and Sammy?

Definitely not on the list. Their one hope, Ryoka Griffin, was also elsewhere, and so was their father, who was the guarantee theyd never get in. So it evened the odds, but both boys were scheming for ways to get in.

What if we said wed recommend her or something because were Veltrases?

I dont think she cares, Sammy.

Hethon only had to glance at Ullim to confirm his suspicions. Erin was like the people that his father had mentionedmen and women who cared nothing for rank, who you had to impress on your own merits.

The problem was, the boys didnt have many merits, and they had a lot of de-merits going against them.

They were jostling for a look with the crowd trying to bribe Liska for entry every time the door opened, and only their bodyguards let them hold the space. The [Majordomo] looked at their desperate expressions and coughed.

Lords, I think we have to wait for Miss Griffin to return. And I shant get your hopes up. Sometimes you cant get your way. And that is a hard, but important lesson for a [Lord] to learn.

Both looked up at him wretchedly, and Sammial banged his fists on the door.

Thats fine for everyone but me! And just this time! Let me in! Let me in!

He hammered and hammered until the door opened, but before he could go through

Aha, its you again! [Lesser Wall of Force]!

Liska threw up a hand, and Sammial bounced off a wall of red light. Even his [Lord] powers were no match for Liska.

She kept getting new Skills. Between Tyrion, Sammial, and the traffic, Hethon wondered how fast she was counter-levelling. He tried a different tack.

Miss Liska, can you talk to Miss Erin for us? Were Ryoka Griffins friends.

Hmm. No. Im off work in eight minutes. Travel only! If you pay to get through, youre not getting into the inn, so save your coins!

Liska hollered at the crowd, and someone fought through the people.

Wotcha, Miss Liska! Me and the lads are going for the door, right?

Grev and an entire gang of boys appeared, and Liska sighed.

Wonderful. Youre on the listbut Erin has to approve that many midgets. Enter.

Grev flicked some coins into the pot and sauntered through. Liska was about to close the door when Sammial tried again.

II know Princess Oesca of Ailendamus!

And I know Princess Mrsha of Calanfer. Youre not special.

Sammial turned red, but rather than throw a tantrum, he screwed up his face in novel concentration. Hethon was amazed. Either Sammial was growingor Liska was on his level for childishness, so he engaged rather than threw a fit.

I knowthe Waterbear and Hundredfriends Courier! And Ryoka!

I know Salamani and Ci, Hawk the Hare, and Ryoka too. Plus, the Hundredfriends Courier is here, and he didnt mention you.

Liska picked at her teeth, and Sammials head shot up.

Hes here? Call him over! Hell vouch for me!

Liska groaned, but that had some weight. When an Antinium came by to check if she needed anything, she whispered to him, and he walked off. Never had Hethon and Sammial looked at an Antinium with such hope. When the Antinium, Silvermop, came back

Sorry. He didnt say anything. Well, actually, Silvermop couldnt find Seve, so he asked the ape, Erek, and he definitely said no.

Out-aped. Sammial stood there like hed been poleaxed. Hethons head felland then he saw someone hurrying towards the door.

Miss Liska! Can you put in a request for a [Seamstress] from that new shop in Invrisil to come over? Everyone wants swimsuits, and Erin says they should be waterproof.

Ooh. Swimwear? Wait, are the half-naked Gnolls and Drakes gone?

Liska looked horrified, and Nanette, who was herself wearing a towel that was dripping wet, smiled.

Nope! Theyre still bare-chested, but everyone wants beachwear. Its even more revealing, apparently.

I dont care about the guys. Unless you mean everyone? Ill send a City Runner right away! Hey, City Runner!

Liska looked intensely hopeful, and Hethon stared at Nanette andwavered. He felt his tongue in his mouth, and she was heading back.

But maybe

NMissNanette? Wait a second!

Hethon stumbled over his words, but the witch turned at the last moment. She spotted him, then trotted back warily.

Oh, Lord Hethon.

Um. Hello. How do you do this fine day?

Sammial had stomped off to be comforted by Ullim, so Hethon was without backup except for his bodyguards. Frankly, they should have helped, because a wince told Hethon that he had inherited his fathers social graces.

He didnt know how to talk to girls! Hethon turned red, and Nanette gave him a cool look.

Fine, unless youd like to lecture me again? Why are you standing here, anyways?

Im, uh

The fight with her seemed to be long ago, and he couldnt remember why hed been so hopping furious. Now he felt stupid, and Nanettes look of sudden, smug comprehension made him turn redder.

Liska wont let you through, will she? You want to come through? Erin wont like that. Is your father here?

No. But wedreally like to see this beach. We know beaches, you see.

Oh, really? It was my first time having fun on one. I suppose its not that exciting for you.

No, wait!

Nanette turned, and Hethon held a hand out. She waited, and he took a breath.

Iwould greatly appreciate it if you asked Miss Solstice for us. Sammy and I would love to go. Please? Thank you.

He was bright red, hot, and Nanette looked him up and down. She tilted her chin up, looking very smug.

Maybe. Ill think about it. Perhaps its the right thing to do, and it wouldnt be wrong to have a [Lord] in the inns debt. Assuming he remembers to be grateful to more than one person.

Hethon turned redder and redder as Nanette rubbed in their last argument. She turned, gave him an arch look, and he felt sure she wasnt going to say a word.

But then an old man stepping into the common room of the inn, bare-chested and bravely so because he was more white chest hair than muscle, turned with amusement in his eyes.

Typhenous the Plague Mage was escorting a sighing [Witch] Eloise to the beach. He saw Nanette and laughed.

Miss Nanette! Take pity on the lad! Forgive and be nicer, especially today.

Nanette whirled, stared at Eloise, and the older [Witch] gave her a longer look.

Gloating is a part of witchcraft, Nanette. How much of it depends on whether youd rather be an Alevica or not.

Nanette turned into a beet, to Hethons slight satisfaction, but he still thought shed walk off. Thento his amazement, she turned to Liska.

Can you let him through? Just the brothers and two bodyguards, maybe? Ill tell Erin.

Whreally? Thank you!

Hethon didnt believe it until he actually stumbled into the inn, and Sammial came racing through and pointed at Liska.

Hah! I did get in!

Oh yeah? Youd better be nice to me or Ill kick you out.

Liska smirked at Sammials panicked face, and Hethon turned to Nannette.

Thank you.

He said it a third time, and she gave him a sudden smile.

So you can say it. Okay, then. I suppose I can be nice, too. Come on, Erins making a slide, and the first time it launched Ekirra into one of the walls. He flew twenty feet!

She pointed, and Hethon, who normally lagged behind Sammial, found himself running as fast as he could without knowing why. That smile dragged him into a run, and he and Sammial burst into the Garden of Sanctuary, looked around, and were happy in a moment.

And that was good.

Lest you think they were forgottenthe Antinium and the Goblins had remembered themselves in case no one else did.

But unlike last time, all the other timesthey werent following around other people, like Mrsha, watching what they did and copying them. It was a small thing, but it mattered.

The Antinium hated the water.

Goblins, by and large, loved it, and took to swimming with amazing speed, even the ones whod never swum in their lives. There were exceptions like Gothica, dressed all in black, pointedly sitting with a trio of [Goths] copying her every move.

They were growing in number. And the aspiring Chieftain of Darknesswas still amidst her people.

They sat around the first fire that was set up as Erek turned out to have picked up some guitar skills from the Jungeclads and he and Numbtongue began to show off. But after they were done competing, Orangutan and Hobgoblin began playing around a fire, riffing together. Garia Strongheart, to her dismay, found that Salkis and Octavia were both sitting there after she came back from a long swim.

So it wasnt perfect, but the Antinium were swaying to the music, and then someone brought out the Rxlvn, and Seve made the mistake of thinking that the flesh of Actelios Salash made him proof against everything.

Somewhat to the dismay of Kevin, among the various beach-activities, the Antinium seemed to enjoy the conga-line more than anything else. Againno swimming, but they made magnificent sand-castles. The bravest amongst them did cling to a float and do a circuit around the garden, whereupon it became a test of courage where, if you were unlucky, you drowned for a few seconds until someone fished you out. But the Antinium were definitely having fun.

Erin Solstice watched it all with her hands behind her back. She even noted Hethon and Nanette entering the inn, and she counted.

One. Two. Three. Fourwhats going on here?

Jelaqua and Maughin. Moore and Ulinde. Possibly Hethon and Nanette, though Erin was sure that she was just making up the sense in her head. Relc and Valeterisa?

She rubbed at her eyes and got sand in them. It did get everywhere!

Erin wasnt blind. She just pretended to be, and she tried not to interfere in the one thing she wasnt good at.

I guess Imani and Palt makes five. And are there more? Kevin and Ceria was weird. But good for them.

She stood, staring down into her beach-garden. Not at the slide where Sammial was climbing, ready to shoot down into the water. Not at Kevin, trying to boogie-board since a surfboard was too much work.

It was good. Why, even Tesy had come out of his rooms, and he was drawing pictures of people, though Vetn was nowhere to be seen.

Erin was probably wrong about her romance-sense. It wasnt that strong, andshe glanced at Lism and Krshia, arguing in one corner.

Nah. I bet its more like a do I sort of get along with this person at this moment sense. Because otherwisenah. Definitely wrong.

Same with Elirr and Hexel. Erin was running out of fingers as she frowned at them. But she didnt think it was bad, oddities aside.

Soon, it would be night, and Erin did intend to cater to the couples. Because that was what she thought she had missed.

There was a lot that Erin Solstice could do for you. Talk to you. Hug you. Sing a song. Prepare a bed. Feed you. But somewhere inshe rested a hand on her chin and stared down into the beach.

The little door that she had opened in the ceiling was invisible to almost everyone. She could make it any size, and while the main door had to stay openErin had the Key of Reprieve.

She had two doors. Thus far, she thought Saliss, Chaldion, Klbkch, and a few others had picked up on her watching. Lehra, the new Named-rank adventurer, was oblivious, but her Gazer companion had an eye on Erin.

Enough spying.

Erin pushed herself back from the garden. She stretched and glanced down one last time at her real quarry. And she thoughtwell.

It was a weeks work and potential sunburn to create a beach. Not bad, and she thought shed keep the garden like this. But it was really for a moment.

It had taken some doing to get him out of his armor. But even Normen had agreed to get it off. He lookedburnt, and he was still mostly bald, though his hair was growing. Her wounded knight. He couldnt even sunbathe; he was wearing a big hood and soft clothing to keep his skin from the light.

But Erin had seen enough, and Normen was awkwardly making a sandcastle in a competition with someone else.

She guessed she had never noticed how hed helped out another newbie to the inn get situated when even Erin had been rather mean. Jewel was trying to out-build Mrsha and Vismas tower as Normen made up a mud foundation. Maybe it was nothing, but Erin smiled.


She closed the window and turned.

Calescent! The hour of those poor lobsters has come. The age of pilaf has begun! Dinner time!

He held out a huge thumb as Erin got back to work with a will. She took off her hat and exhaled as she waved it in the air.

Damn. Happy? I was going for wonder! Wonder! Oh well.

Her eyes flashed as she stepped out of the inn and into another garden. Erin Solstice put her hands on her hips and nodded.

The Winter Solstice is almost here. Ill hit them with the other stuff later. Todayfun. As for you

She saluted the dauntless defenders of her main garden. Few people had been in her garden for a while, and there was a reason for that. Even Mrsha had begun complaining, but Erin had played it off by pretending to build a beach.

Which she had. But everyone knew that you distracted people from the real trick. Maybe shed even gotten Chaldion.

Eh. Probably not. Well, were ready. I admitI took you for granted. Harsh words were said. I regret it. I take it back. This time, Im counting on all of you. Weve worked hard.

Erin paced back and forth. Then she spun dramatically.

You are the first line. You will not be the last! But if things go wellitll be because you were here. I dont want any loafing around. I need you to get down and rye. Pull yourself together. No dough, just true wheat.

She stopped and sighed.

This is so stupid.

Erin turned away from the fort in miniature sitting in one corner of the garden. It had worked. She told herself it had worked. But stillshe looked over her shoulder.

The fortress of Shadowbread loaves still looked sort of silly, even to her. There were so many of them shed stacked them in rows.

Forty loaves. It wasnt enough to make more than a primitive fort, a box of four walls where you could sit in the middle, but they had thick walls of raised dough. Buttresses of batter. Ramparts of ryeno, wait, shed made that pun again and even she couldnt take it seriously. The loaves hadnt decayed despite being over a week on in some cases. Apista may have been nibbling on them, but nothing else.

Erin sighed.

Well, thats done. I wonder where Lyonette went?

She walked off as the first line of The Wandering Inns defenders, the ever-loyal loaves, cast the entire garden in gloom. Shadows. Darkness. And a single Frost Faerie slamming into the walls above.

Fucking shite! Who keeps putting all this damn stuff around? I cant see a thing!

Authors Note: I have calculated my optimum speed per day is 10,000 words. I can generally output that per day, and if Im on a roll it goes up to 14,000 or higher.

My friends, dear readers, the one constant in this world is change. Like the children allegedly yearn for the coal mines (this is a meme), good writing is experimentation.

So. Im going to write some short chapters. Not because I want to push too hard, but because Im changing the pace.

If I write more than 10k per day, thats a failure. Frankly, I will try for lower. There will be less editing. This is to make things feel fresh.

Like bread.

Like a beach.

I miss beaches. I used to go to them all the time, and I had such fun. What happened? I got old. I lost my beach-ways, but I can always go back again.

I hope you enjoyI have a bunch of themes for shorter chapters that Id normally weave into a bigger chapter, but Ill try this until I stop. No promises, no commitments. Heck, I even cut the entire Lyonette subplot because thatd make it too long.

Back to writing. Back to bread. Back to the beach. The only bad thing about beaches is the sand-cicadas. Which are a thing. See you next chapter! Potentially tomorrow.

Speed Art of Lyonette by Darndestthings!

Klbkchs Scarf, knitted by Kalmia! Also, the /shop/GoodLongYarn

Doctor Pisces and Innworld by /lechatdemonStash with all the TWI related art:

Statue by sidehammer!


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