The Villain's Story

Chapter 81 {81}Task Of The Sword Saint.[3]

A/N:Woo!Bit of an extra long chapter because of no chapter yesterday.

Oh shameless plug but if you like the novel please give it a good review and also vote power stones!

If it reaches 10 good reviews, who knows,I might even do a mass release.


The surrounding demons rushed towards the injured Arken, Who in response raised his humongous greatSword and circulated his mana.

[Ravager Style(*****)]

//Fifth Movement

|World Splitter|

The Greatsword emitted a tremendous amount of pressure and swung downwards.

The Surrounding demons paused in their tracks due to fear.

They did not want to be the ones to get hit by that.

They wouldn't get hit if they strode further, for that attack was aimed at Azbadan, Who in a hurry controlled the surrounding Chaotic Mana to protect himself.

Mana corrupted by the Element of Chaos amalgamated in front of his right hand and formed three barriers of pure chaotic mana in front of him.

The sword saint had finally gathered all the mana required, the great sword in his hand released sparks of lightning and was now glowing a bright golden color as lightning danced around the blade.

The demons earlier didn't want to get closer because they were afraid of getting hit by that humongous sword at any time the sword saint.

The sword saint rushed towards Azbadan, Using the last remaining bits of his stamina to launch a final attack that would kill this Balrog.


The greatsword clad in lightning struck the first barrier and broke through it effortlessly, the same happened to the second barrier, only the third barrier managed to hold on for a few seconds before cracks started to form on it.

"You crazy son of a bitch! Are you planning to cripple yourself?!"

Azbadan yelled in fright, Arken was using the last bits of mana he had left in his body to launch this attack.

Using mana to fuel your attacks more than necessary could allow them to exert power far more powerful than normal, however, if you were to use every last bit of your mana into an attack. You would deprive your body of the reserve of mana it had.

This was something that in return would increase your capacity to store mana.

It was a technique that was quite popular among awakened in the world because of how easy it was to increase your mana capacity, albeit slowly.

However, using every last drop of mana in your body to fuel an attack or skill had an aftereffect that would make your body extremely tired after executing the attack.

This would not be a problem during safety training, however, during battle, it was akin to holding a sign that said I am easy to kill!'

In simple words, it was dangerous to exhaust all of your mana during a battle so suddenly could result in permanent damage to your body, It could destroy its ability to store mana in the worst case, and in the best case, it would ripple you.

Although both outcomes, the better one and the worse one were bad, Crippling yourself compared to losing the ability to utilize mana was much better.

This was the reason Azbadan was shocked, to think Arken would forget about trying to survive and go all out on this attack.

Arken was extremely skilled, to the point a Duke-ranked demon like him wanted him to sign a contract with Arken.

He could escape this predicament if he wanted to, although he would not escape unscathed, he could escape.

'Why are you that determined to get rev-?!'

Interrupting Azbadan's thoughts was the third barrier to giving in and breaking.

'Ah, Shi-'

He couldn't even complete the curse in his mind as his entire view was filled with lightning and an extremely bright Golden light.

His right and left eyes witnessed themselves falling to the ground in opposite directions before his body disintegrated from the force of the attack. (A|N:He got cut in half.)


The Blade of Lightning went further than just Azbadan, It traveled even further tearing the desolate land as it increased in size until it touched the purple clouds in the sky.

It kept going and going until it, shockingly reached the sea.

The Final attack of the sword saint had the potential to split this continent filled with the energy of chaos in half if it was executed properly.

All the demons who were not present in this area saw a bright golden light illuminating a certain part of the continent and going further as a massive blade of lightning had torn its earth and skies apart before a massive earthquake erupted in the entire continent.

Alan using Abyssal Rend at his level could shake the huge man-made island shield was built on.

But this? It shook the entire continent that was formerly known as Australia and even reached the islands further offshore.

Massive tsunamis hit the shores of the Chaos Continent, killing any unfortunate demon that was present during this time near the coast.

Multiple demons who coolant escape in time had died.

All because of One Attack.

A duke Ranked demon had died taking the full force of the attack and multiple lower-ranked demons had died just from the aftereffects.


One of the Marquiss-Ranked demons shouted after seeing the magnificent attack that could split their continent if used correctly.

The bright golden light eventually diminished and revealed an extremely tired Arken who was gasping for breath.


Unfortunately, he would not get much rest before the demons would recollect themselves and continue to attack him.

He raised his humongous great sword with great difficulty, originally he could carry this large sword easily with one hand, However now?

He struggled to even lift it a few meters above the ground.

He saw a Demon with black horns rushing towards him with its hideous nails extended.


Arken had barely managed to stop the attack with his giant sword.



A second demon had appeared behind him in a flash and had slashed his back, Immediately afterward, The demons retreated and Arken nearly collapsed to the ground but managed to balance himself with the help of his sword.

The demons had all surrounded him and now attacking him in turns.

Whenever he blocked the attack of one demon, a second demon would attack in a blind spot, and if he managed to dodge both of their attacks.

A third demon would attack him seemingly out of nowhere.

Arken had used nearly all of his mana and the amount of blood he had lost was astonishing.

'...I can't die here!'

Was it a final desperate struggle to live?

Or was it just regret that he could not completely avenge his fallen comrade?

He couldn't die here.

Despite being old, Arken still had unfinished regrets.

He heard that Oliver would soon have a grandchild.

He wanted to teach Oliver's grandchild the sword if he/She had the talent for it.

And he had also suggested the name Olivia if it was a girl just to annoy Oliver.

He wanted to pass down his techniques, He could not be the first and the last practitioner of his Style.

All creators wanted their creation to be passed down to others, so they could learn from it...and even improve it further.

The chaotic mana in the air rumbled, The demons wanted to give Arken a painful death.

They combined their collective mana inside their bodies and formed it into a huge lance of Chaos.

The Lance of Chaos continued to grow larger and larger until half of the mana in their bodies had been exhausted.

And all Arken could do was watch as his body had already reached its limit and could barely move any further.

He used the pitiful amount of pure mana he still had left in his body and conglomerated it towards his head, which was the target of the Lance of Chaotic energy.


The lance began to move towards him at an astonishing speed.

The pitiful amount of mana he had left had now entered his head and he was starting to coat his head with it...until.

His body began to fall.


He had reached his limits, that was what he thought.

Unfortunately, it was the move that he tried to make his mana go into his head that was the cause of this.

But he didn't know.

He began to fall in the direction of the lance.

His forehead and the tip of the chaotic lance collided.

It was piercing into his skull, No matter how durable his body was it would eventually fall.

The chaotic energy had entered his body and was ruining it from the inside.


He would fall unconscious any moment now...

Maybe for the last time.

And finally, he did.

His mind had fallen unconscious...

But his body had not.

The Chaotic energy damaging his internals awakened something inside.

He could not describe this feeling because 'Arken' had already lost consciousness.

His body moved, His legs regained their strength and it caught the lance of chaos energy with its bare hand.


"...what is happening?"

Muttered the demons in their shock.

The Lance made up of pure chaos had just been caught by a hand not even coated with mana.

Adding to their shock was the fact that the Lance made of pure chaos energy was dissipating as if it was being destroyed by 'Arken' instead of Destroying him.

The lance had now completely been obliterated, and the demons could now see how.

The entire body of Arken was covered in a deep green hue.

Shockingly, When Arken had channeled his mana to his head, he has 'Unknowingly' separated his consciousness from his body, and now allowed his body to move independently from his thoughts and emotions for a limited period.

It was this that also awakened another Primal power within him.

The power of a living being himself.

The shock on the demon's faces had reached up to the sky.

For what they were seeing was a 'human' using Aura.

They could not even speak due to their shock.

And now, An overwhelming pressure surrounded these demons and made them kneel.

'Arken', whose eyes were now glowing green along with his entire body shrouded in a deep green hue was walking towards them.

Death was coming

That was what these demons belonging to the nobility were feeling now.

'Arken' had entered a state that he would himself call Enlightenment when he would regain his consciousness.

A state where the consciousness would be separated from the body allowing it to move independently of thoughts and emotions.

It was something that would allow a martial artist to fight without worrying about useless thoughts.

It was something he would call 'Enlightenment'.

However, That name would not last long because a certain student of his would rename it to something far more fitting.

A name that he was familiar with due to his anime addiction.

'Ultra Instinct.'


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