The Villain's Story

Chapter 144 [144]Japans Crisis.

"A great amount of mana was detected in the eastern coast of Japan, on an uninhabited island which has now been destroyed."

"The expert's opinion on the two pillars of white and black is that extremely powerful Artifacts released their mana, as of now, Japan hunter guilds have sent out their scouts to confirm it."

"But what about the possibility of demons trying something again?

We already know what happened when they last invaded Japan."

"There is a high chance, but the energies detected didn't belong to the Darkness or chaos Elements, so although unlikely, I don't think the Demons will launch another attack."

"Even though Japan's Hero, Hiroto Mitsuki Died, and even the Flower kf Japan, Jinsei Hana disappeared?"

The female host asked the male Bost on the tv screen.

The male reporter, after gulping down a mouth full of Saliva, finally answered.

"Well...although, unfortunately, Hiroto Mitsuki died, and...the flower of Japan is missing, we must not forget that Oliver Olsfer, Harrison Soubuelle, and even The Legendary Sword Saint Arken Miller are still alive."

"Yes, Even though the Golden trio of Hiroto, Arken, and Oliver has been reduced to two, we can still be confident that the current generation and the up-and-coming so-called 'Golden Generation.' are still the shields that will protect Humanity."

"Ahh...Shields Golden Generation huh, The one with the infamous Demon Boy."

"Yes, although there are many rumors about Alan Peccator, we can not ignore the fact that he 'is' the one and only Spatial Awakened 'Human' on Earth."

The male reporter said, emphasizing the words human in his sentence.

Kazikato, watching the news while sitting on the couch and eating chips, spoke to Alan.

"Hey Boss, we are apparently Famous."


Alan stared at the Television screen absentmindedly as his left eye was closed.

"And what's this about demon boy?

Don't tell...are we villains?!"


Alan, listening to Kazikato, thought in his mind.

'Well, at least his intuition is good...'

"No, we're not villains."


Kazikato sounded disappointed by Alan's Answer...

" wanted to be a villain?"

Alan asked Kazikato while rubbing his left eye.

"I mean, Attribute of Death, Darkness, and a literal dead giveaway, all I need is chaos."


'...this kid is going to go places.'

Alan sighed as he thought in his mind before his attention was taken by the Tv.

"...these spatial rings are quite well crafted, it's unbelievable that a 16-year-old boy crafted these."

A burly old man with overflowing muscles explained as he held a small ring in his hands.

"Their carrying capacity is quite good, and the mana that has been embedded within has a great pure quality, and it's been embedded with great intricacy as well, the creator is definitely talented in the field....shame that he's not interested in it."

'I'm talented in artifact crafting?'

Alan thought in his mind as he heard the expert compliment his craft.

Well, the expert on the tv was quite strict.

That was his reputation along with his skill.

Alan made a note to himself to check out the Artificer club later on.

He then tried to open his left eye...slowly... And then dropped some potion drops on it.


He could see from his left eye again...after 1 damn month.

The fight with the guy on the couch was hard.

Kazikato Shimoshino.

Although he was quite docile right now and was acting like a child...Alan didn't dare let that fool him.

The sight of the dragon of death in the air was still fresh in his mind.

And although he was acting carefree, alan didn't miss the twitching of his eye whenever Jinsei Hana was mentioned.

He made a note to himself to never talk about her in front of Kazikato.

He still missed her, and Alan didn't forget the crying when he heard about her death.

And then two people entered the team room of 'Predator.' The Team Alan had formed in Twilight.

The people that entered were none other than Maxwell, carrying a metal box, and Richard Thompson, t builds master of Twilight.


"Hello Kazikato, and here."

Maxwell, after replying to Kazikato threw the Metal box toward Alan.

Alan after opening the box found that it was full of metal rings.

"The Customers are impatient, so get to work 'Boss.'."

Maxwell said to Alan jokingly.


Alan stayed quiet as he stared at the rings in the box.

'... there's over 50.'

"They can handle mana much better than normal, it was a chore to have them made."

Maxwell Explained and Alan retorted.

"And it's going to be a chore to make them spatial Artifacts."

"Well, then I suggest you get to work, Boss."

"I can't."

Maxwell, upon hearing Alan's denial, questioned him.


And he was left utterly speechless by the Answer.

"I have homework to do."


It didn't take long for him to answer though.

"Please stop making excuses and get to work."

"I can't, I have about 3 months of pending work."

"Oh really? Can you please Show me?"

"It's in my dorm room-"


Their quarrel was interrupted by Richards's intentional cough.

"""Oh right you were here""


He was left speechless by Alan and Maxwell.

"So what brings you here guildmaster?"

Alan asked Richard.

"I'm here to brief you about your team's first raid...and also because someone else is going to be joining."


"My Daughter wants to join your team Predator."




There was silence from Alan, who answered after a few seconds.

"You had a daughter?"

"Is she hot?"

And kazikato joined in, and Maxwell facepalmed himself.

Richard Glared at Kazikato for a while, and stopped when Kazikaot started sweating and turned his face away.

"You make a move on her and ill gut you alive."

He of course didnt miss the opportunity to threaten the newcomer to his guild brought by Alan himself.


"Hey dont bully him."

Alan tried to defend him, but Richard ignored him and continued.

"That goes for you too."

"Oh don't worry, I'm the bodyguard of someone who is much more beautiful."

"Really boss?"

And that response was the last straw for Richard.

His mana flared, and both Alan and Kazikato Bolted.

They ran for their lives, with a furious Richard behind them around the entire Twilight Base, leaving Maxwell alone in the room laughing.

Of course they were eventually caught and beaten, but hey.

At least they learned a lesson.

Don't mess with their Guildmaster, who is an S-Rank Awakened, and ranked 18 among the Awakened.

Oh and never make a move on his daughter.

Never ever.


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