The Villain's Story

Chapter 140 [140]The Clash Between Two Dragons![2]

The moment I teleported to the island, I was immediately assaulted by an aura of death that seemed to eat away at my being.

Damn, An Aoe skill like this is bad for me.

If I didn't have my Bloodline that is.

And in front of me, I saw a 3-meter-tall draconian covered in white bony armor rush towards me.

Heh, let's begin.

I too, rushed towards it, as I prepared my mana to clash with its black mana.

We both ran at each other, wielding our mana, and soon, our fists connected.


A clash of white and black mana occurred in the middle of the Island,

They dyed the world black and white.

And the two beings that caused it were the three meters tall death draconian(A/N:I'm using draconian because he hasn't transformed into a full dragon yet.)

And A human with snow-white hair possessing eyes that seemed to enrapture one with their beauty.

Their fists connected, and their mana clashed.

The difference in size between them would prove to be a challenge for Alan, but he still didn't transform into his draconian form.

'Height and Weight are very important factors to be considered when you are fighting, you can't just fight an opponent, especially a humanoid when they outweigh you and are twice your size.'

Alan recalled when his own master, The Sword Saint Arken explained to him the method to take down tall opponents.

'Simply get them down to your level, kick their groins, or their ankles and knees with a devastating low kick that knocks them off their balance, their weight and height possess a challenge, but with enough power, anything falls.'

And so, Alan did just that, he landed a devastating low kick with his right leg, knocking the Draconian off balance.

But as it was falling, Alan twisted his body and delivered another devastating sidekick with his left leg.

'Why restrict yourself to only one leg?

Use both you dumbass.'

His master's words resonated in his mind.

The draconian was pushed back a few meters, and as it was raising its head, its face was assaulted with a terrifying 12 to 6o clock elbow from Alan.

'A 12 to 6o clock elbow is very dangerous, especially when used in the right places to attack, it puts a majority of your body weight on your elbow, and when you strike, you can quite literally break your opponent's skulls.'

Alan's remembered the time when the sword saint used that very attack on him, and shivered even though he was in a fight.

He knew the power held behind the elbow, especially when it was directed at the face.

But to his surprise, the Draconians face didn't lower any further, it spun and attacked Alan with its tail, something Alan forgot about while he was reminiscing about his elbow experience.

It was something he didn't consider when he attacked, and as a result of his stupid mistake, he was sent flying.

He landed on his feet, and when he was about to jump toward the Draconian, It suddenly appeared above him and attacked Alan with the same 12 to 6o clock elbow attack!

Alan immediately caught the attack in his bewilderment, and the ground beneath him cracked as a result of the power of the blow.

But he remained standing...but not for long because the Draconian attacked him with the same devastating low kick with its right leg, knocking Alan off balance. And the dragon followed by twisting its body and landing a sidekick with its left leg, right on Alan's Chest as he was falling.

Alan coughed up blood as his figure flew from the terrifying blow.

'It's fucking copying my attacks?!'

He landed on his feet, and blood dripped down from his chin.

He came to terms with the situation quite quickly and thought in his mind.

'Fine...copy this you fucking casual.'

His diamond blue eyes, and the obsidian black eyes of the Draconian locked, and they rushed toward each other again.

However, as they were charging toward each other, Alan's figure suddenly disappeared from its vision, and the next thing it knew was that a knee appeared right in front of its face, and its face endured another Knee kick.

Alan Peccator teleported right in front of its face in the air and kneed its face.

Afterward, he immediately moved behind it, grabbed its tail, and grabbed it.

And then his actions resembled a particular time in the Labyrinth when he yeeted a fucking Lavataur into the sky by its horns.

Only this time, he yeeted the draconian by its tail far into the sky, and he didn't wait for it to fall.

He immediately teleported above it and delivered an axe kick to its chest, and it dropped toward the ground at a high speed...But!

Before it even reached the ground Alan teleported underneath and kicked it into the sky, and...began to juggle the Draconian into the sky all around the Island.

His white mana clashed with the black mana protecting the draconian as it endured kick after kick in the sky.

The clashes of the white and black continued in the sky, providing a shocking sight to a certain someone watching this battle unfold.

But, this would not be the case for long, because as Alan kicked it toward the ground, It suddenly sprouted wings from its back, and flew towards Alan before he could teleport towards it again.

The sudden appearance caught Alan off-guard, but he was headbutted soon in the gut, sending him flying into the air this time.

The Draconian rushed towards Alan and attacked with the same combo of kicks Alan was using, before Alan grabbed it in the Air, and grabbed hold of the Draconians shoulders with his hands, stopping the combo.

The Draconian and Alan locked eyes, and the Draconian roared right in front of Alan's face.


Its terrifying teeth showed and its spit fell on Alan's Face, Who with his face showing a crazed look, roared back.


But his Roar was interrupted by the Draconian, who bit into his left shoulder.

Blood was drawn, but Alan didn't back down....and instead bit the right wing of the Draconian like a fucking animal.

It was something he could never get rid of...becoming so consumed in battle he acted like a beast.

The qualities of the four students of the Sword Saintes complemented their fighting styles.

For Olivia, think before you act.

For Lucas, His persistence and technique.

For Alexander, his pure speed and reflexes.

And for Alan, Instinct supported by his incredible body.

But it was a little different for Alan, It was...

Beastly Instinct.

Pure Fucking Beastly Instinct.


A/N:Should I end the fights in just one chapter or continue with multiple chapters to get more hype?

Whichever you prefer I'll do I guess, please do comment with your thoughts.


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