The Villain's Story

Chapter 135 [135]The Child Of Death(2)

Two Days ago.

"Mocha Please."

"A latte for me."

Alan and Maxwell ordered their coffee respectively.

And as they waited, Maxwell took the initiative and began talking first.

"You know, I honestly didn't think you would contact me."

Alan immediately replied.

"Well, you thought wrong."

"I certainly did."

Maxwell agreed, he then glanced at Alan's figure, before carefully asking.

"Did you get bigger?"

Alan, who was caught surprised by this question, answered it after a moment.

"It's known as Puberty."

Maxwell said nothing, he only thought in his mind.

'...what a lame excuse.'

The current Alan Peccator was someone completely different from the one he saw before.

He was taller, more muscular, and definitely had a different face.

The only thing that hadn't changed was his eyes, those blue diamonds were still the Same.

Cerulean Blue and Beautiful.

"So, let's talk business."

Maxwell disregarded his previous thoughts and began to talk seriously.

"I'll provide all the channels for the equipment to sell, you just need to provide it, and if you are worried about your guild then mana contracts can solve that problem."

"Is talking about all that in this coffee shop a good idea?"

Maxwell smirked as he listened to Alan, before stating.

"I own it, every 'employee' you see here is someone that can't speak about this conversation at all."




"No matter what."

Maxwell completed his sentence.

'So that's why it's empty.'

Alan thought, initially he had guessed it was because it was early, but he was wrong.

Well, even if this was a trap, Alan was confident enough to escape easily, considering he could teleport and all.

but he wasn't here to talk. about business about his rings.

"Maxwell, I want you to join twilight and become a member of my raid team."

Alan stated, his eyes containing a certain aura of calmness, a certain aura that seemed to make one listen to him, to feel safe when he was around.

But Maxwell would not be swayed by something so easily.

"I've come here to talk business, and besides your guild won't accept me."

"How are you so sure?"




'...why in the world would they accept the son of the guild master of the number one ranked guild?'

...that was akin to letting a ticking time bomb enter your room.

Twilight, accept the guy whose father owns a guild that is above their own, and also is somewhat a rival guild?

"Regarding the RI-"

Maxwell tried to change the topic to business again but was interrupted by Alan.

"You want revenge, don't you?"

Maxwell paused, his facial muscles stiffened up for a second before relaxing again.

He tried to relax, but Alan didn't give him enough time.

"Against Titan, or more importantly against Daniel Parker."




Alan's words hit the mark, and Maxwell struggled to maintain his poker face.

"I can give you that revenge."

Every word hit the mark.

"Titan falling into flames, and Daniel Parker watching it fall in front of his eyes.

You want to see it, don't you?"

And Maxwell dropped his businessman act.


[Alans PoV]

James Smith, and Maxwell Parker.

Both of you are so alike.

but there is a difference.

Maxwell, is still sane, to a certain degree.

He hasn't fallen so deep into revenge that he will do 'anything.'

And I 'want' him.

I don't want to experience those memories of James Again.

And never in my fucking life do I even want to resemble him.

He suffered and made me suffer.

But more importantly, I want someone like Maxwell.

Someone whose loyalty I can guarantee with 'revenge'.

Not with those Mana contracts.

​ And because I want this to be fair.

For my Sympathy towards him.

For if he's lived a life similar to James, then it is understandable that he should have gone insane.

but he hasn't, he kept it hidden under wraps, and hasn't been consumed by it.

Unlike a certain someone. still human inside.

"You want revenge don't you?"

I saw his face twitch before regaining composure.

But I wasn't going to give him time to relax.

"Against Titan, or more importantly against Daniel Parker."

I know.

Because I've seen 'his' memories, even though they are only fragments.

I know exactly the words, that James would have so desperately wanted to hear.

Before he became a monster.

"I can give you that revenge."

The revenge against your father that you so desire.

The revenge that you have planned since you were a child.

The revenge that, although you have not been consumed by it, yearn for it.

To prove that awakened talent is not everything.

"Titan falling in flames, and Daniel Parker watching it fall in front of his eyes.

You want to see it, don't you?"

Every word of mine hit the mark.

I could see his defences fall, the words that he yearned to hear, the possibility he wanted to know of.

Come, let me face you.

The one most similar to James.

His act fell apart.

And it seemed like I was talking to a human James.

A still human being, and not the monster James had become later on.


From the beginning he awakened, in the beginning, he had his talent rankings measured.

Life had been hell.

His older brothers, Sisters, and family all treated him like trash.

He only had his little sister, who he was then banned from seeing after.

And later on, even that little innocent girl didn't care about him anymore.

He was beaten, he was abused, all because his talent was below his family's standards.

A pig in a family of lions.

His life changed, and he began to question...


Why is this happening?

And he soon found the answer.

Ah, it's because I will never be as strong as them.

In this world of superhumans, I will never reach that realm.

is that the reason why?

how funny.

And his cycle continued.

His hell continued.

And he resolved, to build it all up.

To hide his intentions from them.

To hide until the time was right.

And strike back.

Yet, no matter how he schemed, he always felt bound.

How can I challenge them with wits?

What good is the best strategy in front is absolute power?


Nothing at all.

And so, he, who had acted as trash, but built himself a foundation in secret.

Was feeling hopeless.

Utterly hopeless.

And then, he met someone who, with his eyes alone, his eyes that was filled with confidence.

Someone that had the talent to do it.

Gave him that chance.

But I won't be blinded.

I am Maxwell.

And I am a businessman.

It's time to negotiate with the first spatial awakened in human history.


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