The Villain's Story

Chapter 129 [129]The One's Who Failed To Protect What They Were Meant To Protect.

In a Grand Cathedral, a figure walked alone toward the center.

The figure draped in a pure white robe with a gold mask on its face walked towards a casket adorned in gold and various other ornaments.


As he walked the cathedral changed its appearance until the roof and walls had disappeared and all one could see was clouds...and multiple stained glass paintings depicting stories of their own were all that was left.

The figure walked towards the Casket and finally reached it.

The Casket opened and revealed the figure of a gorgeous golden-haired woman resting peacefully.

The Body of the Aloaris's daughter, Alari.

The poor soul who tried to save Aranus, but paid dearly for it.

The figure silently stared at Alari's body.

He had just felt it.

He has just faintly felt it.

The Unique Mana signatures of The Oblivion Dragon and Jade Snake.

Many times...he had wondered about the purpose of his existence, the purpose of his creation.

Why was he created?

To serve as the spokesperson of Celestia's Will?

Or to protect his people?

He didn't know.

He had long since believed that it was his purpose to protect...but he failed so miserably in doing that.

All the blood, all the Massacre, all the unneeded sacrifice all the times the Oblivion Dragon stormed his City, Babylon.

He failed to defend his city, his realm, and his people every time.

He fell to that God-forsaken Spear or Maw every time.

Even if he, along with all his holy children attacked together, they all failed...and only served to enhance the Oblivion Dragon.

'Why did you create me?'

He thought of this question many times...and asked his conscience of Celestia multiple times.

And it always went silent whenever he posed the question.

Why? Why must you go silent?

Just answer me.

Just... answer me why I must always suffer as I watch my people die in front of my I am unable to do anything.

As I am powerless to do anything?

Why not just end my and my people's suffering?

Why not just end it? Let the Oblivion Dragon win... because he eventually wins.

How funny...for him, to have given up all hope.

For have given up hope out of all beings.

But...he sincerely and desperately wished for it.

Salvation...freedom from this endless cycle...of death and suffering.

Many times had he begged it to end it.

To give his people and him some rest.

Whether that rest be eternal.

He revealed his hand which was hidden inside his robe, a hand completely golden with multiple engravings on it similar to the mask on his face.

He put his hand on the forehead of Alari and began to recite a prayer.

A prayer that lasted hours...a desperate prayer to end the suffering.

A futile...yet fulfilling prayer for him.

End it...

Just End it.

He wished for refuge from true death multiple times...

End it.

Stop making us suffer...even if only a select few remember it.

Stop using that Goddamn Chalice to reverse time over and Over again.

I cannot stand the sight of my people dying again and again.

Please...For the Love of Me.

End it.


In a magnificent throne room that could fit multiple mountains, a lone figure walked towards the throne.

Draped in a golden robe, with the insignia of a dragon wearing a crown engraved onto its back.

His beautiful golden Hair, coupled with his face would make every woman fall in love at first sight.

His horns were shaped like a crown, and His figure walked elegantly toward the magnificent throne.

He walked up the steps towards the throne and sat upon it.

And immediately after he had done...all the elegance he had displayed walking towards his throne faded.

He slumped onto the throne, his form of sitting unbefitting of a king.

With his forearms on his knees, he slumped down.

Aloaris had forsaken all of his dignity.

No dragon was present here...he didn't need to do it.

He was once a person who would have walked and sat and done everything with dignity and elegance...but all these loops had made him think of it as worthless.

A golden light enveloped his hands and a golden pendant materialized in his hands.

He stared at it with longing.

And with the sorrow of a father unable to protect his daughter...and a king unable to protect his people.

'... it's begun again.'

He thought as he felt even more tired.

He had just felt The Unique mana signature of the Oblivion Dragon and The Jade snake.

The mana signatures that made it abundantly clear...that it had begun again.

The pendant disappeared and he slowly raised his head before resting it on his throne and closing his eyes.

The damn cycle...the goddamn cycle of Chaos will begin again.


In a world of Green, filled with Vegetation and plant life galore.

Cities made of wood and giant trees gave them a unique sense of beauty.

Within the center of this green, versus paradise stood a tree that pierced the heavens...and on its trunk was something coiled up that made one wonder.

'Just how big could something get?'

The creature, which was an eastern dragon big enough to put Suleras And Aloaris to shame, opened its eyes which were the size of mountains.

It had just sensed the unique signatures of the Oblivion Dragon and Jade Snake, and awakened from its slumber.

But was beginning to fall asleep once again despite its best attempts to wake up.

These damn chains...

It thought within its mind.

These damn chains of lethargy made it impossible for it to do something most of the time.

But...Alas...even if it was permitted to wake up...what could it do?

And closed its deep green eyes and continued its slumber...whether out of it's own will or not.


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