The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Face-slapping the CV (2)

Editors: Nadralexe

The original owner, Zhou Xu, loved voice acting, so Zhou Xu definitely wanted to enter this club. It was why this time he didn’t refuse and went to the club’s selection office together with Shuang Yue.

Because the voice acting industry in this world was very good, each university had its own club, and when recruiting new people, there was always a test. The voice had to have at least some distinctive features, otherwise they would not be recruited.

Besides, there were a lot of ways to earn money as a CV. Basically, after one or two years as a CV, they were paid to dub. Moreover, voice actors all had their own live channel, just the donations from it could amount to ten to twenty thousands a month. Those first rate voice actors got even more, it was possible to reach one hundred to two hundred thousand.

For example, Xingsu Chongqi had three million fans. Each time he would start his live broadcast from 7pm to 10pm, twice a week. Sometimes, he just talked, or read a few small paragraphs, but the tips just kept smashing into his account.

The original owner loved voice acting and wanted to make money with his hobby, it was just a shame that in the end he forgot about his hobby himself.

But the person who lived in this body now was Zhou Xu, and Zhou Xu would help him fulfill this wish of hism.

When they arrived at the interview place, Zhou Xu waited in line to go in with Shuang Yue.

While waiting, a man in a white shirt came over and went straight into the audition room for the interview.

Zhou Xu didn’t notice this person because he was resting his eyes. It was just as after the man entered, Zhou Xu heard the waiting room explode.

“Wow, that guy just now is Xingsu Chongqi? So handsome.”

“Really? He’s Xingsu Chongqi? I haven’t seen his livestreams, but I’ve heard of his plays, trully, no wonder he’s so popular.”

Amidst the lively discussion, Zhou Xu heard Shuang Yue talk to him, “Zhou Xu, have you seen Xingsu Chongqi, he’s so handsome.”

Zhou Xu shook his head and said, “Didn’t see.”

However Shuang Yue said excitedly, “That’s too bad, he’s really handsome, I think my heartbeat is getting out of control, what should I do?”

Zhou Xu ignored him and continued to rest his eyes, and Shuang Yue could not do anything but keep quiet.

After a few minutes, another person passed by, this person wore a simple blue T-shirt and a pair of ordinary jeans. He had a pair of black framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the corners of his lips were smiling. He was very tall and gave people a feeling of being a ruffian, but he didn’t make people feel annoyed, and instead gave a friendly feeling.

Compared with the previous person, this man seemed to have been totally bested. But Zhou Xu knew at first glance, this person was deliberately wearing that pair of black-framed glasses, because if the glasses were taken off, his features definitely would not lose to anyone, but even so, his radiance was still enough to make this small waiting room much brighter.

The man smiled at them, waved his hand, said a jiayou to them and then also went into the audition room.

Zhou Xu and he had eye contact for a moment. The man’s smile seemed to stiffen, but then he turned his head to look at the others. However, Zhou Xu laughed, because he thought that the man’s short moment of embarrassment was also quite interesting, either he looked like a former acquaintance of his, or, this man fell in love with himself at first sight.

No matter where that stiffness came from, Zhou Xu found it interesting because his lover could basically feel the attraction from Zhou Xu really early. It was why for so many times, he and his lover fell in love at first sight.

Of course, this love at first sight, in fact, came from the deep love in the heart, but also from the long-term company.

“He is Bolan Zhongtui? He’s also very handsome.”

“Yes, I really like his singing, and also gave him a lot of money.”

“Feel like Xingsu Chongqi is more handsome. However, he’s not bad either.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

It was once again a moment of surprise and admiration. Shuang Yue once again wanted to talk to Zhou Xu but Zhou Xu said in advance, “I’m not interested.”

Shuang Yue’s words were just choked back by Zhou Xu, and he could only look at the dashing club’s flyer in his hand in depression.

They were then called in one by one to try reading a paragraph, but the judge was in another room, looking at them through a special kind of glass.

The glass was a one-way one, meaning the interviewers couldn’t see the judges, but the judges could see them.

When it came to Shuang Yue, several judges were satisfied because his voice was very clean, very suitable for a smart and flexible subject, and also very suitable to dub a shouta, which had high recognition, so learning the techniques should be very promising.

Zhang Caiyu, President of Xiaoxiao club, walked with her sky-high high heels. She leaned aside, put his hands around his chest, smiled and asked, “what do you think, Xingsu and Xiaobo?”

“Not bad, but he needs to learn systematically.” Su Chongqi said.

“Not bad”. Xie Yibo also nodded.

Zhang Caiyu was satisfied, so she kept Shuang Yue’s application form and put it in the acceptance section.

After that was Zhou Xu’s interview, the article given to Zhou Xu was an essay. The article was not long. Its whole content was around the theme of enjoying life.

After reading the content and thinking about the state of mind of the author of this article, Zhou Xu lowered his voice slightly, not much, but enough to make people feel calm.

The article was read out from Zhou Xu’s mouth like flowing water, as if the author’s broad mind could be perceived, as well as the gratitude and fondness for life.

The beautiful words read in a quiet voice seemed to have opened up a meadow in their mind for people to be enchanted by.

Generally interviewees only read through a few sentences and that was it. After all, what the judges paid attention to was their tone, and later they would be taught specifically how to control their tone, intonation, and pronunciation skills.

Zhou Xu was the only interviewee who read the whole article, because his performance was so good, so good that the judges could not let Zhou Xu stop, nor could they let go of the bright green meadow in their minds.

Zhou Xu finished reading, and it was only a few seconds later that Zhang Caiyu coughed lightly and came back to her senses. She smiled slightly as she lowered her arms around her arms and said, “Two great gods, your status won’t be guaranteed.”

Su Chengqi frowned, but Xie Yibo kept his smile and said, “First of all, he’s mine, you guys don’t fight with me, no matter the gender.”

“Fuck, what did you say?” Zhang Caiyu’s pretty face was full of astonishments, and there was another emotion which was ... pleasant surprise?

Xie Yibo replied, “I know you are a rotten girl, but you should not act so exaggerated, do not scare my little cutie.”

Su Chengqi had been frowning, but he did not know exactly what he was upset about, it should be that Zhou Xu was too outstanding, his position may be threatened, he thought so.

Xie Yibo went on to say, “No kidding, I know what I want, from the moment I saw him, I knew it, so shut up all of you, I want to chase him properly.”

“Got it, here’s his application form, all his personal information is on it, and his phone number. Gift for you.” Zhang Caiyu said.

“No need, I’ll ask him for it myself.”

“En, truly handsome.” Zhang Caiyu had a good relationship with them. There were many gays in the dubbing circle, but there were none in their school, so as a rotten girl and head of the troupe, she expressed her frustration, but now it was different. Their troupe also had gays, and Zhang Caiyu almost happily said a “Oh yeah”.

When they finished talking, they remembered that Zhou Xu was still in the audition room, so with a light cough Zhang Caiyu said into the microphone, “Very good, you are accepted, there is a unified pronunciation study class next Monday, I hope to see you then.”

Zhou Xu nodded and walked away.

After he went out, he realized that the answer for everyone else was to wait for the notice, but he was the only one whose result was to be accepted on the spot.

After being accepted, Zhou Xu went back to the dormitory with Shuang Yue, of course he didn’t say he was accepted, but just followed suit and said he was waiting for the notice.

Shuang Yue had also been immersed in the “beauty” of Su Chengqi, while Zhou Xu opened professional books on dubbing.

Zhou Xu had always liked to learn. Regarding knowledge he always felt that the more the better, and the more you knew, the more you would feel that knowledge was endless.

After going through so many worlds, he had never been a voice actor, and he wanted to learn it well this time.

From pronunciation to control, to how the oral and nasal cavities resonate, Zhou Xu learned very carefully, and by the time the pronunciation study class began, Zhou Xu had learned most of the knowledge on voice acting.

The teacher of the dubbing study class was a professional film school dubbing teacher, so when Zhou Xu came, there were already many people in the classroom, many people had gone to the classroom, and some people who just liked dubbing attended even if they were not admitted.

A classroom that could hold one hundred and fifty people was crammed with more than two hundred people, and many people could only stand at the back, and Zhou Xu was one of them, he didn’t expect the course to be so popular.

A few minutes after standing still, the teacher started to lecture.

The content was a little boring, but it couldn’t stop the young people who loved dubbing, so the teacher felt very happy after the whole class, and the students also really learned a lot.

Finally, the teacher began to teach how to change one’s voice. He found a demonstrator. The demonstrator was none other than Xie Yibo, whom Zhou Xu saw that day.

If he hadn’t seen anything wrong, the first person this man looked at after going on stage was Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu felt so.

Smiling slightly, Zhou Xu felt that the assumption at the beginning must be the latter, this man fell in love with himself at first sight. Besides in the original world, Xie Yibo didn’t come to this study class at all, this time he certainly came for Zhou Xu.

So a long way away, Zhou Xu just playfully looked at the demonstrator on the podium, while the teacher seemed to deliberately make trouble for Xie Yibo, not letting him say anything cool. All the time learning all kinds of sounds, such as the sound of burping after eating, such as the sound of drunkenness, and then the sound of a child.

After Xie Yibo learned all the messy voices once again, the teacher said, “Everybody could do the cool sounds. Go down.”

Zhou Xu could feel the man’s deep helplessness, but his heart was smiling. He had to think of a way to get in touch with this man, at least he had to confirm if he was his lover or not.

But Zhou Xu finally found that he didn’t have to find a way at all, because Xie Yibo was trying to get close to him. For example, at this moment, he went to Zhou Xu and held his black framed eyes. He was a little embarrassed and said, “Zhou Xu, right? I’m Bolan Zhongtui from Xiaoxiao club.”

At this moment, Xie Yibo really regreted that he took such a stupid screen name. If he was called Bolan Qunshu or an even more handsome name, certainly he could give a better impression, at least not a nasty screen name like Bolan Zhongtui.


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