The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 69 Despair

One of Adam's most painful memory from his previous life was when his mother died, and he rarely talked about it.

He would never forget about his mother, but as days went by, he managed to move on little by little. It was hard, it was painful, but Adam wanted to at least become someone that his mother wanted him to be, so he studied and got a job, but the only thing he didn't have was a lover.

Adam was not always an honest and direct person, he even act childishly at times, and when he was young, he was very introverted and had few friends, so his mother became his best friend.

It was not like Adam didn't talk at all, it was just that he had trust issues since he was little, so he didn't get along with other people, and because of his character, he was very self-centered and got into fights often. Sometimes he wasn't aware of his surroundings and acted like a moron, so other kids tended to avoid him.

Thus, he spent more time at home with his mother than playing outside and began to get interested in her work because it was related to computers.

However, his mother had a weak constitution and got sick often, so she had to work from home, and as Adam grew up, he had to take care of her.

In summary, the two of them had a healthy relationship.

There were cases like this everywhere around the world so it was not that rare, but still, when her mother said her last words to Adam, it hit him to the core.

"Never forget to brush your teeth…" She said.

Other people might wonder why such a word made Adam feel like trying to continue and live on, but they would never know what it felt to be him.

'They would never understand. They would look at me with disgust. They would avoid me.' Or so Adam thought.

He was disorganized, he was lazy, and he was never the perfect son, but in the end, his mother was there. This was also the reason why Adam was so bad with human relations because he was so used to exposing all of his bad sides to his mother, but not everyone was like his mother.

Against all odds, Adam managed to do better than expected and managed to become an adult, but he never truly matured as a person.

His story was not even that dramatic, or tear-jerker, it was even extremely common, but he didn't want to go through that again.

Losing his mother made Adam realize that some people couldn't be replaced.

Adam had just stepped out of his comfort zone and wanted to face his traumas, his weaknesses, his feelings, but…


Blood came out of Adam's eyes, as if they were tears, and not only from his eyes but almost from all other his body.

This was a very extreme condition and he was about to die.

He was naked, but he looked more like a ghoul than a human.

Adam had already gone beyond the limits, but he used his remaining life force to leap forward without holding back and punched the Lord with his fist. "Bastard!!!!"


He managed to use the antimatter for a few seconds but a black shadow materialized and blocked Adam's first.

However, as soon as the Lord saw that Adam's fist was about to penetrate the black shadow, his eyes widened and he backed away.

"Miss Liu!!!" Zax also dashed forward and checked Liu's condition.

Finding the room was indeed easy, and entering was even easier, but they were still too optimistic, and what they were witnessing seemed to make them aware of the cold reality once again, because as soon as they entered the room, despair was apparent on their face.

"She is still alive," Cristal announced. "But at this rate, she won't survive."

"No, no, no! This is not true! This is not true!" Zax shook her head and shouted like she was about to go insane.

"Kuh.." Adam on the other hand fell to his knees and coughed a mouthful of blood. His eyes were half open and everything that appeared in his field of view was blurry and reddish.

"Guuuu…" Even Verte looked like she was affected by what happened.

Liu was lying on the ground, her body almost mummified. There was something wrong with her but Adam and Zax couldn't do anything about it as they didn't even understand how it had happened.

This was a situation that Adam and the others feared but never wished to happen, but the reality was cruel, and what they feared the most ended up happening.

"Crista…l, Zax… Take Liu and Verte, then use that portal to run." Adam said meekly. His head was so messed up that he had stopped thinking for a second, and he didn't even care about why there was a portal there, or why the Lord didn't attack them yet, in the end, he still had to fight.

It was clear that the Lord did something to Liu and he was about to use his power on Zax and Adam too, or so Adam concluded.

However, only Adam's power could nullify the effect of the Lord's power, so he had to wait until Cristal and Zax took Liu and Verte away, but he wasn't even sure if he could activate his power again.

Adam had tried to escape reality by thinking that as long they got out of this situation, he would do something about Liu so there was nothing to worry about.

Still, his expression didn't match his this attempt to calm himself.

"Hmmm… What is all of this about?" The Lord said as he looked at Adam who stared at him menacingly. "Why are you here?" The Lord's question was at the same time directed at Adam and related to the fact that they had entered the castle. After all, this meant that they managed to pass by the commander.

Adam was recovering his strength and he didn't move recklessly, but he wasn't about to answer the Lord's question. His eyes were full of killing intent.

Cristal hurried and transformed the armor into a bigger sized one and she took Liu and Verte in her arms.

Zax was still in a daze as if she had lost her mind, fixing Liu's face.

"Leave that thing here, and you can go….. This is getting annoying." The Lord said, looking at Cristal. He was confident in his ability, but he was also a little bit warry of Adam, still, from his point of view, they were not much of a threat.

Moreover, they looked completely ignorant about Verte's true nature, so the Lord looked like he was willing to let them go.

"Cristal, hurry!" Adam said, pushing his vocal cords to the limits.

Despair slowly caught up with them, and it couldn't be stopped.


:::[Adam's Pov]:::

'Damn it! Damn it! Why does everything always turn out like this?'

Just a while ago, I could see some hope and I felt like this was the time to move forward. 'But damn it! Damn it!'

I didn't know if this was karma, or if my luck ran out, or whatever it was, but things were never this bad.

My limbs and my interiors felt like they were exposed to a sea of flame, and the guy in front of me could block my punch and Liu was in that state.

I gritted my teeth and endured the pain, but my mind was about to break apart. I felt like my entire life now holding on to a thin string.

I was out of ideas, I didn't know what to do to get all of us out of this situation. I knew that I couldn't let my emotions overflow uncontrollably, but I couldn't even look at Liu, I didn't want to look at her the way I was now.

Instead, I looked at the guy in front of me, the origin of all this.

It seemed like the guy wanted something from Liu, and I didn't know what he wanted but it seemed like she didn't want to hand it over, so it must have been something extremely important.

He also seemed extremely confident in his ability, so I didn't think I could beat him that easily even with my full power.

I needed to think, but there was nothing to think about. My head was already full of mess, so it was hard to find the correct answer, if there was a correct answer, to begin with.

'What should I do? Damn it! I am so weak right now… So powerless! But there must be something I can do!'

I knew that I was just distracting myself from evident truth but I couldn't help it, if I didn't do that, I would break apart.

I tried to absorb more energy from the surroundings but my body didn't listen to my command.

It was helpless.

It was the beginning of the end.

But I couldn't give up yet, I couldn't die yet.


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