The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 6 The Calm Before The Storm (Part 2)

:::[Third person POV]:::

The events that were happening on the planet under the jurisdiction of Lord Kepalta seemed to have picked the attention of some people in the Empire and the Holy Church so they sent envoys, consisting of two people from the Holy Church and one level 8 Lord along thousands of Imperial soldiers.

These people would never travel to a remote and insignificant planet such as Adam's home normally but this time, it was an exception. After all, it was said that the son of Lord Kepalta awakened his gift when he was six years old but the nature of his gift was still unknown, still the Holy church agreed to assess his potential of this.

As for the another envoy from the Holy Empire, he was there to negotiate with Lord Kepalta about a deal related to the exportation of high-qualits mana stone to the Empire, at least officially, but the real reason behind it was thanks to the Raizel family using their connection to have Adam's potential assessed, but without a doubt, they had other plans concerning him and wanted to bring him to the academy so they agreed to help.

"This better be worth the trip." The level 8 Lord called Gordon Vi Loyena looked displeased as he said these words. He was a tall man in his late twenties and he had a dark complexion and silver hair. His race was called Aniak and his pointy ears made him stand out from the people that came with him.

The Loyena family was affiliated with the Raizel family which was Julius' former family.

The Raizel family had recovered from their fall and was on the rise during the last decade or so with Julius' brother Redmond Von Raizel as its head.

Even though Gordon was a level 8 Lord, he couldn't against the order of Redmond because he was only promoted to level 8 Lord not too long after the former noble was demoted and executed after being suspected of treason against the Emperor, so Gordon was still young and inexperienced, and his territory was vast, obliging him to seek the support of influential lords to keep his status solid and receive help concerning his territory management.

Julius was considered a traitor, not by the Empire but by his family, because he should have become the head of the Raizel family if he didn't run away with a woman from a rival faction but time passed and his brother who didn't dislike him became the head of the Raizel family he was more or less forgiven and some people had even forgotten about him.

However, Julius had a son who was rumored to be a genius, and Redmond, the head of the Raizel family was curious about his nephew and had a project for him so he wanted to bring him to the empire.

"If the son of lady Marie has the seed of the primordial authorities then this is worth more than the lives of every being on this planet." A woman wearing a white set of nun clothes which was extremely alluring due to her apparent perfect curves made a statement, her face devoid of emotions.

She was known as sister Gracia, one of the envoys from the holy church along with the bulky man wearing black priest clothing standing beside her.

The three of them, Gracia, Gordon, and the priest was currently spending time on a luxurious building's veranda which had a great view of the Royal Castle of Kepalta.

Garcia and Gordon were seated but the priest was standing.

'So she is saying that this brat can be worth more than millions of lives huh… These people from the Holy Church are a scary bunch.' Gordon thought to himself.

He lusted over sister Gracia's body previously, but after spending time with her and the mysterious priest, he had some serious second thoughts and kept his lust deep inside his heart.

'That priest guy is bad news.'

Gordon was a level 7 gift-holder himself but he knew that he couldn't win against this bulky-looking priest.

These two people from the Holy Church didn't even bother to bring guards with them, unlike Gordon who brought a hundred or so of his most powerful men.

All of the thousands of soldiers that came with them in the Imperial spaceship stayed inside of the ship in space and only a few people went to meet with the head of the Kepalta family.

'Well, I am just going to do what I was asked to do and be over with this. I don't feel comfortable with these people.'

Gordon thought as he took a side glance at sister Gracia who sat opposite him but she didn't show any reaction at all and only stared in the direction of the Royal castle with emotionless eyes.

After seeing this, Gordon sighed and stayed silent, their conversation ended there.


Inside the Royal castle of Kepalta, everyone was busy and the schedule for the day was already planned months ago.

The head of the Royal knight, the head of the Defense, and the head of the Shadow corp were particularly busy, but they still organized a quick meeting to discuss their respective duties.

"As usual, the royal knights will be tasked with protecting the Royal Castle which includes his highness and his family. This is a duty of the utmost importance. After all, some cockroaches will certainly attempt something scandalous at a time like this. They never learn."

The head of Defense made a statement as he looked at the pile of paper on his desk.

His name was Delio and he was middle-aged in his forties with common facial features and brown hair. He wore an elegant set of clothing and sat in front of his desk.

Sitting in front of Delio were two particular men.

One of them wore a set of silver full-body armor made of Stellarium which was made with extremely light material and designed in a way that it wouldn't hinder the wearer's movement. His name was Silvestre and he was a level 7 gift holder. He had curly blond hair and looked like he was in his early thirties.

Silvestre nodded at Delio's words because he was currently the head of the Royal knight, a unit that gathered many talented gift holders all around the planet who received rigorous training and became part of one of the pillars that support the royal family and the Lord, so his duty was extremely important. Even though these people came from different backgrounds and different statuses, they were all given the chance to show their value, so they all respected Julius.

Many young men dream of becoming Royal knights of Kepalta because it was an honor for them to be able to protect the Lord, making their families very proud of them.

"The Shadow corp will be tasked with information gathering. His Highness allowed many foreigners to land on our planet but that doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want in our territory." Delio said, looking at the man next to Sylvestre, "Make sure to not leave any suspicious person to wander around in shadow unchecked. The authorization to execute every person who is suspicious but refuses to cooperate, whoever they are, is granted and approved by the Lord," he continued.

The other man who was sitting in next to Silvestre nodded at Delio's words.

He wore a set of black clothing which consisted of a black cloak and a black bodysuit. His face looked sharp with his black hair and pitch-black eyes along with the distinct scar on his left cheek. His name was Brad and he was also a level 7 gift holder that specialized in stealth, assassination, and information gathering, making him the head of the Shadow corp of Kepalta, and despite his look, he was around the same age as Silvestre.

The shadow corps was not known by the general public but it was also one of the pillars that supported the Lord. It was a unit that specialized in various works that could only be done in the shadow, and its member was very secretive.

"These papers include the details of your duties. Now, continue with your work, and don't bring shame or disappointment to our Lord." Delio handed some papers to Brad and Silvestre.

After they received these papers, Brad and Silverstre stood from their chairs. "Roger!" The two men said in unison and left the room.

Delio looked at them as they left the room and began to deal with the other documents left on his desk.

For the few last days, Delio made sure that security all other the planet was right. He inspected all of the people that came to the main continent, as well as the foreigners from different planets, and made sure that no suspicious people were roaming around.

Delio was the head of Defense under Lord Julius's jurisdiction and so he controlled a big part of the planet's force, mostly the regular soldiers and all of the other troops related to the defense, but lately, he felt like something went past his eyes. It was just intuition and there was no concrete evidence to back it up but he was still worried that something might happen.

'Well, the people around the Lord are all trustworthy, so if such a thing happens then it must be from someone that came from the outside. I need to be extremely wary of any potential suspect. We can't let any harm reach the young Lord on this important day.'

Delio, as he continued to deal with the information related to the state of things that was currently transpiring all around the planet.


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