The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 42 Liu’s Companions

'This is a little bit annoying…'

I couldn't help but come to this conclusion, considering the situation that I was in.

It had been a while since we departed and Yelena, the red-haired woman, had more or less introduced me to the others.

I expected that there would be some kind of tension between me and Liu's companions but I didn't think that they would treat me like a bother.

An uncomfortable atmosphere enveloped the room and I became the center of unwanted attention.


Only Verte's voice could be heard apart from the sound produced by Zax who was focused on fixing up some kind of drone, and Bradon who was cooking for the rest of the group.

Zax was a rather petite woman, and her pink hair and unusual pupils were very eye-catching. She wore two metal gloves, and a huge goggle that looked like they were invented by her, and her clothes were rather shabby, but she was the specialist in robotics in Liu's crew.

I didn't understand why she had to do that inside of this room, because this was supposed to be a dining room, and I was alone with Verte until these people showed up one by one and stayed inside the room.

As for Bradon, he was very muscular and his pointy ears and silver hair suggested that he was from the same race as Gordon.

'Are they cousins or relatives?'

Brondon's face and arms were full of scars, and I deduced that he went through many painful experiences. I had a rather positive opinion of him.

Talking about different races, there was a very particular individual among this group of people. His name was Feldenis and his race was called Zelphyre. He had long golden hair, and pointy ears and wore a pair of glasses. He was also wearing a white coat, almost similar to what Caroline was wearing.

Yelena introduced Feldenis as a specialist in Biology and Geology.

As for me, I just thought of him as an elf and Brondon as a dark elf.

Apart from these three, there was the blond-haired guy who was called Timothy and was glaring at me as if he wanted to eat me alive.

There was also Yelena, who exhibited a fierce aura as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes as if she was thinking about something extremely important.

Nevertheless, I must say that Liu's companions were interesting individuals despite their unfriendly attitude.

Well, I was quite unfriendly myself, so I didn't mind. And if there were opportunities to get along with them in the future, then I was not against trying to talk with them.


Verte was very cheerful as usual while drinking the milk that I prepared for her. She sat on my lap and I stroked her hair gently.

Every time Verte let out happy noises, all of the other people inside the room looked at me with funny eyes.

They were probably asking themselves why Verte liked me, but I didn't know about it myself.

Liu said that she was going to her room so I asked her if I could take care of Verte for a while, and she accepted, and Verte was happy, so I didn't give much thought to it, but it seemed like Verte never stayed with anyone else apart from her before, so her companions were surprised to see Verte on my lap.

With that said, I wanted to look around the ship, so I stood up and exited the room.

I didn't care about Liu's companions' reactions. If they had something to say, then they could just talk to me.

I was always trying to be polite to them but I didn't intend to be treated like a kid by them. Well, it might look like I was a fifteen years old kid who tried to look like an adult, but that was fine with me.

As I walked around, I was seriously impressed by Liu's ship. It was very modern when it came to internal design, the functionalities, and many things… It was as if I stepped straight inside of a Sci-fi movie.

Along the hallway connecting the compartments of the ship, the was a huge window where I could see what happened outside and…

"Wow! What can I say? This is something that normal people would never see…"

Yeah, it was not every day that people saw what a planet looked like from space. I was referring to the people on Earth, but even in this world, many people would never experience seeing this kind of scenery during their lifetime.

By traveling in outer space, it wouldn't even take half a day to arrive at our destination: The continent called Nakahafa.


:::[Third person POV]:::


Liu dived down on top of her bed, and the comfy bed made a puffing sound.

This was an action that Liu would never let other people see, but like any human being, she also needed to relieve her stress from time to time.


She flapped her legs as she lay down on her stomach, burying her face inside one of her pillows.

After a while, she relaxed and began to think about various topics.

'What should I do now…'

She accepted Adam's challenge on the spot, but when she thought about it again, it was rather a weird declaration.

'What is he thinking? Does he want to be my friend? Does that even count as a request? After all, we probably won't meet again after this…'

Liu was never good when it came to human relations.

However, Adam intrigued her more and more. At first, she was just there to investigate him, but it turned out that Adam himself was different from Liu's expectations.

"Well, when I return home, all of that won't matter anymore…"

Liu whispered, and there was a hint of unwillingness in her voice.


:::[ Adam's POV]:::

We finally arrived at our destination, a country situated within the continent of Nakahafa, and so we disembarked from the ship.

At first, I thought that only, Liu, Cristal, Verte, and I would search for this master, but for some reason, five extra people came with us.

"Hahaha… This will be a sort of vacation for us!" Timothy said, in an extremely loud and excited voice.

Seriously, this guy would match the description of a prince riding a white horse if he didn't act like that. 'Such as shame…'

Yelena smacked Timothy's head. "We are not here to play, but to help Miss Liu and… the kid to look for this so-called master."

Zax analyzed the surrounding with her strange-looking goggle. It was like some sort of high-tech gadget. I was extremely interested in asking her about its functionality, but this was not the right time and the right place for that.

Brodon and Feldenis stayed quiet and looked at the others as if they were looking at some excited kids. Brandon had a faint smile on his face but Feldenis looked at the city with interest.

'The two of them must be older than us, and not by a few decades…'

Cristal stayed quiet for a while now, but I was not against it, I didn't want her to talk with me the way she always did after all. It would be very suspicious.

As for Liu, she talked to Yelena, or more like she listened to Yelena talking and nodded slightly from time to time.

I also analyzed the surrounding area and I was left speechless.

'Is this feudal Japan? But why does it looks like it is more advanced than current Japan on earth?'

The buildings' design looked like a minimized version of the Emperor's castle, but some of them were still very tall. However, there was this touch of modernity in the design and the material used for construction.

Still, it was not that advanced when it came to this Empire's standards.

The atmosphere around the city indicated that it was a very active city.

Different people from different races flooded the streets, and different kinds of vehicles traveled back and forth from one place to another.

There were also different kinds of stores in every corner of the city, selling various things that I had never seen before. There were weird gadgets, foods, accessories, etc...


'There are lights? I guess they use some kind of power source to generate electricity… Come to think of it, there was something like that inside the castle.'

I felt a bit nostalgic.

The city itself was very interesting, and I wanted to look around more, but it was not our final destination.

We were here to land the ship and then continue our trip aboard a vehicle that could carry us deep inside of the dense forest right next to this city.

According to Cristal, this forest was very dense and the trees were almost hundreds of meters tall, so the spaceship couldn't travel through it, or even land there.

This was why we needed to land the spaceship here.

Everything went smoothly because my father gave me and Liu a Royal Pass that let us go wherever we wanted on this planet. It also gave me many extremely advantageous privileges. 'What can I say? It's nice to be the son of the Lord.'

After that, Zax brought a vehicle out of the ship and asked us to board it, and so we finally sent out to find this legendary master.

'I wonder what kind of person is he… I hope I won't have to go through another duel again…'


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