The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 34 Cristal’s New Look

After seeing the doll-like Cristal entering the room, I seriously panicked.

I stood up from where I sat and walked to Cristal. "Here you are, I was waiting for you. Let's discuss our plan now," I said, then, I looked at my parents who were eagerly waiting to talk with Cristal. "I've got this father. You don't have to worry about anything at all. Cristal and I will handle everything, so you can look forward to the result of my training."

I was feeling a little bit guilty after seeing them so excited, but I couldn't let them talk with Cristal until I understood what exactly was happening.

I was slowly heading towards the door as I said these words, and I signaled Cristal with my eyes to follow me without saying anything. "For now, we have something very important to discuss so you can talk with her later. Have a good day!"

After that, I opened the door and dragged Cristal as quickly as possible to an isolated place.

The act itself sounded extremely suspicious, but I know that I was dealing with an AI who somehow took the body of an innocent girl.

I didn't know how Cristal managed to do it, but it was certainly bad news if it were to be the case. I hoped that my theory was wrong.

Then, I looked at the purple-haired girl in front of me and asked a question. "Hey, what the hell is going on? Don't tell me that you brainwashed this girl."

No emotions appeared on Cristal's face, or the girl that was supposed to be her, even after hearing these words.

"Master, this is just one of my abilities."

After saying these words, Cristal's body retracted and turned into her metallic cube-like form.

[It's nanotechnology.]

My eyes widened after seeing what just happened.

"Nanotechnology? Well, this the kind of cheap plot armor that the scriptwriter of A*engers used for Tonu Smark's armor, isn't it?"

I couldn't help but say these words when I was in front of the real thing.

To be completely honest, I didn't even how nanotechnology worked, because it was still pure fantasy when I was back on earth. "Wait, wait. That doesn't explain how you were able to transform into gothic lolita."

[Master's preference when it comes to women was stored inside of my memory. In your memory, there was this file that you named 'Random stuff' on your computer, and inside it, there was…]

"Waitttt!! I get it! I wasn't talking about my preference! I was asking about what kind of ability you used exactly," I said in a overbearing tone, because I didn't want her to finish her sentence.

'How does she do to read the memory of my past life?' I wondered. This was another question that I wanted to ask. 'But it will be a very long discussion, so I will skip it for now.'

[Do you want me to explain nanotechnology? According to the Oxford dictionary, it is the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules…]

"Yeah, yeah… That was a definition that I read too. Now, I forgot the point that I was trying to make and the question I was trying to ask. Everything was kind of clear all of sudden...." I mumbled in a low voice. "So you restructured molecules and took the form of a human, based on my preference?"

[Exactly. You are smart, master.]

"Was that sarcasm?"

Honestly, this was the kind of technology that I wanted to develop by myself after coming to this world. 'It's kind of frustrating to see that it's completed and I don't know how it was done.'

However, I couldn't help but be concerned about how Cristal operated. "I know that you did that to help me, but seriously, the gothic lolita outfit and purple hair were too out of place."

Cristal must have been listening to our conversation from somewhere because I didn't want to show her to my parent. Then, she decided to show up when I was in a pinch.

[Is that so? If that is the case, then I need to make adjustments.]

After saying these words, Cristal took the shape of a human once again.

At first, she only looked like a mannequin, then details appeared: Her facial and body features, followed by her clothes.

All of that was still metallic and colorless.

Then, little by little, her skin turned pale and human-like. Her clothes looked like they were real after color appeared on them, and her hair was smooth as if they were authentic.

Cristal didn't have the gothic lolita look anymore and turned into a blond battle maid with ample bosom.

I instantly recognized this character because she was one of my favorite. The thing is that this character came from, you know, a game reserved for adults.

Well, this look was more appropriate if she wanted to move around. 'Huh? Why didn't she do this the first time we met?' I wondered.

"Is this more appropriate?"

"Cough, cough… Yeah, I guess."

After seeing her like that, I decided to dismiss all the questions related to her transformation. I didn't think they were that important.

"Cough! Let's talk about the trip now? What are we going to travel with? Should we look for a spaceship?" I asked.

"No. It's better if we fly there by ourselves."


"I can make you fly."

"Fly? Flying huh... Well, I guess that will do," I said, and I didn't even want to ask about how she was able do that anymore.

Stull, I was more and more dependent on Cristal. I didn't have the choice but to admit that my strength, knowledge, and intelligence alone were still not enough to deal with all of what was happening.

However, I made sure to remember that this was just temporary, and in the end, the one that I could depend on was none other than myself.

As I was thinking about that, I remembered something. "Ah! You can't change your hair color anymore because my parents will get suspicious."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, just revert it to the previous color. They won't mind your clothes, I guess."

"I understand."

Cristal's hair color turned purple again.

'Mmmm… This is not bad too,' I thought to myself.

Cristal was still emotionless as ever. "Master, let's not waste time any further and immediately practice the use of your power."

"Yeah, let's do that."

According to Cristal, it will be easier to train if I can manage to control my power first.

I agreed with her. It was the basis of the basics, and if I couldn't even do that, then this universe might as well be doomed to disappear.


:::[Third person POV]:::

After Adam acted weirdly and left with that mysterious-looking girl, his parents began to theorize about what was happening.

"Did you see his reaction?" Julius asked his wife.

"Yes. There must be something going on. I can feel it," Marie answered.

It was rare to see Adam acting that way. Most of the time, he looked mature and composed, and that was why his parents couldn't help but find his reaction extremely interesting.

"I was worried about him at some point because he didn't seem interested in women at all…" Julius said, "but I guess he finally came to an age where he couldn't ignore girls anymore. Hahaha."

Marie chuckled at Julius's words."He kind of reminds me of you when we first met."

"How so? I wasn't acting like that at all." Julius rebuked.

Marie put her hand on her cheeks and closed her eyes as if remembering a memory that she cherished. "I can still remember how you shuttered when you tried to begin the conversation back then. You were adorable at that time."

"Ah…!" Julius's voice was stuck in his mouth and embarrassment appeared on his face for the first time in a while. "Cough! Cough! I was young back then. Well, as you suggested, I am going to trust Adam on this. I am not sure that such a master exists, but this trip will be beneficial to him, "he added.

"I am glad that you think that way. This will also show us what our son is capable of, and so we can find out what we can still help him with in the future." Marie replied.

Adam loved his parents, but he wasn't aware of how much these two cared about him.

In his previous life, Adam almost forgot about how it felt when someone cared and loved him.

He was a lonely person to the core, and at some point, he even lost understanding of what being lonely implied.

Without him knowing it, this second life gifted him more significant things than he was already aware of.

Unfortunately, sometimes, people only became aware of what they lost.


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