The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 114 One Year Of Madness (Part 9)

"It must be around here," Adam said, entering a door that was located at the bottom of a stairway, just after he finished inspecting the whole building.

The building in question served a lot of purposes, and it was clearly a sort of facility dedicated to the development of new technologies, but that was not all; somewhere in one of the rooms, there was a compartment that was not like the others, because human blood covered the room and several tools which were not certainly used by a doctor were present.

"Was father aware of all of that," Adam wondered, but he quickly dismissed the thought as there was no use in thinking about such a detail.

However, he began to understand that the dark side of the world wasn't always related to the monsters.

As various thoughts crossed Adam's mind, he finally the room where the generators were installed.

"Okay, let's see what we've got here," Adam said to himself and began to wander around, examining the generators carefully.

The generators were huge tubes that were built like pillars all around the rooms, and next to each one, there were control panels with different switches and buttons.

"I see, so these need to be activated one by one." Adam didn't explore the buildings without no reason, as time was already limited, and he was trying to find clues on how to operate the generators and open the path.

"Mmm, let's try with one first," Adam mumbled, approaching one of the control panels.

From what he understood, these generators generated power from Gravitum, and they were the source of power for almost half of the city.

He was impressed by what people in this world had accomplished. Not only the Gravitum could generate a lot of power, but these stones also didn't create any pollution and were less dangerous than nuclear generators.

Kepalta also had these generators, but Adam didn't take the time to carefully observe them before, even though he found them interesting.

He also began to wonder about the origin of these stones, but knowing that wasn't his priority, so he continued to inspect the control panel.

"Did it work," Adam said because nothing happened after he followed the instructions on the steps to follow to activate generators. With Cristal's help, it was not hard to find those kinds of documents.


After a few seconds, the generator began to make a buzzing sound, then the interior of the tube glowed a blue effervescent light.

Adam was quite delighted to see that the generator was still operating. With this, he could proceed to the last phase of his plan.

It was true that they were lucky, but that was only because Adam made sure that they didn't run out of luck by doing everything he could to lower the risks of mistakes.

He was growing, and it was just the start, but at the same time, he was also maturing as a person, in a lot of ways.

To save time, Adam used the dark matter and switched, at the same time, as many generators as possible.

"Okay, this should do it, how's Zax doing?" Adam said, and he was about to contact Zax via Cristal's helmet when suddenly, a chilling sensation ran over his back.


"Hmmm, is this edible," Blanca wondered, looking at the weird items that she found inside a box somewhere inside of one the building.

It seemed like this building was similar to a storage room, and a lot of survival rations there.

After the invasion, the people who were related to the nobles and were using this facility moved all of their rations into this storage, but unfortunately, they didn't even get the chance to make use of them.

"It tastes good, so it must be edible," Blanca concluded after trying to open one of the aluminum packages and eating whatever was inside. She didn't even bother looking at the instructions or the expiration date. She couldn't read them after all, even though her psychic ability helped her to pick up a certain language quickly.

"I should bring these boxes outside for now," she said and began to carry the boxes outside the buildings.

"Mmm?!" After she carried the last box outside, she could see that the area was illuminated. "I guess he found the generators."

Bianca wanted to go check what Adam found, but when she took two or three steps forward, her sharp instinct sensed something behind and she turned back immediately.


The thing in front of Blanca muttered these words, and tilted its head, looking at her like a baby looking at an adult.

However, far from the appearance of an innocent baby, the thing in front of her, even though with a humanoid form, was devoid of human traits. Its body was coated with black and red scales, and instead of hairs, its head was covered with long spikes that appeared to be moving.

With Its red eyes, devoid of emotions, the thing continued to stare at Blanca.

With hesitation, of course, Blanca attacked this monster intending to kill it.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Five crimson spears headed at the monster in the blink of an eye.


However, Blanca couldn't see anything coming, and before she knew it, she had already a hole in her stomach.

She didn't let her guard down, and she didn't take her enemy lightly, but somehow, she didn't see when the monster got behind her.

"Kuuh!" Blanca coughed a mouthful of blood, and she understood that she had taken critical damage.

Even though she was a vampire, this kind of wound needed some time to completely heal, and she had not even completely recovered from her previous injuries yet.

The monster, on the other hand, began to lick Blanca's blood left on its hand. As he did, its eyes widened, and he looked at Blanca again, this time, with wide open eyes.

This was not a good sign, and the monster looked like it wanted to devour Blanca after tasting her blood.

Blanca didn't know how this monster managed to get inside the hidden area, but it was very bad news.

Not only this humanoid monster was strong, but it was also extremely fast, all of that, with just its physical ability.

"K….k…" The monster was trying to mutter something.


At that time, a black cube blasted the monster away and crushed it against one of the buildings.

"Blanca!" Adam finally arrived, but he was, once again, one step too late.

He was always concerned about the changes that were happening to the monsters, but he never imagined that they would evolve to that point.

Adam instantly understood how that monster managed to get within the hidden area. Normally, the bigger the monsters, the stronger they were; but in this particular case, their size didn't match their strength, so with their physical strength and size, it wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say that they could swim through the ground.

"Hand in there!" Adam said, realizing that Blanca's wound was serious. However, he didn't have any healing ability or the skills of a professional doctor.

Moreover, the monster, even though crushed under the black cube, managed to stand back on his feet.

For it to be able to do that, its scales must have been made of extremely durable elements, because the Darkmatter couldn't instantly disintegrate it.

Not only that, but Adam had already activated his nullification ability, but with its physical strength alone, it managed to move.

"This is not good," Adam said, realizing the monster's nature and what it was capable of, just by taking into account the fact that it could take one of his attacks and could move within his nullification field. He only met one opponent who could do that before.

"I…will be…fine," Blanca said meekly, trying to tell Adam that the monster was more of

"What's going on?" Zax asked through Cristal's helmet, then rushed outside to the scene along with Liu.

"Don't come here! Take care of Blanca," Adam said, putting his cape on Blanca. With the cape on her back, Blanca floated to Liu and Zax.

Adam knew that his ability would affect Liu too, but he couldn't let the monster move freely.

However, when Adam was still thinking about how to deal with the monster because it was still alive even though he was crushing it between two black cubes, something in the monster changed.

There were blue flames, coming out of its body, bit by bit, and the ground began to turn into lava. Along with that, the monster's chest began to glow, and suddenly….


….The monster let out a loud cry, and a surge of energy came off its body. More precisely, these were flames, but blue flames, with such intensity that they appeared to be white.

Even Adam's nullification ability couldn't do anything about it, so he surrounded the monster with a wall made of dark matter.

By doing this, the surge of energy coming from the monster was directed upward and to the ground.



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