The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

Chapter 65: Finishing (4)

༺ Finishing (4) ༻

“Did he think he could fool us with his perjury……?”

The Elder of the Alfred family spat as he gazed at Ciel Midford’s corpse.

Ferzen turned his gaze away from Ciel and looked at his wife with a grim expression.



Looking at her husband, Euphemia wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

“Return to the mansion……”

“But you……”

“You aren’t in a position to worry about me……”

With an exhausted sigh, Euphemia lowered her head at his words.

Because he was right, she would only damage Ferzen’s reputation the longer she remained here.

But would she care about that?


Unlike her submissive words, she had already grasped the helm of his ceremonial robe.


She tried to.

“I’ll be waiting for you……”

Her hands never reached him.



However, Ferzen who was watching her gently grabbed Euphemia’s hand and stroked her hair.

The young woman had no idea if the affection contained in his touch was real or if she was simply deluding herself……

In truth, she wanted nothing more than to cry her sorrows away in this instant.

“I will make it right.”




“Wait for me back home.”


“Don’t worry, It won’t take long……”

It was a small act of kindness.


However, things have changed.

“I……Will wait for you……”

In the mansion.

Because that was his home.


Ferzen Von Schweig Louerg now shares the same last name as herself.

So his home was now hers as well.

Yes, her cage……Became her home.

The most comfortable cage in the world……

* * * * *

As he watched Euphemia leave, Ferzen returned his gaze towards Ciel Midford’s corpse.

“Lord Louerg.”


“If you don’t have any more demands, I will begin the incineration of the corpse.”

The corpse of an Auror Knight was a rare commodity.

However, because of the extensive damage to the body, his performance wouldn’t be ideal.

And also, the blessing of the Goddess of Protection didn’t apply to a ‘corpse’.

Coupled with the fact he tried to harm one of the blood of Brutein, the Empire wanted nothing more than to be done with his corpse.

“I will take ownership of his corpse.”


The Emperor of Ernes.

The King of Roverium.

The Elder of the Alfred Family.

The Head of Brutein, his older brother.

Everyone looked like they didn’t expect it.

Yes, it was a surprise for them.

The corpses of the previous heads of Brutein who had awakened some sort of talent were thoroughly preserved.

To the point where one would even question if they were really dead, or simply resting.

So they couldn’t comprehend why he would choose to keep such a damaged corpse.

But they didn’t question his decision, because Ferzen as the afflicted party had the right to choose how the corpse would be handled.

“A little unusual…… But, so be it.”


Controlling Ciel Midford’s corpse, he rose from his coffin.

Then as he opened his subspace, the corpse entered the void.

“With this, the execution of the treacherous Knight, Ciel Midford, is concluded. His master, Prince Inas shall return to his kingdom within three weeks in order to fulfill our demands.”

Prince Inas who was kneeling next to his father looked at His Majesty the Emperor of Ernes, the Sun of the Empire, and bowed his head as he opened his mouth.

“It shall be done……”

With this, on May 23rd.

The execution of Ciel Midford reached its conclusion.

* * * * *

“Well, with this business done……I’m afraid I must return to my duties.”

As they left the Imperial Palace, Jeremiah said quietly.

“Yes, I suppose so.”

As the head of Brutein, Jeremiah led a busy life, and with my own responsibilities as an Imperial Professor, I would not be able to return to Brutein anytime soon.

“Are you returning right away?”

“I’ve been away from my duties for far too long……”

Jeremiah smiled gently as he entered his carriage, engraved with the crest of Brutein.



“Your birthday is near.”

“There’s no reason for you to send me any gifts Brother, we aren’t kids anymore.”

“It’s alright to act a little childish once in a while Ferzen.”


“Yes, then……I shall give you many baby supplies. Isn’t your Older Brother thoughtful and practical? Since kids grow quickly, I shall do so every year.”

“If that is your wish brother……”

“Of course! You must be giving your wife a hard time trying for an heir, Hah……”

“……Yes I’m doing my best, so hurry up and get married brother.”

Jeremiah was still single.

“Heh……You know…It’s not that simple.”


Ferzen’s ego stirred a little, but after suppressing it, I opened my mouth with the most sincere tone I could muster.

“If you love her, brother……Then……I don’t care about her standing. Because sometimes, there is more to a human than his lineage.”

At my words, Jeremiah’s eyes bulged slightly.

“Well, Well, Well….. Isn’t my little brother speaking like an old man now……”

“Please act your age…..”

“Hah, thank you Ferzen……My dear brother.”


His words disturbed me, as I couldn’t control the slight embarrassment causing me to avoid his gaze.

“Let us spend more time together Ferzen.”

“Yes……It was good to see you again.”

My heart was content.

……My Brother.


As soon as the carriage doors closed, Jeremiah couldn’t help but smile a little thinking about his little brother’s words.

And with such a soft smile, he returned to Brutein.

After watching his departing brother, Ferzen also left the Capital.

Because he still had one unfinished business.

* * * * *

On a wide pathway.

A lone man could be seen leaving that road and walking into the wilderness.

‘This should be enough……’

Even if the corpse was burned, the only ones who would be attracted to the foul stench were wild animals.

So, after opening my subspace I made Ciel Midford’s ‘corpse’ stand in front of me.

His body had become a hideous amalgamation of hastily healed burns and melted armor.

As I gazed at the protagonist of this world, the one who stood at the crossroads of my destiny……conflicted emotions rose within me.

“Ciel Midford.”


As expected I was met with his complete silence.

So I warmed up my mana and tried to achieve some feedback from him.

After organizing the pieces of this puzzle, I managed to receive feedback from him…….

It was something I suspected could have happened.

‘His perjury was incited by an unknown person……Who also instructed him to bring the Alfreds in.’

That was all I could get from him.


While heaving an exhausted sigh, I also took the corpse of the 27th head of Brutein, Bavaria Von Grielle Brutein.

“Forgive this transgression ancestor.”

Then while controlling him, he created a weak flame, lighting my cigarette.


The pungent smell of tobacco, made some birds flee from my surroundings.

‘The cloaked man……’

What was his plan?

Did he plan to steal Ciel’s body before it was incinerated?


Even if he managed to change the injection from the lethal dose to the Stasis poison.

It would be impossible to transport Ciel Midford’s corpse undetected.


So there is only one hypothesis remaining.

He bet on the off chance I would claim ownership of Ciel Midford’s corpse.

Just like those students in the Dormitory B were killed during the Academy incident?

Their assigned corpses ‘came back to life’ and slit their throats.

That cloaked man planned to kill me in the same way.

“Really……This is fucking ridiculous.”

Such crude words slipped out of my mouth.

“Don’t you agree, Ciel Midford…….?”


“After having his heroine robbed by the villain, the main character burned his life essence without the fear of death, but in the end, he failed, and even his own death was disguised and planned by others……”


“Seriously what kind of main character leads such a shitty life……”


What did the writer think while creating you?

And what was he thinking when he imprisoned me in this body?

For a long while, I pondered such things.

His stasis would be over by tonight.

I planned on waiting since I wished for him to see who would kill him.

‘Euphemia……It seems that I will have to break my promise after all.’

I promised her I would return soon, but it seems this will take a while.

The sun was slowly being overcome by the moon.

But even when my pocket watch announced it was already midnight……

Ciel Midford showed no signs of waking up


My patience reached its limits at this point, so after smoking the last one of my cigarettes I opened my subspace once more.

“I, no……Seo-Jin admired the kind of person you were.”

Because, in the novel, Ciel Midford always struggled to survive and to overcome his challenges.

And Seo-Jin was very invested in this sort of story.

So it was natural that he along with Ciel, raged when the Villain Robbed The Heroine.

And this was the end result, but……


Uncorking a bottle of wine, I poured its contents over Ciel Midford’s head.

The sweet and savory smell of wine spread around us.

“Ciel Midford.”


“If a thing like reincarnation exists……”


“Next time, dream of the impossible.”

And achieve it.

“Fight the undefeatable enemy.”

And claim victory.

“Strive for the forbidden love.”

And claim her heart.

“Withstand the unbearable pain……”

And catch the stars in the sky that no one would ever dare to try.


The 27th head of Brutein lit Ciel Midford’s body alight.

His burning body produced an unpleasant smell……

Taking a sip from the remaining wine in the bottle I gazed at the Protagonist of this World.


Ciel Midford — The protagonist of this world, crumbled to ashes.

His remains were carried by the night breeze and he started his next journey in the beyond.

Seeing this scene, I quietly whispered.

“Even though you’re dead……”

This world didn’t end.

The wind still blows.

The stars still twinkle in the sky.

The moon still illuminates the night.

Everything is still continuing, regardless of the main character’s death.

This proves that this world is real.


Before long, his ashes were all scattered by the night breeze.

Looking at where he stood, only the burned grass remained.

The mana inside me stirred.

Those of Euclidean class have two-dimensional mana.

But inside me, a change occurred……

A three-dimensional shape was created.

Yes, the one who overcame the protagonist of this world.

As the Villain, I became an Apollyon-grade Warlock.


The night’s breeze coursed through his body.

After reaching this bittersweet finale, Ferzen rose from his seat.

‘No one will know of your true demise.’


“I shall remember it.”

I, the Villain of this world, will never forget your death as the Protagonist of this world.

Just like that, Ferzen Von Scweig Louerg left.

* * * * *

After he left, only silence lingered in the wilderness.

Only the night’s breeze coiled around the burned grass.

* * * * *


The Lights were still on.

And bright too.

Euphemia must have waited for me all this time.

With a guilty conscience, I entered the mansion.

“Ah! Master……!”

A maid came to me with a restless look.

But my attention was fixed on the doctor standing behind her.


Ignoring her cries, I ran towards the bedroom.



But Euphemia was fine.

She was sitting on our bed, reading a boorish book.

No, she was pretending to read it.

Her eyes were fixated on the book, but they didn’t move.


Then as she became aware of my presence, Euphemia gagged.

“Are you sick?”


She quietly shook her head in denial.

“Euphemia, I saw the doctor here. Do not lie to me.”

“No…. It doesn’t hurt……”


“I….I’m not sick…..”

With careful movements, she stroked her womb with a blank face.

“T-They said…..I was….I’m…Pre-preg……I’m carrying your ch-child.”


“T-That was what the doctor said.”

Euphemia continued to mumble in an incredulous tone.

“Here…. In my womb….Your seed….It’s growing….”


As soon as she said that, I couldn’t control myself anymore.

Without saying a word.

Without doubting her.

Quietly, softly and gently.

I hugged her.


Later, the maid and the doctor came……

And told me that she has been pregnant for three weeks already.

Yes, Euphemia El Lauren Louerg.

Was pregnant.

With my child.

She became the mother of my child.

TL NOTE: Well that is it guys one of the Major arcs of this novel reached it’s end…… we gun start Yuri-Chan’s arc~~~~~~

  • Now it has come to my attention that sum dude is stealing this novel, and selling it on his patreon, and you guys wanna know 2 funny things ? this clown……he’s also posting this novel on WebNovel under a new name as if this work as his original one……Bruh oh and on patreon the shit is is selling is the worst badly edited MTL I’ve ever seen…… I usually don’t care about aggregator scrapping the novel cause no matter what we do they gun find a way to scrape it so there’s no point in trying to stop them, but to say ur the one writing the novel……that’s some next lv cuck behavior right there.
  • Now since we are in this topic, just so you guys know, translating a novel ain’t sum black magic lv of shit , i would say it’s a rather tiring, specially with this one cause aside from ‘cultured’ parts the authors writing still gives me headaches sometimes, so to see someone stealing a chapter with takes about 4 hours to translate and fix the mistakes it’s rather disheartening to say the least……


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