The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 229: Back to Daily Life (2)

Chapter 229: Back to Daily Life (2)

The outside world was bleak. This place was no longer the world. Not on the other side of the mirror, not in the middle of a wave. It was a world that wasn’t a world. A lonely lake where life couldn’t exist and only spirits occasionally wandered.

—…Will it be okay like this?

A member of the Altar in the lake asked. God answered while fishing.

“It’s okay. What are you so worried about?”

Whether the footsteps you take were forward or backward, they would eventually lead you in the right direction. The outcome would be as God willed, as he always predicted. This was just the process.

—Yes, God. With this incident, the energy for the advent has been restored.

At the call of the believer, he thought of someone for a moment. A truly good man does not say that he is good. Therefore if he calls himself a god, he wasn’t a true god. The logic was too simple, but he couldn’t take that word back because they naturally knew that he was God.

“Okay. The sayings will come true.”

As she said, he was only a relic of the Holy Age. At that time, he was one of the many believers who served the true God.

-Yes. The faith of the Altar is still unchanged.

However, there was no God in this age. There was no longer a being who listened to the believers and cared for their lives and deaths.

“I know.”

God was dead; the believers killed him. That tragic moment was still clear to him. The core of that anger and despair clung to his heart and wouldn’t fall off.

“Devote yourself to the doctrine and be absorbed in the Holy Book.”

Therefore, this continent was an isolated island built by apostates and murderers. A symbol of the original sin that was wrong from the beginning.

-Yes. I’ll just leave.

The voice disappeared, and the stillness subsided. He, who was a believer of the former God, looked over the lake again. He gazed at the scenery of the Imperial Palace reflected in it, the heart of the continent.

“…The original faith is still in my chest.”

He murmured, fumbling for the ashes in his heart.

“Now is the time to spread them and rekindle the faith.”

However, dead gods didn’t return to life. There was now only one person who could carry out, transmit, and replace their teachings. So, he had no choice but to become a god himself.

“The world will again be saturated with the Godhead. I will follow your will…”

The promise of the faithful shepherd echoed and spread like ripples.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the round table conference room of the Imperial Knights.

“There have been quite a few dungeons with dark energy lately.”

A meeting was in full swing there, where many knights had gathered. Usually, during the opening season of the university, not only the university but also the knights and the magic tower were busy setting goals and missions for the quarter.

“So, the main business of the Imperial Knights has been summarized as three points.”

Today’s presenter was Lawaine. He was the face of the so-called Imperial Knights, who often showed his appearance in lectures and the media with his exceptional looks and skills. He was also the leader of this meeting since he was the favorite of the vice-president Isaac.

“First, the dissolution of the dungeon.”

Lawaine beckoned, and a map of the Empire floated in the air. Among the marks, there was a point that stood out in particular.

“It is estimated that there are twenty-three dungeons on the outskirts and slums of the Empire and five dungeons on the inside. Our first goal is to clear all these dungeons by the end of Q1.”

No one opposed. Destroying dungeons was one of the most basic jobs of the Knights, and its rewards were nothing to sniff at.

“Secondly, it is the link between outside the islands and advanced communications.”


He snapped, and the map moved to reveal a different place.

“First of all, Reccordak. This place, which the Yukline family owns 51% of, deserves to be used as a base for the Annihilation Expedition. Thus-“

“Annihilation Expedition?”

It was a common objection. Lawaine looked back.

“You mean the Empire is on an expedition to Annihilation? What are we going to do with that little land?”

One of the many factions of the Knights, Valerian. Prioritizing the safety of the people and the status of the Knights Order, he wasn’t very favorable toward the expedition.

“The Annihilation expedition is not yet certain. However, even if that plan fails, communication connections are still needed.”

“Hmph. But why does it have to be Reccordak? Deya, isn’t that knight corrupt? Why such a filthy knight who was also kicked out of the Imperial Knights Order?”

Lawaine’s expression hardened. He shook his head.

“The skills of the Knight Deya are certain and hold a good reputation. And-“

“Ha, skill. I’ve seen that girl’s fighting, too. She looked like a fly buzzing about.”


The reason Valerian was so sharp now was probably because one of his disciples was defeated by Julie. He was famous for raising hundreds of disciples under the Valerian School. Lawaine didn’t point that out though.

“Yes. But, Reccordak-“

“It is more correct to regard Reccordak as belonging to the Yukline family rather than the knight Deya.”

The one that intervened at that moment was Delric. He, having been quietly fiddling with his mustache, looked around the round table with an arrogant and dignified expression.

“Reccordak is an important stronghold in which the Yukline family owns a 51% stake. That’s enough to converse directly with Her Majesty and the islands and be a candidate for the communications relay. Isn’t it?”


There was no objection to Delric’s words. Even the stubborn Valerian blankly moved his lips and put up with it. Although the Imperial Knights were, of course, skill-first, the power of personal connections couldn’t be ruled out.

“And then, next, Hadekain would be the right candidate.”

Delric, who happened to be protected by Yukline by chance, was the perfect leader for the Imperial Knights these days.

“I first recommend opening a hotline in Hadekain and Reccordak.”

Of course, Delric had previously been one of the candidates for the deputy knights captain, but no one among the knights had ever thought he would attain such a rank. In the Imperial Palace and the Knights Order, Delric’s voice was now equal to or higher than that of Isaac.

Delric, knowing his power, was also actively involved in the internal politics of the Knights Order.

“…Yes. Let’s continue to discuss this next time. Next is the matter of the Voice’s erosion.”

Erosion of the Voice. It was a phenomenon that scratched their nerves these days. It was the decisive reason why the entire continent didn’t gossip as much anymore.

“This has been officially acknowledged by the Yukline family as a demon phenomenon. Deculein-“


Suddenly, Delric stopped him. Lawaine stopped, puzzled.

“Is Professor Deculein your friend?”


“We’re in a time when we have to be careful about what we say because of The Voice, so you should know the basics. Be mindful of your words.”

Delric nodded and leaned back, and his junior knights nodded triumphantly. Lawaine sighed.

“…Yes. I am going to ask Professor Deculein for assistance. Yukline is the authority on demon hunting.”

“Okay. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of that one.”

Delric stood up, banging on the round table.

“Then, I’ll be going. I’m too busy. Continue with the meeting. Ahem.”

Two months ago, Delric and his knights were a small faction of about ten people, but now they had grown to thirty. They left the meeting room as one. The knights kept their mouths shut while watching them go.

“…Ugh. Should I have gone to the Reccordak front too?”

Afterward, complaints spread like a sigh over the round table. It was thanks to the rumors that Delric had become friends with Deculein in Reccordak and that he even won the title of Her Majesty’s escort knight with that.


Vice-Captain Isaac pressed his temples. The fact that a knight was following a certain family and nobility over the Order was quite troublesome for the vice-captain.


Isaac said.

“Continue with the meeting.”

“…Yes. And this is a demonstration, but this is a radio walkie-talkie that connects directly to Reccordak.”

Lawaine put the crystal ball radio on the round table. When he set up a certain frequency, a clear voice came out.

—This is Deya, Knight of Reccordak. Can you hear me…

* * *

On the 77th floor of the tower, the Head Professor’s office.

“Okay. You didn’t even need to ask. The judgment of the Voice is Yukline’s responsibility.”

I nodded. Delric, on the other side, smiled and put the radio down.

“Yes. Thank you. And this is the Imperial hotline. Special radio walkie-talkie? Transmitter? Anyway, something like that.”

“Is it?”

“Her Majesty asked me to deliver it directly to you. You can communicate with Her Majesty at any time, and if you set the frequency like this-“

-Yes. The current situation at Reccordak is good. Reccordak can serve as a barrier, and the northern towns are developing.

It was Julie’s voice who was participating in the Imperial Knights meeting in real-time.

“Like this. You can hear the communication of all lines connected to the islands. If you detect something suspicious, you can record it to take immediate action.”

“More importantly, what about Her Majesty?”

“Oh, yes. Her Majesty is sleeping in her bedroom now.”

“Then you should go home before she wakes up again.”


Delric saluted and left. The office was quiet again. I took the list of participants in the magic contest submitted by Epherene.

“Epherene, Julia, Drent… Maho.”

It hadn’t even been two days since the class started, but when did they become friends? There was a special Named, Maho, too. Of course, that was a good thing. Maho was also a Named that needed special care, but if she were with Epherene, it would make matters easier to handle them together.


Then, I felt a strange sensation against my skin.

“…Again, is it time?”

This was the calling of the Voice. It was a sign that sooner or later, I would enter the Voice’s world.


I checked my body.


Grade 3 mana quality. My skill and ability to deal with it were at their peak, and the mana that ran through my veins was under strict control. A perfect understanding of the Snowflake Obsidian wasn’t far off, either. The erosion of the Voice that was becoming thicker day by day would engulf the world, but the power to counter that moment was overflowing.


The Emperor’s voice echoed over the radio. I answered briefly.

“Yes, Your Majesty. I hear you.”


Sophien laughed without saying a word.

“Do you have anything to say?”

—…Right. I will declare today the decree related to the expedition to Annihilation and the Demon Blood.

“Demon Blood?”

—We can’t leave those hideous Altar bastards alone after that wicked plan. Don’t you want that, too?


Demon Blood? Sophien’s decrees related to the clan were still unknown. However, no matter what, the main point would be choking the Demon Blood. In a more lethal, more ruthless way.

“Your Majesty.”

—…Hmm? What’s with your voice? I thought you’d want it too. Don’t you hate the Demon Bloods?

“Not all of them have conspired with the Altar.”


Sophien didn’t answer. She went silent, and I added a thought that went against the flow of history.

“Please consider that one thing.”


Sophien pounded the radio harshly. Communication with Deculein was cut off, and Ahan, who was cleaning the table, looked up in surprise.

“Your Majesty. What’s wrong?”

“…He was defending the Demon Blood. No, he told me to consider it.”

Sophien was outraged by that fact. It was also a matter of question for Ahan. Her Majesty Sophien was always sluggish and sarcastic, but she had very strict standards for the Demon Blood.

“…Your Majesty.”

Ahan carefully bowed.


“This is just my insignificant question.”

“…Do you mean to ask why I hate the Demon Blood?”

The Emperor glanced at her. At that moment, Ahan quickly bowed her head.

“…Yes, Your Majesty. I won’t tell anyone. No, no, it’s nothing. Forgive me for the foolishness of daring to be curious…”

“No. You don’t have to. After all, the only person you can talk to is the Professor.”

Sophien looked at Ahan’s curved back and flicked the hair off her face, then picked up the smoking pipe she had left in the corner.

“I will tell you. The reason why I hate the clan called the Demon Blood…”

* * *

Afternoon on the college campus. In the middle of the spring day, Epherene was strolling along with her teammates. The world was peaceful, many college students were coming and going, and the wind felt refreshing.

“So, let’s apply the three series. At the very least, aim for medium-to-large magic.”

Drent, Julia, and Maho. When Epherene, who had teamed up with those three, discussed the technique to present in the magic contest…

“Huh? Leaf. That’s Knight Delric over there.”

Suddenly, Drent noticed a knight. The knight, Delric, strolled across campus with his back straight. As he walked dignified with his subordinate knights like a tail behind him, he met Epherene’s eyes. For about one second.

-Oh! Aren’t you the Professor’s disciple?

In an instant, his expression relaxed, and he waved with a bright smile.

“Oh… yes.”

Epherene waved back before quickly averting her gaze. Julia, who was watching them, asked.

“Wow, Ifi, are you close with Delric?”

“Huh? No, we used to be friends… I don’t know now. But why? Do you know him?”

“Oh, of course, I know. He’s Her Majesty’s escort knight, and I think I’m going to enter the media industry soon.”

At Julia’s sudden declaration, Epherene’s eyes grew large.

“The media? Julia, you?”

“Yeah, as a wizard journalist. It’s not common, but I thought it would be fun. I want to try it.”

“Wow… that’s good. Won’t your first article be about The Pig’s Flower? Roahawk, Roahawk.”

“You’re so cool~. Absolutely cool, Julia!”

Maho, next to her, nodded with delight. This princess reacted with excitement to anything they said. At first, they thought she was manic.

“Anyway. Princess Maho, shall we go to our supervisor now?”

“Yes, yes! Cool! I want to meet Professor Deculein~; I want to meet him~.”

Maho’s eyes twinkled, and Epherene smiled bitterly. It would be a little tricky for Deculein to be her supervisor. No, it would be very tricky.

“Yes. Follow me.”

Epherene clenched her fist.

“This time, I’m confident too.”

…That confidence lasted only five minutes. To be precise, only until when Deculein skimmed the outline of their magic formula in three minutes.

“There are quite a few errors. Especially this part.”

He put a check mark down.

“This part.”

Two checks.

“This part too.”

Check three, check four, check five, check six, check seven, check eight…

“Rethink and bring it back.”

A total of thirteen checks. The weakness in the formula outline that Epherene and her team members had been pondering for three days was grasped and broken down in just three minutes.


“…Aside from the errors?”

Epherene asked cautiously.

“None can expect their first attempt to be perfect….”

She murmured and looked up at Deculein. The Professor nodded as if sneering silently.

“In principle, these errors cannot be neglected, but if we exclude them and evaluate only the idea itself….”

It was already rejected, but Epherene watched Deculein’s lips. She imagined what he would say next.

“It’s not bad.”

It’s not bad… It’s not bad… It’s not bad…

Three times, the vacant voice rang out. That was, perhaps, the first compliment she heard from him. No, was that even a compliment? Anyway, to say that it wasn’t that bad…


Epherene felt like she was flying.


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