The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 159: Time. (1)

Chapter 159: Time. (1)

[Main Quest: Time]

The branches of the main quest varied. An independent quest may lead to the main quest, or the main quest may lead to an independent quest. However, the main quest was related to the central framework of the story at any cost.


I looked around. The darkness lay thick as the fog around me, and the road crunched like ice under my feet.


I checked my physical condition first. I had suffered quite a couple of injuries since I fell. If it weren’t for Iron Man, my body would have been crushed.

“So annoying.”

I used Duct Tape around my injuries to treat them. The bleeding stopped immediately, and the pain in my bones quickly subsided. There was no healing as versatile in use as Duct Tape. That was satisfying for me, as recovery magic had nearly gone extinct in this era.

Next, I took out the map I received from the soldier before coming here. This meant it was originally an ordinary map, and it was modeled after the northern area, not this crevasse. However, my [Midas’ Hand] granted magical efficiency to the category of the map itself. In addition, in places like this right now – an area surging with mana – my available mana meaningfully increased.

If I mobilize my staff’s mana to add to that…

[Manifesting Midas’ Hand Level 5.]

The miracle of consuming five thousand mana with Deculein’s body was readily possible. Level 5, that was, [Midas’ Hand] with 5 thousand mana, exerted a wholly different power level from Level 4. It was a characteristic of this world. Symbolic numbers in units of 5 such as 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on actually classified stages.


I looked at the map. The dark areas were marked in detail, and a red line guided my way. I walked exactly as the map suggested.

Rustle- rustle-

Each step crackled as ice shattered underfoot.


Just like that, when I was walking using Iron Man to fend off the cold and the dark, I found a source of light rising ahead of me. It came from blue and radiant crystal water.

“Is it this one?”

Suddenly, I recalled a familiar scenario. A memory that had been asleep somewhere in my mind unfolded as I approached. I wasn’t sure if the main quest itself, but the progression of the sanctuary story of ‘Time’ played a very important role.

First of all, Time was the sanctuary created by Archmage Demakan when he left the world. It was a gift that Demakan left for the next generation, created by him, his nephew Murkan, his uncle Rohakan, and his disciple Idnik.


I touched the crystal water. The members of Time were recorded on the glimmering blue surface of the tree-like stream. One by one, I looked through the names.






They were all familiar and famous names. But as my eyes went further down, I saw a name that made me flustered. Engraved crookedly, it stood out like a sore thumb.

[Epherene Luna]

“…Epherene Luna?”

A name that was hard to understand. Not only was it not productive to dismiss it as someone’s prank, but this bad handwriting wasn’t easy to copy. But also, the fact that Epherene arrived here before me was…


A voice rippled out. My eyes opened wide for a moment. It was Epherene’s voice, but the version of her from the future.


—Are you the Professor?


I looked around to find empty air. But Epherene continued to speak.

—Are you going to answer me?

“…I am.”

A sincere sigh of relief followed.

—Whew… that’s good to hear, seriously…

I couldn’t see her face, but I could imagine it. Her hands placed on her chest, going whew— whew—.

—Are you curious? About what’s going on?

“Yes. As a wizard.”

—Hehe. Yes… ta-da! I planted fragments of the remaining Kaidezite here after breaking up Locralen.

Her words came in fragments, but I roughly understood what she meant. It would be a scenario where the future Epherene was freed from Locralen and the future Deculein and fortunately returned without sustaining any mental damage. She planted the Kaidezite in Time’s crystal water, and it materialized randomly.

“But, I don’t see you.”

—Yes. I couldn’t repeat the abuse of Locralen. But with the Professor… no, but because of my desire to have a conversation with you at least once, I planted the Kaidezite in this crystal and created this one-dimensional Space-Time Sharing. I think my lifespan has been reduced by ten years doing this.

I shook my head. This kid said it like a joke, but it was probably the truth. Even for an Archmage, this kind of magic would cost at least that much.

“How did you know I was coming?”

Epherene answered right away.

—Because you told me. You, Professor.

I stood still and looked over.

—I waited because the Professor told me.

In a hollow void that no one could see, her lost voice spoke like a song.

—That’s all.


Clippity-clop clippity-clop—

At dawn in the North, where there are still stars in the sky, Epherene and Sophien were running.

Clippity-clop clippity-clop—

No, a horse carrying two people was galloping. The Emperor’s Horse, having been given the wonderful name Teragon in the rune language, moved forward with consideration for the two women on his back. Because of that, Epherene, who normally suffered from severe motion sickness, wasn’t nauseous at all.

“I think it’s here.”

The horse slowed when Epherene pointed out a place.

“Is this it?”

“I think so.”

The shooting star would fall around this area, according to the document.


“Yes, Your Majesty. Please wait for a while.”

Epherene made two rocking chairs to see the sky clearly, then a screen fence because she didn’t like the cold.

“I think we can sit down and wait.”

“You can drop the formality.”

“…Yees~, Your Majesty.”

Epherene copied a servant’s way of speaking that she once saw in a play. Sophien found it cute at first, but now it had become bothersome.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Sophien sat in the chair as Epherene dug out the ground. Then, she planted a seed in it; it was from a tree that blocked the cold.

“It’s done!”

Now, she could roughly see how much time had passed with this. If they went to the future, this seed would become a tree.

“That’s good thinking.”

“Thank you!”

Epherene bowed her head and sat next to Sophien. Then, she began to count inside her head.






She counted slowly until ten, then… a star glistened in the distance.

“Oh! I think that’s it!”

“I can see it.

Perfect timing. Overflowing mana swept across the sky, and its ray of light glared in Epherene’s eyes.


Mana from the stars spread all over the world and the sky. Epherene closed her eyes slowly and entrusted herself to the sensation that rose to cover her.


She opened her eyes again.


Chirp chirp— chirp chirp—

The sound of birds chirping and the sun was blinding her. She arrived in the future, Epherene was sure. It appeared to be that way.

“Hmm. That’s interesting.”


There was another voice aside from hers. Epherene looked around to find Sophien; her arms spread wide.

“How is it? I followed you.”

“Wow… I thought only I had gone through!”

“Hahaha. Luna.”


Sophien laughed loudly and pointed behind her.

“First of all, look over there.”

Epherene looked back to see the tree had grown.

“Wow! The tree-“

“No, not the tree. The object that’s been placed beside it.”


Epherene lowered her gaze, now noticing a wand lay near the roots of the tree. Looking at its magic, she could tell that it used Preservation and Cleanliness, making it obvious who prepared the object.

“Hehehe~, that Professor!”

Epherene ran quickly to grab the wand, causing a piece of paper to flutter off.


It was a note. Maybe a letter from the future Deculein left for her.

[Epherene, the comet that has sent you back to the past before, is a twin. It will probably come by again on the 9th of January so that you can go back then.]


A wind blew past. Epherene grabbed at her messy hair and continued reading.

[Also, you probably won’t be able to meet me from now on, so don’t try to look for me. It would be nice if you could take my gift and go back.]

What do you mean go back?

‘I won’t go back until I see your face.’

For the moment, Epherene took a closer look at the wand.

“…What is this?”

The stick of the wand had some peculiar characters, almost like hieroglyphics. Sophien broke her contemplation.

“Time is on your side, so always cultivate yourself and be devoted.”


She grinned when Epherene turned around to look at her.

“It’s rune language written there. Thanks to that, that wand is now no different than an artifact.”


“It seems that Deculein has left you with a good gift.”

Sophien looked at Epherene’s wand with her hands clasped behind her back. Epherene almost instinctively hid it. The Emperor burst into laughter again at her innocent reaction.

“Hahaha. Of course, Luna. It seems that Deculein isn’t here. No, it seems that he won’t meet you.”

Then, Epherene’s face grew sullen, like she was about to cry at any moment.

“Should we go on a future tour together?”


“What? You don’t want to? It’s the Emperor’s suggestion.”

Epherene puffed her cheeks and looked up at Sophien. Then, she fiddled with her hands.

“I want to go and look for the Professor.”


Sophien’s expression hardened for a moment, but soon she gave Epherene a small smile.

“Well, can’t help it then. Good! Let’s go, Teragon!”


Teragon appeared, surprising Epherene.

“Oh, what? He came to the future, too? How did he?”

“How? There’s no such thing. Don’t ask too much, and just get on. We don’t have much time if we’re going to look for Deculein.”

“…Oh, yes!”

Sophien settled on Teragon’s back, helping Epherene up.


Teragon, feeling more macho somehow, began galloping.


…Time’s sanctuary. I looked around this mysterious and hollow space before making a table and chair. Gratitude came back from an unexpected place.

—Oh, thanks. A table and chair appeared suddenly.


It was for me to sit down, but anyway. I made another chair and sat in front of it. I couldn’t see her, but I could hear her voice.

—Are you in front of me?

“That’s right.”

—Wow. This is amazing.

“I am more amazed at you for creating this space.”

—Hehehe~, whose disciple do you think I am?

I shook my head as I imagined her smiling like a kid.

“Epherene. How is it there?”

—It’s okay, thanks to you, Professor.

“It looks like I’m not there.

If I were, she wouldn’t have said things like, ‘I wanted to have a conversation with you at least once.

—…Yes. That’s right.

Epherene sighed.

—That fact is too hard for me right now. I want to see you one more time. If I am face to face with the Professor… is it possible to change the future or the past?


I cut her off firmly. It was completely impossible and shouldn’t even be tried. It was a magical taboo.

“Even if the future changes, there’s no hope that we would meet. Locralen was broken after four hours, and even if you put in great effort to change it, it wouldn’t be your world. To change the future, we have to change the past, but even for a wizard, there is no way to go back to the past and revive someone.”

I didn’t know what kind of bond this kid and the future me had. I didn’t know what would happen to me in the future. But the timeline was not correct. Therefore, I didn’t know what kind of affection this kid held, and most of all, the future would never change.

Whether I died in her future or if I went back to reality. Whatever it was-



The ground shook. It was probably Epherene’s magic.

“Epherene, are you trying to break this place?”

—It’s not me. The timing is right. Just as the Professor said, how could I interfere magically with the past from the distant future? It doesn’t make sense.

Her voice was slightly angry.

“Then what?”

—There are probably many enemies near the Professor. They’re all monsters that the Professor has to deal with. Should I say it’s an admission test for Time?

I looked to the right of the crystal. Before I knew it, a handful of monsters had gathered.

Growl… grooowwl…

They were very dirty monsters that licked their lips as they watched me. But, they didn’t dare approach me but watched from afar, maybe because the magic from the crystal water was blocking them.



“I was planning on staying here for about a week anyway.”

Calculating the uniqueness of this space, which significantly raised my mana and amplified recovery rate, it was worth staying in for a week.

—By any chance… is it because of me, Professor?


Not. It was to give the Level 5 [Midas’ Hand] to all of my equipment, including my formal attire.

—…You don’t speak empty words, as expected. Anyway~, I acknowledge that.

I took out one wood steel and waited for my mana to rise. The red-eyed monsters were annoying, but they were all going to be dealt with after a week anyway.

“Epherene, don’t you have anything to do as a wizard?”

I questioned her while waiting for my mana to recover, but Epherene was silent.


When I asked again, a brusque voice returned.

—The Professor said not to change the future. No, the past.


—That’s why I’m not doing anything. I lost my life goal just now…

She grumbled.

“That’s unexpected.”

—Hmm? What’s unexpected?”

“Were you always such a good listener?”


At that moment, the conversation was cut off. She seemed to be truly speechless. I now had five thousand mana thanks to the crystal water. Recovery speed +300%… I’d never heard of such a crazy performance.

Either way. I scraped off all the mana and used [Midas’ Hand] on the wood steel. But, one condition was added in the process. It was still specialized in offense, but-


The mana in my blood set fire all over my body, spattering violently and leaving me. The flow of mana permeated the wood steel.


It had changed for sure, turning blue.

—Professor~. What did you just do?

Right on time, I could hear Epherene. I spoke as I pulled myself together.

“I have other things to do, but I have to wait for my mana to recover. During that time, if you have any questions, ask me.”


Epherene laughed. Like it was ridiculous, no, like it was adorable.

—Professor, there’s nothing that I don’t know.

“You’re arrogant.”

—…Ah no, I take it back. I have one.

I fiddled with the wood steel, testing it with Psychokinesis. Indeed, it was so sharp I wondered if it could cut through the air.

—I still don’t know the Professor.

Epherene’s words gave me pause. I looked across to the chair where I believed she sat.

“Are you bored?”

—No. No, Professor. I am very happy. I’m so happy I could cry right now.

“…You seem bored, so just do this.”

I made a cube and placed it on the desk. Whatever future she was in, this could be transmitted if I put it here.

“Did you get it?”

—…Yes, I got it. A cube suddenly appeared.

“Play with it.”

—Play with it?

She grumbled, but nothing followed. Epherene said nothing further. Or maybe she couldn’t. Sometimes, I could hear her shaky voice.


She might have been crying, but I didn’t care. Emotions were something to be dealt with alone. It wasn’t like she wouldn’t cry if I told her not to or laugh when I told her to.

“I can hear well.”

I just focused on restoring mana and using [Midas’ Hand].

—— [ The Enchanting Map] ——


: A map artifact that records the area around the wielder.

: It has a special effect from [Midas’ Hand].


: Rare magic article ⊃ Map

◆Special Effect

: Automatically draws geographic features with a radius of 500m.

: Marks the location of the user and the movements of bodies within a 300m radius of the user.

: Tracks the path.

[ Midas’ Hand: Level 5 ]

[ Main Quest: Time ]

◆Joining Sanctuary in Time

: Store currency +1

: Mana +100

[Abnormal Condition: Crystal Water’s Vital Force ]

—— [ Wood Steel ] ——


: Pure magic made into wood steel.

: A special item that communes with Deculein. If it isn’t Deculein, use it with caution.

: All performance amplified with [Midas’ Hand].


: Magic Item ⊃ Weapon

◆Special Effect

: Penetrates Magic.

: Learns autonomously during combat.

: Specialized in destruction.

[ Midas’ Hand: Level 5 ]



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