The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 201: Eudora's Star Demon Eye 2 in 1

Chapter 201: Eudora's Star Demon Eye 2 in 1


A loli adorned with colorful ribbons!

Dark subconsciously wanted to close the door, but after thinking about it, he still pulled her in in the end.

Eudora was only eleven years old, and her height only reached the bridge of Dark's nose. Although she was wearing clothes, her clothes were very thin. It was a kind of pink pajamas with lace.

In the cold weather, she was in a very bad state.

Although her cheeks were rosy, it was more like the sick kind of rosiness.

Her body trembled slightly, obviously she was feeling cold.

If he let her stand outside, she might really end up sick.

Dark pulled her into the warm room, and ripped off the ribbon on top of her head. Clearly, she turned herself into a gift. Dark had only heard of this kind of thing, but he never expected to see it in reality!

"Merry, Merry Christmas!" At this time, Eudora raised her head slightly and said tremblingly.

Dark's face was full of helplessness, but he still said, "Okay, Merry Christmas."

Dark couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed when he thought that there was Principal Arte on the top of the wardrobe behind him.

It took him a lot of effort to finally improve his awful impression in other people's minds. If he didn't do something, his image would probably be ruined.

No, even if it's acting, I must explain to Eudora how unreasonable, wrong and morbid her behavior is!

Eleven or twelve years old are the important years to shape a kid's values. She may have the current behavior because of her family's teaching.

But I don't know her very well. Maybe I can learn more about her from Principal Arte later...

It was with this thought that Dark changed his strategy and invited Eudora in. But Dark didn't know how Eudora mustered up her courage to follow him into his room, she actually became timid after she entered the room.

Only after Dark beckoned to her did she timidly follow him.

This is getting ridiculous. It's more and more like an evil young man forcing an innocent girl!

Dark's face turned gloomy. He pulled out the chair to let her sit down, and took out a coat from the closet to put on her. Then he poured a glass of apple juice and handed it over.

Eudora took the apple juice, subconsciously tightened her jacket, and took a sip.

Only then did Dark say: "Eudora Envy, that's your name, right?"

Eudora smiled inexplicably, and nodded repeatedly: "Mhm Mhm."

Dark tapped on the table and decided to ask straightforwardly: "What did you, mhm, I mean, how did you fall in love with me?"

Eudora glanced away and whispered, "at first sight."

Dark was startled: "how exactly at first sight?"

As if she was immersed in her memory, Eudora recalled: "It was at the sorting ceremony, you were like the prince in the book."

Dark: "Uh..."

Does reading books cause this girl to have less screws in her head?

Does she think every man with blond hair is a prince?

No, wait.

Maybe I'm really too dashing?

Dark stroked his chin, feeling that this might be the reason..

But Eudora did not stop and said: "It was just a fantasy at first. You were like a prince who came out of a picture book, and people would not be able to help themselves but pay attention to you. But because you were always sitting in the corner of the classroom, I couldn't really see you clearly. I just felt that you were very serious and handsome. Until that day you helped Professor Lily in class... Then the first in-class competition, the masquerade event, the second in-class competition... You can always do things that we can't do easily. Whenever I see you, I just can't help but want to follow you and get close to you..."

Dark instinctively felt that he couldn't let her continue talking, so he interrupted quickly: "This kind of impression may not be accurate, I mean, you have not actually had close interaction with me before. And distance can impair your judgement. I'm actually not as excellent as you think. So...."

But Eudora still stubbornly said, "No, you are my sun! I can see you glowing! It's so bright and hot!"

She put down the cup, held her heart with both hands, and then raised her head for the first time after entering the room, looking at Dark with a firm gaze.

It was just like when she handed the letter to Dark.

For a split second, Dark noticed something unusual.

There was clearly something in Eudora's eyes!

Thinking that she was brought to school early because of the magic energy outburst, Dark realized something...

This also made him realize that he must take Eudora's action seriously!


Dark raised his hand and clasped her shoulders. He looked her in the eyes, making her a little flustered: "You're only in the first year! Your time should be spent on studying, not anything else."

Eudora became more and more flustered, but still couldn't help but stubbornly said: "Yes, but, it's you who said that we should face up to desire and put it into action."

Dark: "..."

It seems to be the case.

After winning the intra-class competition, I did say such a thing.

But she shouldn't take it out of context, right?

No matter, I shouldn't give in!

Thinking like this, Dark immediately said; "I remember you wrote in your letter that you will work hard to make yourself better. I actually agree with this, and learning should be your main goal. You are still too young, we can talk about this in the future. Okay?"

Eudora suddenly softened her tone for some reason, and said, "I, I'll do my best."

Dark breathed a sigh of relief, stood up straight, and tightened his clothes, "Then I'll send you back to the dormitory first."

Eudora could only stand up reluctantly.

When Dark took her out of the dormitory, he looked back at the top of the wardrobe. Sure enough, he saw the griffin's eyes sparkling.


It was Christmas break after all, so ten o'clock was still too early for the students to sleep. There were still voices in the common room, and occasionally one or two people would pass by in the corridor.

Dark could only feel fortunate that Eudora had not been seen by other people when she came to visit him.

After being sent back to the dormitory wearing a coat, Eudora clutched her coat tightly at the door, looking like she didn't want to take it off.

Dark knew, however, that something terrible would happen if the coat was left behind.

So he decisively pulled his jacket back, and finally left a sentence: "Good night."

Then he left without looking back.

Eudora leaned against the door weakly and slowly sat on the ground as if all the strength in her body had been exhausted.

Looking at Dark's back, she hugged her knees and gritted her teeth slightly.


Dark, who returned to the dormitory, looked at the top of the wardrobe first: "Principal, can you come down now?"

The Griffin hiding on the top of the wardrobe chirped twice, flew around the room, and then transformed back to the appearance of Principal Arte.

She said in a slightly surprised tone: "Demon, it seems that your charm is much greater than what I know."

"Ahem!" Dark turned his eyes away and said directly, "Principal, as you can see, this is not what I expected. Anyway, is there anything you can tell me about Eudora's background?"

Principal Arte pulled the chair over and sat down casually: "It's actually not a secret. Eudora was born into a small noble family, but the origin of her bloodline can be traced back to the 'Star-eyed Witch' Shirley, who was a pure noble bloodline. What's both fortunate and unfortunate is that the bloodline of the star-eyed witch has awakened in her. Although it is not mature enough, she has star eyes and can already see some trajectories that ordinary people can't see."

After Dark heard the words, he suddenly recalled the knowledge about "Star Eye".

That was the material he came across when he was looking for the symbol on the deadly sin's coat of arms.

The so-called "star eye" was also known as "The Eye of Stars".

In the records, people with star eyes could see the trajectory of the stars and peek into fate.

Therefore, every star-eyed messenger was a natural astrologer!

Eudora clearly had a great talent for being an astrologer.

It turned out that when she said that Dark was her sun and she could see him glowing, she was being literal!

She actually really saw a "Sun" from Dark!

But that fiery sun was the manifestation of [Pride]!


Dark took a deep breath. When he first saw Eudora's letter, he could not have imagined that the letter contained such a deep meaning.

Eudora could actually see his rich [Pride] with the naked eye!

To this day, his [Pride]'s indicator still remained at a very high level.

But if Eudora could only see the sun, but not the moon, it could only mean that she was not mature enough.

However, with the passage of time, she would gradually become mature.

One day, she would be able to see all the "stars" rotating within Dark.

As for whether she could read the meaning behind the stars, it would be another matter.

"I see, I think I roughly understand it now." Dark raised his head and said to Principal Arte, "Eudora can see fate, and my future is destined to shine like the sun. So please call me Chazz Princeton from now on!


Principal Arte couldn't help bursting out laughing when she saw Dark's serious boasting.

After recovering herself, she said: "One sign has a hundred interpretations. This is the same as astrology. The same astrological result will show different destiny in the eyes of different astrologers. But since you are willing to believe so, then firmly hold onto this belief."

Dark crossed his fingers and smiled: "I've always wondered, since astrologers can peek into the trajectory of fate, why don't they make divinations every day and make the best use of their skills?"

Principal Arte: "Because they have to pay a price for it!"


The so-called astrologer was by no means such a convenient profession.

Generally speaking, divination was divided into two parts.

The first was Peeking, and the second was Interpretation.

An astrologer was a type of fortune-teller who deduced the trajectory of fate by observing the movements of the stars.

For them, peeking at fate was peeking at the stars. And after peeking at the stars, they needed to interpret it!

The same constellation trajectory, in the eyes of different astrologers, could even be interpreted completely differently, resulting in different conclusions!

So the divination result was never definitive.

The prophecy would not directly tell people how much money they would be able to pick up after they voted for this book on novelupdate. It would only tell people that after they voted for this book, there was a high probability that a lucky event would be triggered.

However, what was even more ridiculous was that even such vague answers would come at a considerable price.

And every astrologer would have a different price to pay.

Some people would lose a little bit of vision after each precise divination until they were completely blind.

Some people would be mentally traumatised and would gradually go crazy after each precise divination.

All in all.

In most cases, astrologers would not do divination easily.


Dark roughly understood the context in general. He and Principal Arte chatted for another half an hour, and eventually, the Principal couldn't continue the conversation anymore.

As if she wanted to concentrate her energy on her work, she looked at the wall clock and said, "It’s already this time? I almost forgot that I was here to deliver a gift."

Dark’s strong anticipation has gradually died down over time. Now, he was no longer that excited about what gift he would get.

Although Professor Claire had already told Dark the day before she left the Academy that she had left the Christmas present she was going to give him to Principal Arte, he had been very busy, so he actually forgot it accidentally.

It was not until Principal Arte appeared that he suddenly remembered this matter. But who would have known that the Principal could be so chatty?

It's almost eleven o'clock, okay?

Dark could only complain silently in his heart.

Then he saw Principal Arte curl her finger. Immediately, a little sphinx magical spirit flew in with a gift box that looked very cheap.

Principal Arte took the gift box from the magical spirit and handed it to Dark.

Dark took over the gift box and weighed it in his hand. Immediately, he noticed that it was extremely light, like an empty box for fooling people!

But since it was a gift from Claire, it shouldn’t be empty.

Is it something very light?

Dark thought for a while, then looked up at Principal Arte again.

"..." "..."

The two silently looked at each other for a while.

Dark said first: "Principal, it's indeed really late."

Principal Arte: "So hurry up and open the present."

Dark: I just don't want to open it in front of you, can't you understand?

Arte: I just want to see what Claire gave you, can’t I see it?

The thoughts of the two kept colliding through the exchange of gazes.

In the end, Dark lost by a whisker and failed to kick the principal out!

Sure enough, the older, the more shameless.

Dark had no choice but to open the gift box in front of Principal Arte.

The tiny box was stuffed with soft stuffing.

Dark reached in and groped around inside the box, only to find a Christmas card and a… magic card!

"This is?" Dark first picked up the magic card and observed it carefully, but found that it had no card face.

This meant that this magic card was not a finished product yet!

Dark immediately picked up the Christmas card, wanting to see what Claire had left.

But Principal Arte suddenly frowned and said, "Claire gave this to you?"

She obviously saw through the truth of this magic card, she did not seem to support Claire's action.

Dark continued to look at the Christmas card.

Dear Dark:

I think you must be very sad about my leaving.

After all...

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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