The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 196: You are my best Christmas present 2 in 1

Chapter 196: You are my best Christmas present 2 in 1

The eyes of the two sides were intertwined for 12.6 seconds.

While the atmosphere was getting ambiguous, Pandora-senpai suddenly exerted her strength and suppressed Dark reflexively the moment she got up.

The positions of the two sides suddenly changed.

Seeing a hint of surprise flashing in Dark's eyes, Pandora couldn't help but wanting to tease him.

In front of Pandora, who was able to dance with wolves under the moon at a very young age, Dark, who skipped class from the Valkyrie's strength training, had no ability to resist.

Dark didn't realize until this moment that he was just a lamb exposed to the wolf...

Dark blinked, spun outwards, and got out of the wolf's mouth.

But Pandora didn't seem to want to let him go easily. She also spun towards Dark's direction on her tiptoe, and fell toward him after catching up with him.

Dark reached out and grabbed her waist!

The lower edge of her chest entered his field of vision, stirring up his deadly sin index.


The music stopped suddenly.

Pandora just rolled around Dark's arm, clinging to his chest and then stood up suddenly.

The dance ended.


By the time Dark and Pandora-senpai walked off the stage side by side, the tableware on the four long tables had all been emptied and replaced with brand new drinks and desserts.

Since the Christmas Ball began, students were free to move around as they pleased; everyone no longer had a fixed seat.

Pandora-senpai seemed to be satisfied with the dance. She held her skirt and walked out of the great hall with Dark.

The two tacitly did not speak.

They didn't sit down until they got around a wall that blocked the lights from the dance scene.

Pandora looked up at the night sky on Christmas Eve, an unexpected blush appeared on her cheeks.

Although she appeared to be experienced, tonight was actually her first time dancing with someone.

Fortunately, she had secretly practised circle dance in the past. Otherwise, her image would be ruined.

After a while, she said, "Thank you, this is the best Christmas present I've ever received."

Dark was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect this to be the first sentence after he came out.

But he immediately chuckled: "This is not a Christmas present."

Pandora: "In my heart, this is."


Dark looked helplessly at the night sky.


There was no moon today, only a few stars spread out sparsely in the night sky.

The two chatted quietly for a while, and Dark asked curiously, "Senpai, are you going out tomorrow?"

Pandora shook her head: "It's tonight."

Dark was a little surprised: "In such a hurry?"

However, Pandora showed a smile: "The distance is a bit far, maybe I will also need to ask for a leave when school starts."

Dark: "Is that so..."

Then the Christmas present that I originally wanted to give her after 12 o'clock tonight can only be brought forward.

After thinking for a while, he got up and said, "Shall we go upstairs for a walk?"

Pandora turned her head and saw that people had appeared one after another in her field of vision, and this place was no longer secret.

She got up and went upstairs with Dark.

The two eventually came to the window on the third floor of the castle.

After coming here several times, Dark found that it was indeed a good viewing area.

Lying on the windowsill, one could see not only the night sky and the clock tower, but also the external bridge where a lot of things had happened.

Dark clapped his hands and asked, "Can you summon your familiar spirit?"

Although Pandora was puzzled, she still took out the sorting card and summoned her familiar spirit.

Her familiar spirit, that was, the winged dragon, whose scientific name was "Young Winged Dragon", was a kind of pterosaur that never grew.

Dark picked up this familiar spirit the size of DemiDevimon and held it high. Although Young Winged Dragon fluttered its wings and seemed very happy, it really was just a reaction of the familiar spirit level.

Familiar spirits had only 2.5 intelligence under normal circumstances, which was half a level higher than magical spirits.

They belonged to the mid-level pseudo-lifeforms, and like ordinary golems, they did not have a complete and independent thinking ability.

So at first glance they seemed to be alive, but as long as one interacted with them for a long time, one would find that they were just man-made objects.

"Can you turn around?"

Dark looked at Pandora and asked again.

Pandora looked more and more confused, but she turned around, trusting Dark.

Dark pursed his lips slightly, and took out the [Pride I] from the card pouch he was carrying.

This was the first time he used a deadly sin series card on other people's familiar spirit (Magical Spirit), so he couldn't confirm the effect.

According to the original plan, if the effect was not satisfactory, he would give out another Christmas present.

So at this time, he didn't mention the word "Christmas gift" to Pandora.

Fortunately, Pandora was very cooperative, which saved him a lot of trouble to explain.

Instead of holding [Pride I] in front of him, he hid it behind him.

All magisters were sensitive to the magic cards made by themselves. As long as they injected a little magic energy, they could identify the type of the magic card at the moment of getting feedback.

He began to recite on Normal Summoning Spell.

4 seconds later.

A dark golden ball of light floated out of [Pride I] and slowly floated towards the Young Winged Dragon that he was holding with his other hand.

Young Winged Dragon stared at the ball of light with big eyes, without any sense of crisis.

It wasn't until the ball of light drilled into its head that it seemed to have short-circuited and suddenly stopped responding.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly opened its eyes with a dark golden light bursting out from its eyes!

Its originally dull facial expression suddenly came alive!

Almost the next moment, it bit Dark's finger!


Dark felt the sharp pain and quickly let it go.

Young Winged Dragon immediately flew high, and cried out, "Eeek, eek!"

Pandora finally couldn't help but ask; "Can I turn around now?"

Dark stuffed the [Pride I] back into the card pouch and said, "Okay."

Pandora turned around immediately after getting Dark's approval.

The Young Winged Dragon, who was angry at Dark, suddenly felt the terrifying oppression that could crush it into mud in an instant!

That was the suppression at the biological level!

It was the absolute domination of the superior over the inferior.

At this moment, the "Pride" provided by [Pride I] was no longer able to support it to keep holding its head up.

It suddenly shrank its tail, turned its head tremblingly like a tiny lizard, and faced its master.

But it was such a "humble" yet "real" reaction that made Pandora smooth out her knitted brows.

No one knew the familiar spirit better than the owner of the familiar spirit.

She felt the change in Young Winged Dragon almost immediately.

That was the change she often dreamed of in her dreams when she first summoned the familiar spirit.

She used to dream that the adorable Young Winged Dragon would transform from a familiar spirit into a real creature, and become her first family, accompanying her day after day...

But with the enrichment of magic knowledge, she gradually understood that it was impossible.

A familiar spirit was a familiar spirit after all.

It would never become her family member.

The intelligence level of familiar spirits seemed to be half a level higher than that of magic spirits, but it was almost the limit value, which couldn't be broken through.

Spiritual Magisters could form Bond with magical spirits, but not with familiar spirits.

This made her very sad during that time.

It was not until Ms. Bella noticed her abnormality and took the initiative to talk to her that she found her first family member.

But now, the dream three years ago seemed to be realized in front of her?

She blinked, showing a rare cute expression.


Young Winged Dragon's last pride made it spit out a fiery dragon breath against the sky.

It seemed that it wanted to declare its majesty through this performance?

But as the flame burst out like fireworks, its majesty remained uncomprehended.

Pandora saw that the familiar spirit, which theoretically shouldn't have a skill, actually obtained a skill. At this moment, she suddenly understood the reason why Dark wanted to refine a [Curse Cage].

"Maybe I need a [Curse Cage] too?"

Pandora was always used to hiding her emotions in her heart, but she was really excited at the moment.

Obviously she had just received the best Christmas present.

But in a blink of an eye, the record was set again!

She couldn't help but look at Dark, how many surprises would this first-year student bring her?


As the surface effect of [Pride Ⅰ] receded, Young Winged Dragon finally returned to normal.

But its intelligence had been increased, and it now had a complete self-consciousness.

Pandora fondly teased Young Winged Dragon, tickling its pink tongue with her slender fingers, feeling the extreme happiness.

If Dark confessed to her at this time, she might agree to it out of sheer joy!

"Oh right, I have to give the return gifts!"

Pandora racked her brains to think.

Although the Christmas present she had originally prepared was also very thoughtful, compared to Dark's surprise, it was completely underwhelming.

"Right, that thing!"

She quickly got an idea.

"Dark, turn around."


Dark had no idea that it would be his turn so soon.

He simply turned around, leaned against the windowsill, and looked down.

The external bridge was indeed a holy place for dating. In just a short while, two couples had already appeared on the bridge.

Each of them was staying at one end of the bridge, not disturbing each other.

Looking at them, Dark couldn't help thinking about the Seafood Order that he hadn't seen for a long time, wondering if those people have recovered.

There were 16 members of the Seafood Order. Except for Mr. Starfish who had been expelled, the other 15 members were still in school.

The school didn't disclose their identities, and they were regarded as victims in public announcements.

This was actually the truth as well.

They had been more or less brainwashed by the Moon Goddess, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to do those things.

With the whole incident over, the remaining 15 members of the Seafood Order had returned to their normal academy life, and Dark had seen [Cuttlefish] Scott more than once.

Scott was no longer as gloomy as before. Apart from avoiding him when he encounters him, his interactions with his classmates seemed to go on very well.

But Dark did not know that the Seafood Order had not been disbanded.

The 15 members were still in secret contact with each other.

Just in nature, it had changed from a conspiratorial and hidden order to a quasi-school club.

They de-stress through a weekly meeting to pour out their grievances to each other.

Professor Silver had observed them secretly, and only let them go after confirming that they were harmless.


"It’s okay now."

Pandora-senpai's crisp voice came from behind.

Thinking what kind of surprise it would be, Dark turned around slowly.

But what he saw was Pandora, who was dressed in a pure white dress, hid her hands behind her, looking at him playfully.

The Young Winged Dragon, who had just been enlightened, was lying on her shoulders, very obedient.

"Here, your Christmas present!"

After watching Dark turn around, Pandora stretched out her hand from behind and opened her hand in front of him.


Dark looked closely, but found a crescent-shaped silver scale the size of a fingernail lying quietly in her palm.

He couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

Pandora: "Dragon's Reverse Scale!"


Dragons had reverse scales, and they would be angry if they were touched!

Because the reverse scale was the only soft scale on the dragon's body.

There were a large number of nerves growing inside the reverse scale, and its surface was full of receptors, which was extremely sensitive.

Whether it was touch, pain, or other senses, it could be magnified several times!

This was one of the dragon's most important treasures.

After each dragon shed its skin, even if all the dragon skins and scales were thrown away, they would not throw away the reverse scales.

Therefore, the rarity of reverse scales was much higher than that of ordinary dragon scales.

In a sense, this was indeed a precious gift comparable with Dark's surprise!

Dark stretched out two fingers and pinched the dragon scale, looking carefully.

Of course, this was the first time he had seen something like dragon scales, not to mention that it was the reverse scales among dragon scales.

Reverse scales themselves were not as cold as ordinary scales, and they were slightly soft to the touch. It was said that among the weapons in history, there was a soft sword that was entirely made of reverse scales. It was thin and soft, but indestructible!

But the first thing Dark thought of was thousands of dragon-types magical spirits!

Using this Dragon's Reverse Scale as the core material, could a powerful dragon-type be refined?

In his head, there was no option to save this piece of silver-white reverse scales as a collection.


"How is it? Is my Christmas present sincere enough?"

Pandora-senpai smiled when she saw that Dark was serious.

Excited, Dark said, "Of course, this is the best Christmas present I've ever received!"

Pandora covered her mouth and chuckled: "Hopefully, a better gift won't appear right away."

Dark took out a square handkerchief from the card pouch, carefully wrapped the reverse scale, and put it into the card pouch.

The two who exchanged Christmas gifts leaned against the wall and chatted in a low voice.

Pandora-senpai had a wide range of knowledge, and she was very well-informed. The topics they talked about seemed to be endless. When Dark regained his senses, it was already half past ten!


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