The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 98: An Omen of Luck

Chapter 98: An Omen of Luck

In front of me, the unicorn is vomiting non-stop. Poor creature, it can't even enjoy my heavenly singing and is getting sick.

I just hope it will feel better soon. Wolfie is still laughing on the side. What about showing concern to a friend? Hum, then again there is that kind of friendship too.

When friends become even closer friends it becomes like that sometimes.

I remember I used to joke around in the same way. Sly remarks and insults going on all the time, but we would have been there for each other in case of need. That was true friendship. Then again, I don't remember anyone specifically. Maybe I saw that on a show or something.

What should I do? I get closer to pat its back. It looks at me and I give it a reassuring smile.

This is the warmth between individuals, truly comforting and .


Okay, turns out kindness is not gonna cure anyone. I obviously ain't a doctor.

If only I could do a quick web search to know what to do in such a situation!

ActuallyI doubt it would be helpful.

What to do when your unicorn is sick?

I would open a tab for every result, and it would be along the lines of:

-Unicorns aren't real?!

-Have you tried turning it off and on again?

-Your unicorn is pregnant!

- Hardcore midget p. wait no! This a previously opened tab.

I look at it carefully, the belly seems normal. Definitely not pregnant.

Could it be a case of food poisoning? What do unicorns even eat? Moonlight and rainbows?

Now that I think about it this unicorn can talk, I should probably ask it.

[How are you feeling? Do you know what is happening to you?]

"THIS IS OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE *BARF* OF ...*growl* actually never mind."

Why did Wolfie interrupt?

[No, it's fine I want to know just tell me. Maybe I can help!]

She glances at Wolfie.

"Actually, I just ate something bad don't worry about it. I will be fine in a few minutes."

Guess I was right about the food poisoning.

And thus all of us patiently wait. I pet Wolfie in the meantime and finally take a leak. Not at the same time obviously, even if I do enjoy multitasking.

The unicorn's breathing is now steady, and she seems fine.

[Oh yeah what about the test you wanted me to pass, how was my song?]


[Are you alright?]

"Yes, I'll be fine soon."

[Sooo, is it true that unicorns' horns are worth a fortune?]

"T-that, y-yes slightly."

[What can one even do with that item?]

She glances at Wolfie.

" can be used to make weapons and some healing medicine. But why do you want to know that?"

What's with the wary look I'm just asking casually.

[Nothing just wondering. So where did you guys meet?]

"We used to work together. It was a long time ago. The world was truly different back then"

[What do you mean the world was different? Can't be that long ago, Wolfie is super young no?]

"Wolfie, young!? What do you mean*cough cough* Yes of course! It was a few years ago."

[Gotcha haha. You are officially the first unicorn I ever meet. It's kind of cool. Wait does this sound racist?]

"I'm not sure what you mean. It is also the first time I meet a human quite like you."

Hum, true I am quite dashing and handsome. Or maybe I have an otherworldly vibe around me?

Kinda like that MC aura but without the obvious plot armor. You know isekai and all.

[Oh right, do you have any embarrassing story about Wolfie? *glowing eyes*]

"That I have a few . stories but none are embarrassing."

Oh, was worth a try. Why does the unicorn glance at Wolfie before answering every time?

Don't tell me she is scared of Wolfie badmouthing her to the Wolf King? Might be it haha.

Actually what if Wolfie has some dirt on her. You know acting as a deterrent. If one opens its mouth the other will follow. Yeah, probably it. Kinda like nuclear weaponry, acting like a deterrent and all.

[Oh yeah, what are you doing here? We are heading to a cool city to have fun.]

"A city to have fun? With Wolfie? That soundsentertaining. I was just wandering around when I caught the aura of someone I knew and decided to visit is all."

Damn talk about sounding mystical. Recognizing someone by their aura. Wait, doesn't that kinda sound like a pro-stalker move?! Then again, this unicorn doesn't seem like a bad person,

"Alright, you have my blessings. On that note I will be on my way, I wish you guys the best."

[Alright! Same to you! Oh yeah, do you want me to sing you one last song before you go?]

"*BARFFFF* Thatno I will be fine."

[What happened?!]

"I just remembered a horrible memoryI'll be on my way now."

[Alright take care! Try not to eat weird stuff by the roadside again!]

And thus she leaves her gait unsteady and shivering. As if running away.

Then again, it's probably my imagination. Of course, it is hard to walk in a pond. Of course, the night can be cold. The running away part can be explained easily by the memory of whatever it ate here.

*Sigh* If I had some cooking tools I could have baked some pie for it. Shame.

Oh well.

I return to the camp. This has been a peaceful and fun night. The leader is there awaiting me.

"Hey, where have you been?"

[Just went for a walk. Oh yeah how often does one meet a unicorn around here?]

"A unicorn? Never."

[Guess I got lucky then haha. Is this an omen of good luck for the upcoming days? Must be it!]

"You met one?! I've never had such an opportunity!"

[Yep, it even requested me to sing for it. Sadly it had food poisoning so it couldn't enjoy my singing.]

"Aren't unicorns creatures that don't need to eat?"

Creatures that don't eat? That's not possible. Then again didn't he just say he's never personally seen one?

[Naw, that's obviously bullshit. They are clearly horses that are cooler and have an awesome horn. Of course, they gotta eat.]

"Makes sense."

[Of course, it does haha.]

As I lay my head on my wolf-pillow I can somehow still hear it snickering and laughing. Guess it is remembering funny stories about her friend.

For some reason I get the feeling tomorrow will be amazing.

Yes, will be my lucky day for sure!


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