The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 90: Meeting An Old Friend

Chapter 90: Meeting An Old Friend


We have been journeying for a few weeks already. Actually 3 weeks and 2 days. It feels like my king is rubbing off on me haha. For him time is irrelevant. If you ask him how long it has been, he will probably answer weeks, followed by I think.

Nothing happened at all, well besides my master socializing with the mercenaries and a fly trying to use divination magic against me. I did teach it a lesson it won't forget anytime soon.

Right now we are on the side of the road camping. Everyone but the people on the night watch are asleep. That includes my master.

He is resting his head against my fur, breathing peacefully. A small smile adorns his lips, he must be having a nice dream right about now. I just hope it's not about pie again.

Never would I have thought that the one thing that would threaten me in this life to be pie. For it would take all his attention away. How does one compete with something so tasty and warm that can be eaten? Maybe when I'll reach rank 5 again I'll have a chance. I'll have the ability to polymorph then.

Sadly it won't be anytime soon.

This man is still a total mystery to me.

He is extremely cute at the moment, yet he is one of the most powerful existence there is in this current world. This is what I truly believe.

Even then he acts clumsily most of the time. Ignorant of what others would consider being common sense.

He only learned of the value of coins recently. Back at the border town, I was finding him to be extremely generous with that white gold coin, then I overheard him whispering at the Inn. Asking how much silvers and gold coins are worth.

I'm not sure if that ignorance is good or bad. While he has trouble interacting with others, he doesn't let himself get limited by common sense either.

His possibilities are endless.

I am not sure where our travels will bring us exactly, but I will follow him anywhere. I will be at his side no matter what, even if the whole world is ending.

As I have this thought I detect something. Of course, I do not trust these mercenaries to guard us, at all. I have various protective measures set-up all around the place.

I just now picked the scent of an intruder.

I slowly move away, making sure not to disturb my king's rest. Then I make my way over there.

Should it be an enemy I will dispose of it.

What awaits me is a white silhouette, right next to a small pond.

It seems to glow softly under the moonlight.

White all over with a white mane. Silver hooves. It gives off an ethereal feeling. On its head a single purple horn.

This beast is what is commonly called a unicorn.

I actually know this specific one. An old companion of mine.

One that opens its mouth as I come nearby.

"It's been a while Y."

I interrupt the melodious voice.

"I go by the name of Wolfie now."

"Wolfie is it? I heard you have been following a lowly human recently. What happened to that pride of yours?"

"Shut your mouth. The next time you insult him I will take that horn of yours and shove it so deep up your own ass that it will kill you."

"WHAT?! 0_0"

"This will be your final warning."

"You are going to go that far for him? Why?"

"Because he is worth it."

"That is as good as not saying anything, what makes him so special?"

"Wouldn't you like to know little horsie?"

"YWolfie what's with all the trash-talk?"

"Oh, that? I've been practicing. I've learned a few interesting things traveling along with mercenaries."

"I don't recognize you. What happened to serving the endless forest?"

"Weren't you one of the first to quit that to go wander this world? I chose him as king, and he shall lead us to greatness."

"You have that much confidence in him?"

"Of course. He is the man I chose after all."

"Are you sure you are not simply trying to fill the void left behind by the king's death?"

"Of course not."

While I do answer confidently, I wonder about that myself.

This previous king we had was a father figure to me. As a leader and as a god he was always there for us. There is much of the previous king I see in the man I chose. The kindness, the goofiness, and the power. It all reminds me of him.

But still, while I wish he was still alive it wouldn't change my current plans at all.

I then hear a whisper.

"I missed you old friend, glad to see you are doing well."

"Why are you whispering?"

"You heard me anyway. What are your current plans?"

"We are heading to a city owned by the diplomacy god. Hopefully, find some interesting things to do."

"What about the upcoming war? It may be extremely subtle, but the various forces are all preparing for a fight. You guys can't be the only ones going about your business obliviously."

"Of course not haha. It may not look like it, but my king is actively building up his forces. He has recruited some interesting people recently."

"Oh? Like whom?"

"A young swordsman that will very likely reach true sword will in a few years maximum."

"What is surprising about sword will, so what if he is a bit younger, how old is he? 20-30 years old?"

"12. He is 12."

"Wow, that is champion level! What about his god?"


"You are telling me some 12 years old is about to reach sword will by himself with no support whatsoever from a divinity?!"

"Yes, do you want to hear about another one?"

"You should have kept that one for last since it is the most impressive, but sure."

"You may have heard about the next one's nickname. The undefeatable warrior."

"That guy!? Impossible!"

"Why so?"

"While not that strong he is already the unofficial chosen of a god. Why would he join you guys?!"

"Oh, he's with us now."

"What about all the blessings he was receiving from the Wanderer God?!"

"He gave it all up. Decided to become stronger on his own."

"That is impressivewait no. Wasn't he locked up in the Moon Keep?! These guys are all monsters. Their god may have lost the war, but she was one of the top deities before that incident!"

"Oh yeah, about that. I did keep the best for last."

"No, impossible! This is the Moon Keep we are talking about! THE Moon Keep."

"Actually I'm not sure if they are considered part of our sect or just allies, but still."

"Either way that's fucking amazing!"

"What's with the swearing? What happened to unicorns being pure and all?"

"You can't just expect me to hear about this and not react. Wait. What was that about a sect?"

"Oh yeah, his own army is called The Unnamed God Sect. It is a work in progress, but it sounds cool don't you think so?"

"What about the endless forest?!"

"He is our king, so we are all part of the sect. Incidentally, want to join?"

"That I will have to . WHO GOES THERE!?"

Oh? Seems like we have company. For some reason, I didn't react to the newcomer. ah, I understand.

It is my king. I am so used to his presence by now it feels natural. I guess my old friend was truly shocked for she didn't notice him earlier.

[Hum don't worry about me just taking a leak. Wait, what is a horse doing here? And what's with the horn? Then again horses can be horny too, I guess. Isekai bullshit and whatnot.]

My king is rambling as usual. He often refers to that isekai thing. I'm still not completely sure of what it entails.

"Who are you?!"

[Oh what is it mister horny horse? Wait. YOU CAN TALK!?]

I would facepalm if I had hands right about now.


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