The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 86: Spending A Chapter Walking

Chapter 86: Spending A Chapter Walking

After all the bullshit at the Inn... Actually, after all the bullshit at the now destroyed Inn, we hit the road again.

Ah! I could see a nice travel song opportunity. Gotta get a character called Jack. Then we could sing hit the road *insert dude's name* as we get from place to place! Never a dull travel moment no more!

I'd do it, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm nameless. Very much like The Unnamed God I created.

Not that I'm trying to be special or edgy. I just don't feel like taking a new name instantly. What if I remember my true one later on? How awkward would it be?

Me going around with a cool name that I would choose, something like Herro Protector of the World and Ultimate Dream Bachelor. Then later remembering my original name to be something like Tim.

I would be too embarrassed to look people in the eyes.

So yeah, we hit the road again. That very familiar road I've already walked on back and forth. This time Wolfie is with us. I checked! The mercenaries are friendlier than at the beginning. I guess slapping the shit out of a rival group was satisfying to watch.

They start telling me stories about how their group came to be. Apparently, they were once part of a legendary mercenary legion. One that had many skilled members. One that could move as a massive unit due to their rigorous training. One led by a legendary lion or something.

Sadly the various powers tried to make use of them. All for their political struggles. Once or twice was fine, but it kept happening. Fighting for coin always was a reality of the mercenary life. Problem is people started expecting more for a pittance.

Seeing these hired blades as disposable entities made many times the clients downplay the dangers to try and lower the amount paid.

It just wasn't worth it anymore.

They left it all behind. They then turned to banditry to survive.

The whole fucking army. Cause yes, the way they talk about it no way anyone sane would call it a mercenary unit or a band. Their fearless leader became an infamous bandit king.

They even made a bandit bastion in a disaster zone. How cool is that?!

One day I swear I'm gonna have my own awesome base in a disaster zone too!

Well, I'm pretty sure the forest I was in before was mislabeled. Plenty of beast kings? Plenty of beast kings my ass! I saw 1! Maybe 2! Remember how I was considering adding the big snake to the list of potential kings? After petting it I realized. nope.

It's just one cute snaky boy looking for love. Not some dangerous creature at all. It is just gluttonous, and I was just really unprepared the first time.

So yeah, that was about the main bandit army.

Now the mercenary group I am traveling with refused to follow the others.

How dumb! I mean. how righteous! I just wonder if righteousness can feed oneself. Well, I guess so since they are still alive.

I really wish I could have my own army one day. Of course, I know I'm just being delusional, but still. I wonder if I could train ants to do my bidding? Wolves might work too. Both groups are numerous.

OMG! What if I make cavalry units! That would be fucking awesome.

I can already picture it. Me going :

Welcome to The Unnamed God army!

From now on you will be trained rigorously until you are the best of the best! I want you guys to put the cavalry of the Rohhan to shame! You guys don't know it? Is it because of the double H? Oh right, you guys only know about this single world. Anyway!

I want you guys to be both OP and cool as heck! What's the best way for that? Cavalry of course!

What? Some dumbass in the back is saying cavalry isn't always the most efficient? Screw that guy! Fire him right now! And feed him to the boar!

Anyway, cavalry is the best at looking awesome! That is what we are all about in The Unnamed God Legion! Fashion is the end game goal! Anyone that tells you otherwise is a retard.

Alright, listen soldiers! Choose your starter pokI mean choose your starter mount!

Will you go with the ant? Will you go with the wolf?

Both can devour you in heartbeat so don't forget to feed it haha.

This shit is almost as intense as taking care of a Tamagotch*.

Will you go with the sturdy-looking one or the fluffy one?

Take your pick quickly for the number of wolves is limited.

What about myself? Should I ask the wolf king to ride it? It would be cool as heck.

Then again, would it accept having a weak human like me on its back? Questionable.

Oh, I know! I should ask my deer friend! It is cute, nice, and somewhat scary as hell.

Oh? Enemies are coming towards us? Hell-spawned tentacles mode activates!

Then it could go back to petting mode right afterward. Wait does that count as a transformation? If yes, it is Hella Cool.

So do I just spend the day talking and walking with my new mercenary companions? Yes, that's about it. Again you'd expect some out-of-the-ordinary event to happen, but this isn't a novel.

There are no ways bandits would suddenly show up out of the blue. Of course, I make sure to never say stuff like that aloud. Unlike the party leader. This guy is a repeated red flag offender.

Honestly, it is a wonder how he stayed alive to this very day given the number of times he stressed the part about me not having enemies.

So yeah, we keep walking and that's it. Then comes nighttime.

We camp by the roadside. My companions take our tents out from their luggage and quickly set-up a complete camp before deciding who is in charge of guarding.

I would have hoped for it to be done through a rock paper game or something, but they just let their chief decide. This is booooring.

But seeing them at work does show me how much I have been careless in the past. Or more accurately how lucky I was to find an area with restrictions already set-up in the forest.

There is one such tent for my personal use.

I lay down and contemplate life. On my wolf-pillow of course.

Do you ever get these moments of pure lucidity where you assess your whole life right as you should be sleeping?

The quiet of the night is always good to contemplate our existence on this earth, or whatever this planet is called.

I started somewhere unknown, got summoned to the god realm, went to the Moon Keep. Fled to a disaster zone and found Wolfie but lost my first sect member. Then I proceeded to the nearby town and now I'm heading to a big city.

To be honest, right now I feel like a young boy that just went to a sleepover for the first time.

All excited and a bit disoriented.

Expectant toward the future, but somewhat jittery about it.

Well, I have Wolfie. Her company is enough for me.

I swear it is weird. Ever since I had that dream about Wolfie telling me she was a princess I can't refer to her with it anymore.

It's dumb I know, but at this point she's family. Also pretty sure she doesn't have a dong albeit I really didn't look closely. I'm not into bestiality.

Alright, enough random thinking. Let's shut down the brain. No point worrying about the future.

Will happen what is meant to happen.

My last conscious thought is that it's a good thing this ain't a novel or readers would be rioting right about fucking now lol. After all, I only walked today. Nothing else.


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