The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 77: A Monster Assembly

Chapter 77: A Monster Assembly

**** (POV)

As I trail being the fox I am wondering where this world is going.

A monster denoting intelligence. Capable of speech to boot.

This little one in front of me should be a peerless beast king. After all, a rank 3 wouldn't show such intelligence and a rank 5 would be able to shapeshift.

Such a powerful creature is calmly guiding me through the forest. This doesn't make any sense. Fighting against a common enemy I get.

But I'm merely a rank 3 myself. I can barely contribute. There is no reason for it to go out of its way to save me.

"Just keep silent and follow me haha."


Were my thoughts that obvious?

Not long after we reach a medium-sized clearing. Oh god.

This spot should have been relatively spacious.

It is packed to the brim. Various monsters. Everywhere.

Should any of them decide to attack me I would die instantly.

In front of my eyes is a force strong enough to take the whole continent by storm.

Lots of rank 2s, many rank 3s, about 4 rank 4s.

A wolf, a mantis, a deer, and the fox that guided me here.

Of them all, only the wolf kings look magnificent and imposing. With streaks of lightning running along his pitch-black fur. Sharp-looking claws and fangs. Built both for mobility and power.

The others look plain at first sight but their auras are oppressing.

The mantis gives a sharp feeling. Like a blade that could sever anything in half at a moment's notice.

The deer a mysterious one. It feels as if it has achieved unity with the world and going against it would go against the natural laws.

The fox looks inoffensive at first. But under such an appearance resides a deadly killer.

Seriously what the hell!

"Relax. Nothing bad will happen to you."

This doesn't make sense. I should probably just shut up at this exact moment, but I can't help but ask

"Why? Why did you bring me here?"

"Haha. Your son decided to join us did he not? Of course, protecting his father is but a formality. Don't worry about it."

What?! What is he talking about?!

"My son?! But he ."

Wasn't he going to join that so-called Unnamed God Sect or something? How did it turn out that wait! There is something more pressing!

"What about thisthing! What are we supposed to do against the Zombies and "?

"We wait."

What?! What is the plan again?

"The representative is coming over soon. Poor necromancer. He shouldn't have shown up with this timing."


"Oh let's just say the representative has been a bit cranky recently haha. Something about the king paying more attention to some pies than her. Not sure about all the details myself to be honest."

Pies? Pies?! Who is that representative?!

"Yep. Let's just say this undead is gonna become a punching bag real soon. Quite pitiful if I say so myself. Oh no. I've just realized an issue."

"Something bad? Can I do anything to help?!"

"Depends. Are you a cook?"

"A-a cook? Why?"

"We are lacking snacks for the upcoming show."

That's the issue?! Not having any godamn snacks! What kind of sick joke is this?! I'm here worried sick and

The deer approaches. And starts a conversation I would never have imagined between mighty beast kings.

"Hey there mister fox. The king will be late. And he only cooks with the help of the boar who's also missing. Knowing him he's probably running pointlessly around the forest, right? Haha"

"The king or the boar?"




"Mister deer, do you have any fruits left? We could always eat that!"

"Oh. Of course. Why do you think I mastered divination! It took a while to learn it from the representative, but it paid off! Look at all the berries I have gotten!"

From god knows where extends a tentacle of flesh and teeth. I'm not sure if I should be disgusted or scared. Probably both. Contained inside are many berries that slightly shine. These are precious magical plants for sure!

"Nice give me some! Pretty please!"

"Oh? I'm willing to make a deal."

"Pray tell."

"I'll trade some of my secret berry stash for your complete support with getting information on the king."

"No way! One-time payment on your part for a continuous engagement on mine!"

"Hum, how about this? I'll keep sharing some of the tasty stuff. Deal?"

"Can't you simply divine the whereabouts of the king? Why make this deal? *suspicious*"

"It is impossible."

"What is?"

"Divining anything about the king won't work."

"What but how did the representative divine that he really is the king she was waiting for?!"

"Humshe probably didn't and is just guessing."


"Well does it matter? He is our king anyway."


"True indeed haha."

What have I just witnessed? Divination is a long-lost art. Stuff from legends. Or more accurately divination can be easily found everywhere but most practitioners are charlatans. Such legendary art is used to scavenge for food?! And what about this king?!

He sounds like an extremely strong individual yet what is that about him pointlessly running around the forest? What kind of king does that? More importantly what kind of king does without getting his reign contested?!

And that still unknown representative. Who is she? She is probably the strongest entity here. Rank 4? Rank 5? Oh god. I don't even want to imagine the possibilities.

The thing is approaching us with his army. The earlier scene took a while to describe but only a few moments passed. The thing was busy evaluating the army in front of it. Somehow it still looks confident.

Are we really not going to do anything? What about when it charges toward us?

What about the zombies? What about the ...what is that?

I'm not sure when but a small white furry animal made his way near the undead pack.

Is the newcomer lost? Late to join the safety of the pack?

"Oh, this gonna be good." *munch much*

"Indeed." *munch munch*

That duo will simply watch the little one get murdered? While munching on berries at that?!

Then again, I can't really blame them. I am a hunter myself after all.

Such is the way of life.

The small thing seems to be a small white wolf. Wait?!

That's the wolf that has been living in our home for the past 2 months?!



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