The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 65: When In Rome …Do Jack Shit?

Chapter 65: When In Rome …Do Jack Shit?

For the pies!

Yes, I am still posing heroically. While this merchant looks honest, he ain't the fastest I'm telling you. But eh as long as he works hard.

But seriously what is coming my way? We are in a town. Can't be that bad right?

The crowd parts ways to let through a group of hunters. The one leading is a young man wearing luxurious-looking furs. Some carefully chosen jewelry adorns his hands and neck. And by carefully chosen I mean it's all gold! I'm jealous! Eh I mean how immoral! Showing off your wealth in such an exaggerated manner! Meanwhile here I am with a shabby-looking iron hilt necklace. My cloak is kickass though, especially compared to how cheap it was! I'm just missing the mask and I'd look like Big Daddy! Anyone who doesn't who that is needs to reconsider life.

But if anybody asks, I am dressing simple because I am a model of virtue. I am showcasing how humble I am. Yes indeed! Showcasing might be bad. I am humble! There we go!

If I had to describe him I would say, generic young master. And the people around him generic goon..or not? They actually do not feel the fodder type. You know that type that ends up trying to beat up everyone that looks at or sideways from their master. The useless kind.

No! These guys look like hardened hunters! How do I know that? Is it because of how in sync their steps are? Or because of how they are carefully inspecting the surroundings even while in a town? Or how people get out of their way naturally? Or by the fact that they have well-maintained matching equipment?

Actually, all of the above. Yes. Then again, I'm no expert. They could also be a group of troubadours coming into town for the first time. Wearing hunter costumes. A dance troupe thus explaining their sync. Newcomers thus explaining them looking everywhere. I'm bullshitting a bit now, but seriously I'd say I am 80% confident in my first assumption.

The group splits up and goes toward every merchant stand. Then they start taking money. Oh, are they tax collectors? Guess I was wrong about the hunter part. They are officials. Makes sense, after all this place is right next to a disaster zone. Fashion here might just be like that. Maybe they used to be hunters and now are officials?

I watch the happenings. I have nothing better to do. After all, that guy is still packing my stuff. It's not even that much stuff either. Like a packsack worth almost but still. Eh, whatever I have all the time in the world. I start to whistle lowly. We have all the time in the world. Time enough for life to unfold. All the precious things L. this merchant has in store! Fits right up for this situation.

"Hey you there"

The young master seems to be talking ?!

I point to myself.

"Yes, you!"

Ah, such is the curse of being handsome *sigh*. Even in rags, I would attract those with discerning eyes. Time to use my polite and friendly greeting!

[Sup friend.] =)

He comes closer and looks at me intently. From top to bottom. He then looks at the products I am buying. Ah, even if you confess to me it won't work you know. While he seems handsome, powerful, and rich I don't swing that way. Well, I guess that depends on how rich he is. not! I am a humble individual I will not be swayed by mortal riches! Even if you buy me some cooking ingredients! Ah, such is life.

"You new in town? A baker?"

There comes the pick-up line.

"You'll have to pay the newcomer protection fee."

Oh. I was wrong, I guess. Can these guys stop surprising me already? They not hunters they officials. He ain't in love with me he wants my money. No way I could have known *sigh *. Ain't the guy rich enough already? Give me a break maybe? Then again if these are the rules of this place I look around. No one is getting outraged or suspicious. I guess this thing is official. Alright.

[All the money I have is there and I need to buy ingredients too.] I point at the pouch now next to the mute merchant.

"Hum. I see. How about it, anything remaining after he buys the things?"

The mute merchant nods and does weird hand symbols. Pretty sure he's either very talkative in sign language or using a really complex Jutsu. Either way, it's pretty cool. They seem to come to an understanding somehow. Meanwhile, I'm there on the sidelines wondering wtf is happening.

In the end, one hands the other a bit of the money.

"Alright, I will take my leave. Have a good day."

Guess the problem is settled.

After all these happening, the merchant is finally still not done. This is weird. He doesn't look fast, but he doesn't look slow either. Just how many items are on that list? Maybe it looks more condensed because it is written. Like how writing a -thousand words- takes one second, but actually writing a thousand words for a chapter might take a few hours. This kind of thing.

So I wait patiently again. This time people are super calm and relaxed. I guess the earlier people were all tax evaders? Maybe people selling stuff without a proper license? Not sure.

Either way, I'm sure the house where I'll be baking should be fine. After all, they even have their own ingredients pusher. I kinda just messed up and never found him, but it should be fine.

Alright, he is finally done! He hands me a really huge bulging bag and a now really thin money pouch. What matters is that I will be able to keep baking. After all. Gotta do it for the pies!!

But then I feel like I will have to really focus on that endeavor. It will take time and lots of effort. After all, it is a motherfucking art!

Oh. I know exactly what this calls for. It will be epic. So fucking epic that I'll power-up real-quick thanks to it.


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