The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 58: Becoming a Professional Monster Hunter…or not

Chapter 58: Becoming a Professional Monster Hunter…or not

Professional monster hunter, here I come!

I wonder what it will be like. Probably a big ass building with a tavern inside and boisterous hunters. Is my bet anyway. I wonder if there will be Palicos there haha, probably not.

I follow Cayden as we head to a huge building near the gate facing the savage archaic forest. As we head in the sound of sonorous laughter and of the smell of beer are. absent?

[There is no tavern here?]

"Why would there be? This is the hunter's guild."

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Or not.

It kinda destroys the mental image I had of the typical fantasy world guild.

"Haha. There used to be a bar in there, but the acting guild master had it removed. Now it's a merchant outpost."

Oh god. What a tyrant this guy! What about our dreams?! Oh well, I guess it can't be helped. There are grumpy people everywhere.

[How does it work for registration and whatnot?]

"You'll have to first pass a combat test, then accomplish various hunts to get a hunter rank. Eventually, you can be promoted and have your perks improved. At the beginning, it is pretty much a small discount at blacksmiths and a slightly larger profit when selling to the guild directly in bulk."

[I see.]

He heads toward the counter where a cute lady is awaiting customers. Brown hair, white ribbon, work outfit.

"HEY KATHERYNE! I brought a newcomer! I'll need you to ."

"Cayden he's going wild again! Please come and help!"

Who's that? Oh. The ranger girl just barged in from god knows where.

"*Sigh*, Alright I'll leave you to her. Katheryne, help him register and "

"I understand you need to go babysit that party member of yours again *Chuckle*"

He gives a helpless look and exits quickly with the ranger girl.

Oh well, guess it can't be helped.

"Here fill this form."

She hands me some kind of parchment and a quill. I'm confronted to a row of unknown symbols.

[Humthe thing is]

"Can't write? Alright. I'll fill it out for you. Age? Any previous hunter experience? Preferred weapon? Rank? Magic attribute? Guarding deity? Party members?"

Wow! That's a lot. Okay let me see.

[Not sure. None. Anything lying around (I keep destroying my weapons after all). Not sure (am I still a rank 1?). None. None. None.]

"...You should take this seriously!" She's frowning.

[I am?]

What's with her?

"*sigh* It's fine if you don't want to say. I'll just write some random information. But seriously I'll let him have an earful when he comes back."

She's weird that lady. What's the point of asking questions if you don't listen to the answers?

Ah, whatever. Everything seems to be going well. I'll just go with the flow.

"Alright let's schedule you a combat test. It will probably be in a few days. Let me bring the documentation to the guild master and I'll be right back."

[Aye Aye captain!]

She gives me an odd look. You are supposed to either roll with it or go I can't hear you! These are the two options. Meh, whatever.

I wait patiently. A few minutes she comes back.

"Change of plan. The guild master decided to test you personally."

[Why?] *perplexed*

"Follow me."

Okay, I guess.

She brings me to the back of the building. There, in what looks like a medium-sized storage room with various monster parts laying all over, stands a tall muscular swordsman. He has a one-handed sword in his left hand. Black hair neatly combed toward the back. Neat appearance. He looks more like a noble than a warrior.

"Oh. Are you the newcomer Cayden recommended personally?"

[I guess..., we just met, however.]

"I've seen your file. Or more accurately how blank you left it. I'll have you show me your skills directly. Ready?"


I take out my newly bought sword. It is black to fit with my cloak. Fashion is important! I take a fighting stance and prepare myself to .

"Wait! For how long have you been using a sword?"

[This is my first time.]

"What is your usual weapon then?"

[I just use whatever is laying around.]

"Like what?"

[Branches, stones, and whatnot. Once I used a giant mantis arm as a weapon. Does that count?]

" real weapon?"

[I was training in the forest and I didn't have any. *shrug*]

"You were training in a forest. alright, let's just get this over with and fight a round."

He sounds annoyed for some reason.

[Alright! Ready when you are!]

My fighting spirit is overflowing! I think anyway. Is there such a thing as fighting spirit?

He dashes toward me. Now is the time! *Slash*!

I missed! How fucking fast is that guy!

"It's over. You lost!"

What? What does he mean?

His sword is resting on my neck. But like so what?

[Let's keep going!]

"You lost. It is over. Go back."

[What do you mean! Our scuffle is just starting!]

"IT'S OVER. Get lost."

Why does he have to be so rude!

And what's with that fucking unfair way of evaluation!

Bullshit rules! What is this! Real combat or a game!

I'll make him take me seriously.

[No fucking way!]

Charrrrrge! Let me see you dodge this!


I see my surroundings spin around me. WTF I'm dizzy.

I charged at him ...and? He threw me overhead?

Now I'm laying on the ground and he is looking down on me.

"Katheryne escort this man out and bring Cayden to me next time you see him. That will be all."

He leaves. Fucking asshole that guy.

First, he fucking cheats. Winning because of some bullshit rules he randomly decides.

Would have been fine if I knew beforehand.

Guess it's some noble dueling rules or some shit.

Now that I think about it, he is the guild master that abolished the bar.

That's it! There is no way we can be friends.

As I head out the receptionist is giving me the cold shoulder too.

I start wandering about in the city.

These peoples are hypocrites.

So what if I don't know many things. So what if I don't even remember who I am. So what if I'm not proficient with weapons. I can take on a rank 3 head-on. Maybe not kill it, but I can tank!

Why the fuck aren't I worthy of becoming a hunter?! What happened to the rank 2-3 commissions eh?

I'm clearly strong enough. Just because you guys don't like my fighting style.

[Screw you all! I'm strong enough to be a hunter but you won't let me! Screw your bullshit guild!]

"Oh. You seem to be having some troubles. Trying to get revenge on the hunter's guild? I'm in a good mood today. Should I help you train? How about it?"

[New phone who dis?! EhWho this?!]

Old habits die hard. But seriously did a wild mentor character just appear? 0_0


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