The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 53: Our King !

Chapter 53: Our King !

**** (POV)

A fox comes running and a snake slithering.

The younglings sure are energetic as usual. Then again, this incarnation of mine is actually younger.

"Repreeeseeentative!!! Big problem!!!"

"Repreeeseeentative!!! Please save him!!! Save the king!!!"

The king? I'm glad to see they both accepted him.

But what's that about saving him? More importantly, would I even be able to go against a threat to him?

God knows I've seriously tried to kill him once to no avail.

"Representative! Please say something!"

"Representative this is an emergency!"

Talk about not getting to the point. But this is weird, the little fox is usually composed.

Hum these guys are a mess right now. This will be faster.

*White light shining*

Hum let me see. recent past. Divination sure is useful sometimes.

The little snake met the man I chose. And..pffft

That's totally his style! HAHAHAHA.

Swallowed alive! Oh well, shouldn't be much of an issue.

He will need some deep scrubbing before I lay in his embrace again.

Let's see what follows.

Little fox meeting little snake, talking about their king.

Realizing he's in the snake's stomach. Trying to open said stomach with darkness magic .and sharp rocks?

The little snake even ramming himself repeatedly against whatever pointy-looking branches he can find.

Yep, all useless.

What are these guys even doing?

('` )

I'm not sure if I should laugh or be concerned.

"Repreeeseeetative !" / "Repreeeseeetative !"

The little ones are still at it.

"So let me get this straight. You little fox did not even accomplish your only task to convoke everyone here. And you little snake! You swallowed your own king then tried to commit suicide?"


*Both lowering heads in shame*

"B-but representat" / "T-the king." *at once*

"The king is fine. He is simply sleeping."

"B-but I swallowed" / ""


"B-but I." / "Actually ."


"B-but" / "He's unkillable"

*(_)* / *(;)*

"He's your king after all."

"AH!" () / "" |_)

"You! Come here so I can get him out! And you, stop hiding and do your job already!"

"Yes representative!" (Both*)

**** (POV)

I totally screwed up on that one! Why did I even panic? He's our king of course he won't die from that! It's one thing for the devourer king to misunderstand him but for me to do the same.

Ah. I'm ashamed. (o-_-o)

Did all these years of gathering information teach me anything!? *sight*

Actually yes it did! It taught me common sense.

It thought me to discern the possible from the impossible.



*Deep breath*

He doesn't conform to any known laws of the world. Not the ones I'm aware of in any case.

That is a good thing. No! The best thing ever!

Won't we be unstoppable with him leading us?

He does own the Bringer of Calamity after all.

Knowing how powerful he was I ran away at first.

Spent my time hiding.

That is until the representative found me.

She told me about him being the chosen one.

All the fear that inhabited me then melted away like an ice cube in a lake of lava.

Not that I have ever tested.

He's fine. Sleeping. Getting eaten by a rank 4 is of no concern to him.

How fucking awesome is that?!

Ah anyway, less dilly-dallying. Time to focus on my mission.


It takes me but a few days to rally all of them. Mostly because the ant queen doesn't wish to cooperate at the beginning. She wants to send a stand-in instead. Can't have that.

Time to use some advanced diplomacy!

Threaten to burn down the whole fucking colony if she doesn't come asap.

That worked well. It is all in the subtleties.

Now time to go head back to the representative!


Attending are the Wood man-eater-ant Queen, the Overwolf King, the thousand teeth savage deer king, my friend the white scaled devourer king, the space mantis king, the flaming boar king, me the shadow fox king, and our leader the representative of the endless forest. The only power missing being the old ancestor. forever.

"Representative! With all due respect what makes you convoke us so suddenly and violently! I deserve an explanation!"


Yep. The ant queen is still angry about the extermination of nest thingy. What a narrow-minded one!

"Today is the day the new king of the endless forest is appointed. It is the man sleeping under the shade right there."

Wait?! We are doing this that casually!? A simple meet and greet while the main actor of the event is asleep?!


(` )

What's with the pointing stance and the sudden outburst?

"Why should a human be qualified to lead us?!"

There she goes again. Oh boy.

"Oh? And what about you guys?" *raised eyebrow*

"My lady the wolf pack will follow you everywhere! Same goes for our king!" Ever so loyal that big guy.

"Of course I'll follow master wherever!" *low growl from the representative* "I require some petting too this is unfair!" *sad deer* Fighting for affection?

"LONG LIVE THE KING !!!!" My friend is as enthusiastic as usual HAHA.

"For the delicious food! HumI mean for the king !!!!" As simple-minded as usual this boar.

Guess it's time I step up too.

"Long live the king. May his reign last forever. May his strength...Fail him never."

Why are you rolling your eyes representative? That is such a classic line!

"What's with you all? What happened to your backbone! Yielding to some random human?! They are our enemies! The ones that sent our predecessors into exile! The ones that scour the periphery of the forest to slaughter our brethren. The ones we cannot forgive! Have you all lost your mind? There is no way he is qualified! There is no way he could lead us anywhere but to our ruin! There is no way I shall lead my colony into oblivion! It is my duty as a queen and as one of the protectors of our forest! He cannot be king! Mantis say something too!"


"Well.I did have some conflicts with him. As much as it pains me to say, he is strong. Extremely strong. While I do have doubts about it. I trust the representative. If she says he is the one meant to become our king, then he shall become. I'm not sure when it will happen. I do not know divination after all. But I believe."

"You too! You guys are all going insane! There is no way this will be accepted by the old ancestor anyway! There is no point in convening without him! If you guys want my help to convince him, you better forget it! He won't accept a puny human as our leader! Ever!"

( `*)

Oh god. Is it me or has the representative driven the conversation there for maximum shock effect from the start? Sometimes she can be so petty HAHA.

"Oh? Maybe I should mention that this puny human of mine killed that so-called ancestor already. It seems his input won't be required after all."

"What?! Impossible?! There is no way!"

I should lend a hand too, I guess.

"The representative speaks the truth. The ancestor tried to kill the king. He has been annihilated for it. Him begging for mercy did not serve any purpose either. If I can give you one piece of advice: never anger him. EVER! He might seem weak while peacefully slumbering but you don't want to see him angry."

0_0 She takes a few minutes to process the news.



Wasn't the change in heart a bit too fast?



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