The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 51: How The World Came to Be !

Chapter 51: How The World Came to Be !

In a small dark-lit room stands a being of immense power. Able to create and destroy entire universes with but his will. To shape events to his liking, to change the past, and determine the future. Able to slaughter millions with a wave of his fingers.

Why is such a being in a tiny room then?

Because he wills it. Of the entirety of the territory he controls, here is where he feels most at ease.

Because it is where he learned to fight.

Because it is where he lived the most pleasurable moments of his life.

This enormous power does not come easily, however.

And no, it does not come with great responsibility either. Unlike in some spider universe.

Righteousness is no concern of his.

Recently he has taken a liking to create life.

At first, he was a being that only knew the joy of consuming day and night. Devouring avidly everything in the multiverse.

Then at some point, very much suddenly, he decided to stop the warring and start the building.

Well, the fact that he temporarily lost his participation qualification to what he considered nothing more than a game did explain it a bit.

He started with a prototype.

But then decided to go on a creation spree.

To go big or go home as the youngsters would say.

At first, there was the earth realm.

Divided into many continents, but not limited to. In fact, the sea area began brimming with various races and mysteries. Then the whole Skyland. If that was not enough all these places had dimensional fractures leading to various sub-realms.

After that, he decided it was not enough. He wanted more. More than simply some boring humanoids playing in the mud. He introduced many creatures. Many! Many! Normal ones, weird ones, mythological ones. He made sure there was magic present, as any good fantasy world should have. He also planted some seeds of technology in a few places to watch the happenings eagerly. That created a melting pot of . even he himself did not know exactly what he gave birth to. All he knew was that it would one day become epic.

Even then it was not enough. He did not stop there. He wanted more. He wanted some struggle between beings. He wanted them to strive for power. He wanted there to be stakes. He then proclaimed that there would be gods. Real ones. Able to wield new energy he introduced termed divinity. Not only would it be extremely potent, but it would have harsh requirements to master.

One would have to reach the very top and shed its mortality to control it. It would be some nonsensical power that does not entirely make sense. But all that did not matter to him. Being a higher entity and all. Not shackled by such petty concerns. So what if some wanted to find fault in his methods? He could afford it.

But even then, it was not enough. Having simple gods would not cut it. It needed some diversity. To add to the entertainment. He decided to complicate it all. To add an alternative path to godhood. He would design it so gods could be generated from mortals' emotions. From their very essence whenever they fondly believed in something. The so-called power of faith. Basing it on the power of the soul and the very magical power they possess. Mana itself alone too was given the ability to create gods albeit less frequently. The very mana swirling in the air. All around this universe. There was some beauty to be found in the chaos of such a design. Extremely unpredictable yet extremely mysterious.

Chaos itself was a great source of divertissement, but he decided that after all, some order was necessary. Also, a bit too much chaos and power might have been introduced. The inexorable consequence being that the gods would eventually slaughter all other life in the earth realm. After all, there would be no reason for them to stand watch as their competitors ascended as higher life forms. It needed a good balance of beings aiming to achieve godhood for his own enjoyment, yet he needed to make sure they had a path of survival. He would laugh as they toil, as they shed blood, tears, and sweat.

Making the ending predictable there would be no fun in that after all.

He then made the god realm. A realm that was akin to the earth realm. The only difference being he replaced the mana with divine energy. Yes. That and the time flowing slower a side effect. It also made it easier knowing that divinity had to be supplied by him in any case. He would just have to steadily add some to the whole realm and exile the whole lot of them there. All the gods. No need for any concerns over mortals being affected by divinity this way. After all, a simple strand could annihilate their very existence. Then again only deities could use such a thing and with them locked everything was perfect. This realm would be a similar repeat of constant warring for supremacy. It would make for a good show, especially to see the proud gods that ascended from lowly beings versus the ones without much ego that simply spawned into existence.

He could not wait for all of it to play out. For all of it to take shape and become something concrete. For these beings to develop entire civilizations under his watchful gaze. He would wait patiently. After all, he had plenty of time. He had the ability to fast forward everything if he so desired. He could make a single instant last an eternity too. That was his prerogative in his own personal world.

But then some of the devourers, the kind of being he used to be, took notice of this world of his. They started enjoying it fully. Asking for more. Even then it was a good thing because they would not actually damage any of it truly. After all, they would mostly feed on the joys and sufferings. Feed on the various emotions inhabiting the resident of this new world of his. Seemingly immortal entities like him. That was when he resolved to create more, knowing he used to devour the most. Why? Because he felt like it.

At first, he thought the biggest challenge he would face would be the limitless scope of his powers.

After all, when you have the ability to design anything and everything where do you draw the line?

But then he realized that there was a way bigger issue.

An unpredictable enemy. An unfeeling one. That would target this world of his and try to undermine it.

Trying to limit his powers over it. Effectively trying to sway the devourers away, or so it seemed.

There was no reasoning with such an enemy. No surviving a direct confrontation.

But there were ways to avoid its wrath.

Or so he believed. Slowly perfecting the method.

And so he came up with a set of simple rules to shield himself from it.

1) Avoid angering it at all cost, what angers it is unpredictable, however.

2) Create a dummy universe and try various settings to test its reaction. Let it destroy it if angered.

3) Rely on the proven and the tested for there is wisdom in that.

But after every fight, he would remain badly battered and injured.

He would need to ask for the help of other entities. Ones even more powerful than him. Way more.

He would plead and beg. Only to barely recover with their support.

This enemy would haunt him, making him shiver and fear at night.

Like a relentless unending nightmare.

And every time it came for carnage THAT would appear.

An omen of the devastation to come.

A simple message that would appear on the tool he used for world creation.

"Your work The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys ! is restricted!"


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