The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 49: The Day Before Departure

Chapter 49: The Day Before Departure

Wolfie comes running carrying a coin in the mouth.


Hell no! I learned my lesson yesterday!

I'm hungry as hell, I won't be left on the sidelines again!

But seriously what is up with this wolf?


At first, it didn't want to play. It used to be really shy.

It would just coldly watch as I interact with this elder of mine.

But my wanderer friend then left us.

It's only afterward that this wolf really opened up to me.

Right at the time where I was the loneliest.

Following me everywhere.

Keeping me company at night as a 100% natural fluffy pillow.

Training by playing tag with me.

Always watching over me.

Sometimes making fun of me, but always being low-key supportive.

Then the others of the pack helped me train for my fight against the ants.

I won that epic fight. Epic mostly because of the cool song.

Sometimes I get these urges. Some remnant memories from my past.

I still have no clue who I am or where I came from.

Overall I'd say it doesn't matter much.

All that is important is who I am in this instant.

The friends I have gotten to know.

And I don't mean any of the friendship is power bullshit.

The important stuff is that I do not waver.

That I remain true to myself. True to my own life philosophy.

What I used to joke about being that Unnamed God thingy.

I am truly happy right now and it's all that fucking matters.

Of course, there are many things I want to accomplish in the future.

One of these being to bring this wolf on my travels.

Because it sounds fun. No other reason.

This nonsensically overly smart wolf. This extremely weak yet fast wolf.

This almost too human-like wolf. That even somehow picked up a taste for gambling.

Haha. Hilarious when you think about it.

*Whines and keeps pushing the coin toward me*


[You want to play?]

*Nod* (* ^ ^)

[Alright but no betting, just determine a winner.]

*Throws* *Thud*

Fucking lost again. As always.

* Laughing wolf * o()o

[Alright, breakfast time!]


We reach the fire boar's area.

Looks like it's been anxiously awaiting my arrival.

Has it been training? Probably eager for a rematch.

Still this is fine. It charges toward me!

Then stops?!

What is it doing?

It kneels on the ground and remains there.

Somehow all of its attention focused on the meat we brought.

I dangle it around.

*Eyes following* ()

I hide it behind my back. The boar looks like it is trying hard to attain x-ray vision.

Like really too hard!

I'm sure if it had any kind of gaze attack there would be a giant hole in my chest right about now.

I show it the meat again.

[Do you perhaps want to eat some?]

* Nods furiously *


What's up with that boar?!


Yesterday we were valiantly fighting. And now it is surrendering?

Then again, we have no reason to fight at all.

Could this be the mythical friendship born between foes?

Like that time I fought that lone wolf.

Well, to be fair it still isn't confirmed what kind of relationship we have even to this day.

Oh well.

Guess I can feed it. I mean I need its help to even be able to cook.

It is the least I can do.

Leisurely time spent cooking. I usually think that whenever I get the hang of something.

Right now it truly is leisurely however haha.

The boar is not moving and lets me roast on its tusk directly.

Gently breathing fire nearby as asked.

And done! Let's see how it likes it .



Wait did it just talk?


( ')


( )o-{{[]}}

[Don't just keep eating answer the damn question!]

"Of course I can. NOM NOM talk!"

[What do you mean of course!?]

"It's pretty NOM NOM.obvious ... NOM NOM.I just can."

[Then why didn't you ever say anything ?!]

( )

"I was scaredNOM NOM.

( ) *blush*

[Wait if you can talk why didn't you just lead with that upon our first meeting?!]

"NOM NOM. I forgot."

('` )

[What do you mean you forgot?!


Why were we even fighting each other then ?!]

"That's the part that NOM NOM. confuses me too to be honest."


[What about when I asked you to help me with my cooking peacefully?!]

"That happened?! (;)

[It was implied! Yes!]

"Oh, I thought NOM NOM. cooking was a NOM NOM form of torture."

[.] (_ )


What is up with the animals in this forest.

I thought Wolfie was special. Here comes another nonsensical animal.

Ok, so this boar is a magical one. Not only can it produce flames, but it can also talk.

And somehow that part never came up during any of our fights the last months.

Right, I never managed to hurt him. Ever.

This means that our fights were not an issue for him. At all.

He never cared much.

That explains how casually he went about it.

Could it be that this mob is strong?

Doubt X.

Maybe he has some special bloodline that lets him speak.

Or maybe he actually just hits like a truck. He did fell many trees here already.

Maybe my speed/dodging training is bearing fruits.

As in I am countering him big time maybe?

Then again looking at him stuffing his faceyes weak monster.

Some bloodline making it special in some way.

Kind of like how Wolfie is a motherfucking shiny.

Still not proven but whatever.

I believe!

Yep, totally the only explanation.

*Wolf, boar, and human eating in peace *

( ) () (* ^ ^)

This is nice. God I'll miss this forest later on.

Let's do a quick recap:

Not daily anymore monster report! Woot! (Happens at the same time as gluttonous eating)

- Rank 4 Overwolf. Boss level. No need to fight it.

- Rank? Giant ant army. Individual power rank 2-3. Group power = strong as fuck. Status, victorious over the general swarm, but dealing with the queen quals a Deathwish. For such a reason it is postponed indefinitely.

- Rank 3 teleporting mantis. Mean. I totally bested it.

- Rank 3 deer. Best pet ever. ^_^

- Vines are burnt to the ground (along with that Ent). Really glad about it!

- Rank 2? Shadow fox. Still in hiding. I won't manage to get my revenge just yet. Hopefully will happen at some point.

- Rank 3 fire boar. Blissfully eating. Yep, let's consider this one cleared too.

This only leaves the long 10m white snake. Should be a rank 3. The last monster I will deal with then I will journey outside.

Ah. I'm getting excited. Soon I'll see some civilization.

That means lots of new characters to interact with and new cool places!


I can't fucking wait! This is gonna be awesome!


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