The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 46: Playing with wolves … maybe a bit too many wolves … again!

Chapter 46: Playing with wolves … maybe a bit too many wolves … again!

Encircling me are countless wolves.

The beasts are glaring at me.

Eyes gleaming in the dark.

Scary-looking fangs.

Sharp claws.

Muscular yet lean bodies.

Grey fur as a protective layer.

A feeling of oppression overcomes me.

I can feel a droplet of sweat running along my naked torso.

The tension is palpable.

In but a second a fierce gauntlet will begin.

One against many.

Can I overcome such a challenge?

Facing one of them is already an issue.

What about countless fierce beasts?

And by countless, I mean exactly 12.

Wouldn't be too realistic to have any more.

Each is 2 m long after all.

We here to fight not to play Twister.

I am perfectly ready.

Divine enhancing check.

Divine sensing check.

Wolfie cheering me up on the sideline check.

Legendary weapon? Left it on the ground.

I want to master dodging first.

Where was I?

Yes, the aggression in the air is unmistakable.

Suddenly .

A low growl starts the onslaught!

I can spot all of the attacks!

I got this!


Dodged it!


Another one!


Another one!


DJ Kha.!!!! Oh wait.

Now isn't the time for catchy songs.

*Pounces, lunges, bites, claws*


How the fuck am I supposed to dodge if they all come at once?!

[Stop it! I surrender! Stop!]

They are really enjoying themselves there.

I am no toy! I have rights!

[Get off me! Enough!]

*Wolfie growls*

They finally let me get a breather.


I shakily get back to my feet.

All of this might have taken a while to explain but it only took a few seconds.

Now I got dirt all over.

I'm hurting a bit all over.

This is bad.

I'm all disheveled too!

How dare they mess up such a handsome male lead!

The 2% of female readers are gonna drop the novel!



If this was a novel, I'd have some kind of overpowered cheat and harem by now.

Or maybe some kind of tragic backstory?

Last option being comedybut nothing funny ever happens to me.

I get beaten a lot and slowly get stronger.

Nothing fun, dark or overpowered.


In any case I might have overestimated myself on that one.

Upside I can dodge them individually.

Downside I get trashed when they all come at me at once.

I do some more testing with fewer wolves.

It soon becomes evident.

My path forward is clear as day!

I just need to grasp the perfect timing and counterattack!

Figure out the tiniest gaps in their coordination and turn the tables!

Take advantage of every millisecond of hesitation they have.

Dodge and make their attacks hit each other!


*flip table*

That is the typical guideline for usual Isekai protagonists.

Soon enough make them fight gargantuan mobs of enemies.

Let all the end results be explained by the effort they pour into their training.

Add a touch of near-death scenes to explain the powerups.

Let me tell you.

That. Is. Utter. Bullshit!

Especially the ones that rely on their hearing to figure it all out.

I have a fucking third-person view and I can't cope with shit.

The more enemies the higher the amounts of mistakes they'll commit?

Just need to use their own strength against themselves?

Can fight them all while staying in the midst of them?

What about the fact that I'm fucking alone!

So what if one commits a mistake!

A single screw up and I am done.

Getting combo-ed to oblivion!

And by done, I mean going from previously handsome human to punching bag A again.

Handsome no more. X_x


No. Not yay.

Fuck that.

I have a better idea. Like way better.

I won't fight the group. At all.

What happened to group fight training?

That's my solution. I won't ever go against a mob of enemies.

Not all at once anyway.

Too risky.

Too painful.

Too bothersome.

Being the PGM that I am I will kite the fuck out of the adversaries.

That's my plan.

As it usually is with my plans. It is awesome!

I realize it when I try to fight 2 opponents.

It is working all swell!

I reduced the amount too much? Fuck you! You try it!

Trying to take a bite out of me? Haha. I'm out of reach!

You mad? Don't care.

Buddy coming in from behind?

Topside POV for the win.

I see you lol.

I sidestep it like a boss.

You mad? Still don't care lol.

Had fun swiping at me earlier on the ground?

Keep swiping. I can do this for hours. Or so I've learned with the mantis haha.

You guys are not even able to do anything to me?

Sucks to be you.

Fine, you guys are just too weak. Guess it is time for 3 wolves.

Even if you keep panting, I do not care.

Four wolves.

Giving me an aggrieved look? So what?

* Wolf *

Five wolves.

I'm the wind itself! Deal with it!

Ten wolves.

Trying to encircle me? Too bad I ran away!

Lone wolf coming at me? And I *CHOP!*

*whimper of pain*

You faker haha. I'm sure It barely hurts.

I keep running away out of reach. From time to time I capitalize on a mistake to dish out the pain.

I swear these wolves are good actors. Rank 2s and they sound like my hits are painful.

I am unarmed. Fucking unarmed. Who are you trying to fool?

The guy that couldn't deal with a rank 2 mantis even armed with a sword (read legendary stick)!

That's who!

I know my strength pretty well by now.

I swear these guys lol.

OMG. Does Foot exist in this world? The one you play with your feet.

If not, I should create it.

Popularize it.

Bring these wolves on board.

Wolves are fast. Check!

Wolves are used to playing as a team. Check!

Wolves would be fucking amazing at making the opponent receive red cards.


I'd be rich as fuck!!!!!

Get plenty of maids and butlers!

A huge mansion!

Gold jewelry to show the swag!

Only issue is I'm a nobody in this world. Well, not just this one.

In any case, this dream of mine might be hard to make true.


Yes, no way things would be that easy.

Oh I'm having such thoughts while dodging 10 wolves, right?

Definitively improving.

Now time for a line I always wanted to use.

[ Let's not waste any more time. Come at me at once. All of you.]


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