The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 2: Where T** F**** Am I?

Chapter 2: Where T** F**** Am I?

A white room, ethereal light everywhere.

If I'd have to describe it, I'd say otherworldly.

I have no clue what I am doing here.

Well, that wouldn't be the first time, to be honest.

Like that time, I went to the wrong class by mistake and only realized at the end.

Like that time, I went to get a soda and ended up stumbling upon a crime scene.

Like that time, I went for a walk and somehow got lost for a decade.

Like that time, I boarded the wrong Space bus and ended up leaving the solar system.

Hum did that really happen in one life? Not sure. I feel like there are some things I don't remember.

It doesn't really bother me in any case.

Hum a white room, otherworldly.

Might this be the afterlife?

I don't remember dying.

I don't remember much of anything clearly.

That wouldn't make much sense. I have the feeling I'd be going to hell if anything.

There are no demons. No lava or flames anywhere..oh now it's a red room.

Fire just spawned too. It wasn't there a second before. Weird.

Well again wouldn't be the weirdest thing that happened to me anyway.

It's kinda hot but it doesn't hurt. This probably isn't hell.

Then again chances are the livings are wrong about what happens to the dead.

How could they know when you think about it?

I guess this room's appearance is related to my thoughts?

A shiny bright light. A guy just spawned.

He's in an old-school scholar outfit. Like lost dynasty old school. Long hair. Gentle features yet sharp look.

He's definitely hotter than the surrounding flames. It kinda bothers me. Let's try and imagine him ugly.

It doesn't work. Was worth a try.

"Greetings fellow cultivator. What might this place be? Part of the Ungrounded Lord's secret realm I assume."

Gosh, even his voice is a pleasant tone.

Some Lord? Secret realm? Cultivation world?

Weird I feel like I have some knowledge of it . but it still isn't clear.


Ah, he's bowing. Just because I furrowed my brows?

If I remember correctly cultivation is based on stages.

Qi would be the first one.

Always baffled me that people in these kinds of worlds could know the strength of others by looking at them.

I'm pretty sure I'm a normal weak-ass dude.

I guess he thinks I'm some powerful ancestor because he can't sense my cultivation base haha.

This might be fun. Should I play a small prank? I shouldn't . Or should I? =)

Just as I'm about to try and trick him, I hear a crystal clear voice.

[Rejoice mortal for you've been summoned by the mighty, peerless, and most beautiful Lunar Goddess of the earth realm!]

With it came another shiny bright light and...

Did a self-proclaimed goddess just spawn?

White gown, white skin, red lips, huge . wait this is the first thing that came to my mind when I heard goddess.

What If I think net goddess? Yep, it works.

This is fucking glorious! I can change her appearance by changing my mental image of what I consider to be a goddess.

Is this part of her power somehow?

Behold the bunny suit goddess! Of course, she continues as if nothing happened.

Yet I do see her wearing one. Think I,m the only one, however.

[Count your blessings for you have been granted the opportunity to visit the most magnificent realm there is in the land of the gods!]

Catgirl Goddess! Magical girl goddess!

[This meeting with me will turn your pitiful mortal life around! For I have decided to make you my champion! ]

Transformer goddess! Tentacle monster goddess!

Gross! Go back! Go back! Normal goddess!

Almost gave me a heart attack!

Meanwhile, that cultivation guy has been looking at her with the shiniest eyes.

[Fear not for your inadequacies for it is fate that brought you to me from the infinite multiverses!]

Treasure chest goddess! (Like a mimic you know). There you go, this one is for you nameless cultivator.

This is getting kinda boring. Being the only one seeing the transformations and all.

[Behold my divine power and (*SFX of energy gathering*) . *cough* WHAT! Why are there two of you?!]


That's when it happens. Along with the behold my divine power part.

She shows me something amazing.

A surge of energy, a magnificent aura, a boundless power.

Formless power. Gentle yet deadly.

Weightless yet capable of crushing the world.

She called it here. That energy.

That self-entitled uselessly proud goddess. She called it here.

This feeling. Familiar yet so distant.

I've seen this before. In a dream? In another life?

I need this energy.

It's calling to me. Pulsating slowly yet remaining still?

This doesn't make sense. Nothing does.

Concentrate. Just focus on the energy.

Concentrate on that feeling. Calming yet making my blood boil.

It isn't physical. I need to sense it with my mind or is it, my soul?

Concentrate. Remember how it felt. She grasped this power.

But where did it come from? All around? The Void?

It's resonating with the entire realm. Don't tell me this place is made of this power!


The entire place is built with it! It's intertwined skillfully.

I need to remember this feeling, this surge.

Concentrate. Memorize it. Feel it. Etch it in the dept of my being.

Make it a part of me.

Concentrate. Remember. Feel it. That's it slowly.

I can see it clearly.

I can somehow understand this power is invisible.

But I see it!

Colorless, shiny, bright! Concentrate. Feel it. Remember it.

I just need to grab it! But how does one grasp nothingness?

It doesn't matter. I just have to do it.

Concentrate. Feel it. Grasp it!

I can't touch it, it isn't physical.

What if I absorb it? It's everywhere around! Just go for it. I can somehow make it tremble! Focus.

Just a bit more. Just a bit more.

A strand is coming my way.

Just a bit more. Just a bit more.

I blank out for a few seconds.

Was it minutes, hours, or even days?

The feeling is simply incredible.

The moment I finally grasp it comes, ecstasy.

Like a sugar rush after a fast.

Like water to a man dying of thirst in the hottest desert.

Words fail me.

Imagine the highest high that no drug could ever bring you. Now multiply that by whatever you can fathom and add to that a feeling of finally being complete. Like the missing part of the Lego set.

After that remove any sense of discomfort or guilt. This power simply makes you satisfied.

They say a man will die happy if he can at least fathom the truth of the world before his passing.

Screw that. Living without this power wasn't living at all!

Just touching it made me feel like that. Let me try and circulate it in my entire body.

OH GOD! THIS IS IT. I can wield it.

If I had to compare. The previous me was like a blind, deaf, mute, limbless old man.

The current me is . well. still normal. I can see the formless energy and grasp it. circulate itthat's pretty much it. But I do feel awesome, however.

Thank you, uselessly proud goddess, for allowing me to see this.

Wait, where is she?

Where is that cultivator guy?

Why is the room empty? And why is it purple now?

Okay, that last one is pretty obvious purple duh.

But seriously .. Anyone! Hello !?


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