The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 109: The Dance Continues

Chapter 109: The Dance Continues

Oh god, shit is about to hit the fan!

This breath attack is what I was dreading.

Pure concentrated magic!

Add to that the AoE factor and we are talking mass destruction weapon.

Roll? There is no such thing as immunity frame IRL.

Block? How about no.

Dodge? This thing is gonna be wide as fuck.

Toying with monsters works with easy-to-doge attacks.

For a breath attack, all it needs to do is to reorient itself in my direction.

That one is gonna be a pain.

I could try and counter it? Maybe?

Will I die?

Should I ask someone to burn my hard drive just in case I don't make it?

No! Think positive!


Now is the moment.

I glare at the creature. It obviously doesn't care about that.

Focus I need my sword filled with enough divine energy to counter whatever is coming.

I don't even know the element of that attack.

It doesn't matter much.

This is the moment.

I can slowly feel my sword getting more and more powerful.

I'm driving so much energy into it starts shaking.

Then it happens.

With a bang, the round ball of energy in my opponent's mouth gets launched.

It turns into an extremely wide wave in mid-air.

Focus. Sword sharper than anything. Able to even cleave magic itself in half.

Visualization is key.

Here it comes!

Steady, waitwait. now!


I feel like that guy that parted the sea.

Except the sea is pitch-black magic. My slash parts the breath attack in half.

I can feel the intensity passing on both sides of me.

Let's see how it. oh my god!

I was awaiting everything to be reduced to rubble.

There is nothing left at all.

The skeletons where the attack passed all gone.

Not even dust remaining.

Even the red moon's glow cannot do anything for them now.

It is over. Finally a respite to their sordid wandering.

Stopped forever. Rest in I was going to say pieces skeletons, but

This is brutal.

The skeletons are not the only things gone.

My hands are now empty. My awesome sword now gone, forever.

Goodbye old friend. I only really used you this one time, but you served me well.

Went out with a bang.

A normal sword going out against a dragon and winning.

A pyrrhic victory but one, nonetheless.

If there is a sword heaven this one weapon is going for sure.

Now, what do I do?

Chances are the dragon won't be able to use that attack anytime soon. If what I know about it is accurate.

Are games and novels reliable sources of info in an isekai world? Surprisingly yes so far.

Still how long do I have to stall?

[Hey old friend, are you done soon!?]

He gives me a thumbs up and a look that says I obviously can't talk I'm chanting at the moment you dumbass.

Maybe it's just me thinking too much. I did only look quickly.

I roll to dodge claws and tail.

The dance continues. Except it isn't gracious or enchanting.

But hey my partner is trying his best too.

I would counterattack but my weapon is gone.

As gone as when one's dad goes to buy milk.

Just gotta be patient and wait.

At least my companions are still moving forward.

At this rate, we might just be fine either way.

So much for planning. Seems we finally managed to defy Murphy's law for once.

Wait, this wasn't a flag either!

In this manner, we keep playing. Until finally my companions reach the edge of the fog.

I have no clue what awaits us in there. It can't be worse than a motherfucking bone dragon, right? Right?!

I truly hope.

Alright, time for me to use my secret technique!

Dash forward without looking back.

Leaving all my problems behind, who caresnot me!

As I run, I can hear the roars of the dragon right behind me.

How does a bone dragon even roar? It doesn't have any lungs.

Then again it might be better to wonder how bones are moving in the first place.

Hum this world is truly mysterious.

Then again mysterious is entertaining so I won't complain.

Well if anything I would enjoy it if we could drop the dragon trying to eat my ass thingy.

But oh well.

Ahead they are encouraging me. All they are missing are cheerleader outfits. Actually, would be nice if there was a bit more diversity in that cheering squad too. Maybe less burly men and add a few cute girls?

Won't complain. They want me to stay alive. This is actually nice.

Do you know how in stories it quickly turns dark with everyone trying to save their own hide? Well, not this fucking time! We dealt with the situation like champs!

I sprint the remaining distance and the fog surrounds me. Everything is golden!

With this, I will finally be safe and ...




I see a huge silhouette enter the fog. Does it mean the dragon was the reason the skeletons were staying away from the area?!

No, this doesn't make sense.

They kept coming nearby while I was fighting earlier.

Perhaps there is no real danger here and the dragon knows it?

Maybe something like a natural ward that drives the weakest creatures away?

Something like I encountered in the archaic forest.

I don't fucking know!

But one thing is for sure. We'll have to deal with this dragon somehow.

What do we do?!

Can we surround it and HIT IT TILL IT DIES!

Naw, this thing is solid. Bone Solid!

We might be able to survive against it. By dodging and all. But once the breath attack comes again this will be troublesome.

I'm not sure how I'll deal with it myself.

Fuck what now?!

"Alright all done! Get ready!"

Oh right! We have this ace up our sleeve!

Our support mage points at me. Wait!

My sword is broken! What will he enchant?!

He can't be targeting me, right?!

I don't wanna be on fire!

Plus what would I be doing? Headbutt the dragon to death?

Afraid my skull would crack first!

It would be my death for sure.

I really fucking wish I just had the power to face this dragon.

Any weapon would help, I just need something to bash it until it turns into dust.

What can I

This is when it happens.

I feel something burning on my chest.

I look down and I see the necklace bald Eagle gave me.

It seems to be pulsating with energy.

Wait, is it possible to enchant a hilt?!


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