The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 10: Eye of the tiger time bitches!

Chapter 10: Eye of the tiger time bitches!

The day after I go back to grey's courtyard to train some more in mana manipulation. He is as kind looking as ever and basking in the sun on his bench eyes closed. Honestly, it's kinda surprising how much he likes sunlight for a necromancer. Aren't these guys usually portrayed as gloomy-looking dudes that spend their time hugging corpses? Well, not that guy.

Today I'm trying to sense the darkness element. The crystal is pitch black. So black that I'm sure it attracts bullets. That's a joke ha-ha sorry. This PC shit is getting to me. Why do I even apologize in my inner monologue? Well, whatever. So, I'm here diligently acting like I'm diligently trying to sense the dark mana.

In fact, I'm working on visualizing myself to be invincible and immortal. I figure the stronger the will the stronger the effect of the divine energy. To quote my dear teacher with a firm will anything is possible. One day my will is gonna be so hard and throbbing!

Anyway, I'm just alternating between circulating the energy fast for healing purposes and going from vulnerable to full defense mode. Also trying to have some kind of defense passive mode.

And thus another peaceful day of training passes.


Am I forgetting something? I can't just gloss over the ending scene from the previous chapter? You sure? I mean how do you even explain a room full of blood.

Would it be more accurate to call it a blood room? And here I was joking about Grey's potential red room. seems I have one myself now.

Anyway. The answer is I don't know how to explain it. So, I didn't. I just said I was training. Luna just took my answer for granted? Yep. More like she didn't really care that much. She saw I was alright and in a good mood. As for what she really thinks of it. I have no clue. Good thing champions of the gods are kinda meant to be mysterious in the first place. If they would be simply normal, they wouldn't have such a good chance to reach the legendary rank 5.


Am I making light of the situation? Maybe, probably, definitely! But I see no reason to stress over it.

In any case, the Envoy status is better than any get free from jail card. I still gotta get out of here before the 2 months are up, however. While people here are friendly, I'm not confident they won't be mad once they realize I've been fooling them. After all, I do remember day 1. *shudder*

But leaving as I am would be suicidal. My plan so far is to take a month to thoroughly train myself. At least in order to defend my own pitiful existence. Then I'll go see the sectmaster and tell him I'm going on a training journey in one of the surrounding danger zones. There will many life and death encounters. I'll power up. And then I'll mysteriously disappear. Then next chapter there will be the description of a handsome, mysterious, tall, young man exiting a burning forest (You know cause the disaster zone won't be able to handle how hot he is). Following would be the line: this young stud was no other than the main character of this story.

And then the readers are gonna be like oh! I see! I totally forgot about that guy! You know since he disappeared a whole chapter ago! And it's been like 2 hours since the last release. And also I've only been reading about this MC for a couple thousand of chapters. Thanks for the reminder author, true that character is easily forgettable isn't he? HAHAHA And Luna sees me chuckling to myself as I picture this happening haha. Well, she's used to it by now so whatever.

Well, either way. I spend a bit of time failing to sense dark mana to the disappointment of my mentor. Well good for him to be honest. If I had any dark affinity, I would have totally overshadowed him soon enough. I would have been swaggering around with a harem of skeletons, zombies et Dullahans. Hello, dear tomato vendor. I must say these are especially red today. My favorite color in the entire world! Dullahan C pay the kind man. What? it's free for me? How wonderful! Ah. Shame. Won't happen.


Now for the following month, I will be training. Now math question. If I push myself to describe to the utmost every training session for every single day for an entire month (using as many redundant words as possible) and knowing that there are many types of magic crystals.*Breathes in* and knowing that each chapter is usually between 1000 and 1500 words *breathes in* how many questionable jokes and chapters can I pump out ?!

AND THE ANSWER IS! Fuck that shit. That'd be way too long.

(>< )

Cue the training montage!

(>< )

It's the eye of the tiger bitches! The eye of the fucking tiger!

What does the tiger do? Roar? Claw its way out?

In this case apparently sit in a fucking courtyard in the fucking sun. AND MEDITATE!

It's the eye of the tiger time!

Meditate powerfully! Eyes closed! Heartbeat Steady! Getting better at enhancement and circulation!

It's the eye of the tiger! What color are the eyes of the tiger? Next question!

Picture divine energy being released all around in minuscule particles. Use it to sense everything.

It's the eye of the tiger! Hell yeah! Does Grey even have eyes? Like seriously?

Circulate. Enhance. Sense. Steady breathing. Steady heartbeat. Steady mind.

It's the eye of the tiger! Many kinds of tigers! Many colors of eyes!

Circulate. Enhance. Sense. Fast Breathing. Fast heartbeat. Steady-ish mind. Sensed something that starts with an L. in great details.

Why is it a fucking tiger? Eye of the dragon would be more epic!

Red gem, brown gem, green gem, blue gem, white gem, black gem, red gem! Didn't I already do that one?

It's the eye of the motherfucking dragon!

So many gems! So little affinity! Magic isn't for me!

It's the eye of the motherfucking sad dragon!

RIP dreams of throwing fireballs, RIP dreams of throwing earth spikes, RIP dreams of throwing wind blades.

It's the eyes of the sad sad dragon! The dragon started drinking!

F dreams of throwing water balls, F dreams of throwing heals around! But most importantly ..most importantly ...

The sad sad dragon! He's a fucking drunk now. Not in the good I'm rich and I drink way.

Most importantly! F dreams of undead harem!!!!

The eyes of the fucking useless dragon! Not fit to be a warrior or a mage!

Sorry for disappointing you Grey. I really tried. At least a solid minute every day!

The eyes of the fucking dragon! But guess what bitches? The dragon is actually a fucking divine dragon! So, who the fuck cares about physical might or magic? That's for losers! No, I'm not salty!

Yes, I'm crying! No, it's not related! Got a sword in my eye! I swear! This dragon is going back to sleep now!

(-- )


Next chapter I'm getting the fuck out of this place!

Also! Also! I'm gonna go and beat up that combat instructor dude!

That's a spoiler? Fucking deal with it. I don't give a shit.


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