The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 466: Eat a chicken leg to calm down.

Chapter 466

Mu Chen's eyes were filled with complex emotions as he continued to lead the way through the hotel's banquet hall, speaking at the same time.

"Sis, despite trying to avoid involving you, I'm sorry to say that you've been dragged into this. But don't be afraid. I also want to know what Huo Yu wants from you.

When I saw you just now, you looked exactly like when you were a child and had failed a math test, trying to summon the courage to tell our parents. Your face appeared calm, but deep down, you must have been terrified, right?

Vice Captain Song is here. If you're scared, you should stick with him day and night. After all, girls like you can hold hands no matter where you go, right?"

Qin Wei's mind was in even more turmoil. Mu Chen had been pretending not to know her, and she had been cooperating to prevent anyone from suspecting surveillance. So why did he suddenly reveal their connection?

She looked up at Mu Chen, who pointed to the side.

Song Huan was holding a small signal jammer and waved at her.

"Qin Wei, just focus on doing your own thing. As long as Mu Chen is by your side, you'll be fine. If anyone is going to die, it'll be him. Don't worry."

Mu Chen continued to smile mischievously.

"Vice Captain Song, you should wipe your mouth before speaking. It's so annoying. Your words are even more venomous than my sister's."

Qin Wei felt like she was being teased and furrowed her brow.

"What does it have to do with me????"

"It has nothing to do with you. To make a long story short, prolonged signal interference will be detected. Qin Wei, you don't need to worry about Mu Chen. His task is to monitor Huo Yu. The company's management has undergone a transformation in recent years.

But Huo Yu needs money, more money. Lately, it seems like he's searching for something, and Mu Chen is curious about what it is. We just need to wait.

Now I'm going to turn off the device, so both of you keep quiet."

After Song Huan finished speaking, he went to the side, and Qin Wei and Mu Chen exchanged glances.

"Well... thank you for bringing me here. In the future, I'll be more polite to Boss Huo. I'll go first..."

"Qin Wei."

Qiao Sixiao came out of the banquet hall and happened to see her standing together with this man, looking at each other.

"Oh, my friend called me. Goodbye."

Qin Wei waved at him and walked towards Qiao Sixiao.

But Mu Chen grabbed her wrist.

"Ah, it's Xiao Qiao! I want your autograph and a photo with you. If possible, I want you to sign 'To Mu.' And if my sister could say a few encouraging words to me, that would be amazing! I don't care, Xiao Qiao is an ideal person to me. I'm a big fan, I love her so much!!"

"Let go!"

Qiao Sixiao pointed at Mu Chen and then walked over to pull Qin Wei aside. Originally, Qin Wei was answering a phone call and since the signal was poor in the banquet hall, she came out thinking of making another call. But instead, she saw this man pestering Qin Wei, who seemed very angry.

"Xiao Qiao!"

Mu Chen became lively, outgoing, and cute all of a sudden.

"Wow, it's really you! How lucky am I to meet you? Can I take a photo with you? Can I..."

"Can you help me call the police and turn yourself in, telling them you're a pervert?"

Qiao Sixiao interrupted his words with a firm and icy tone.

"Are you a hotel employee? Please provide your name and employee number. You have harassed hotel guests, and I need to file a complaint."

"Forget it, Ba'er. Let's go back and eat clams. I'm craving seafood."

After Qin Wei finished speaking, she raised an eyebrow at Mu Chen.


Qiao Sixiao finally stopped arguing with him, pulled Qin Wei away, and said as they walked:

"Where were you? Why didn't you answer the phone? And why clams? How about some tuna?"

"Well, I still want to eat a chicken leg. It helps relieve stress..."

"Did that weirdo lay a hand on you?"

"Oh no, it's not because of that..."


Qiao Sixiao would have more scenes to shoot next, so he restrained himself from eating too much. However, Qin Wei was different. The play had just ended, and in a few days, it would be exam week. She had already declared that she would refuse any work for the time being. Her current goal was to take care of her health, eat and drink without excessive restraint.

So when they arrived at the buffet, she indulged in five tuna cucumber rolls, three braised razor clams, and two chicken legs.

She even wanted to eat another red bean cake, but even Shen Qingqing couldn't bear to watch.

"Weiwei, do you know? Your life doesn't end today, there's tomorrow too. The same goes for meals. After finishing this meal, there will be another one. Are you planning to finish all the meals for the rest of your life?"


Qin Wei looked at the small cake in her hand.

"Meh, do you know if tomorrow or an accident comes first? Do you know if there will always be another meal after the last one? Do you know there's a phrase called 'impermanence of life'?"

Shen Qingqing spread her hands.

"Then give me half of the red bean cake. I'm also afraid of leaving with regrets..."


Youyou and Wei Laiquan saw everything and couldn't help but sigh:

"They really went to great lengths to rationalize eating..."


Dreaming of icy seawater.

Dreaming of endless darkness.

Dreaming of seawater and darkness overlapping and enveloping her.

Dreaming of the bone-chilling cold and the pain of seawater invading her lungs.

It was all so real, too real.

Was this really a dream?

This is reality!

"Qin Wei?"

As she heard a voice calling her, Qin Wei woke up. The dim bedside lamp illuminated a delicate and attractive face in front of her.

It was her ordinary roommate sitting beside her.

Her rapid breathing gradually calmed down. That drowning sensation felt so real, even in her dream.

She realized that she couldn't like places near the sea.

Her roommate reached out and gently wiped away the tears at the corner of her eye.

"What's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare?"

She asked softly, afraid of scaring her again.


Qin Wei didn't deny it.

"Dreamed of falling into the sea, unable to tell if I almost died in the sea or in the dream..."

Her roommate listened quietly by her side.

But she hesitated before speaking further.

Lost in thought during the day and lost in dreams at night, it was obviously because of what Huo Yu said.

It had stirred up her memories, which led to the dream. But...

Forget it, she didn't need to know.

Qin Wei turned her head to look at her roommate:

"Do you not have a room of your own? Be honest, are you trying to mooch off me? This is the single bed room I managed to get through my own efforts in the lottery. If you want to crash here, fine, but you'll have to give me those crystal glasses from your upstairs apartment."

The gentle expression on Qin Wei's roommate's face twisted at this moment. She raised her own wrist, tightly gripped by Qin Wei, and said, "Miss Qin, do you have any idea what you're doing? Have you lost your memory? Just remember what happened earlier, okay?"

Qin Wei held her forehead, feeling a slight headache. She could only recall having a great time eating and drinking at the banquet hall, but what happened next?

How did she end up here?

Qin Wei blinked and asked her, "I really seem to have forgotten if I did anything to offend you. I apologize if I did, but can you please tell me what happened? I can't seem to remember."

"Fine then, you can take those crystal glasses and go, how would you like to pay, in cash or through a bank transfer?"


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