The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 412: The Master of Customs

Chapter 412

Liu Xin was getting dressed while Song Huan was still instructing by the side:

"Safety first, don't bump or scratch yourself, don't pursue speed, no need to be as fast as her."

As Song Huan spoke, she patted Qin Wei's shoulder.

Liu Xin shook her head. She decided not to boast before completing the task, but she didn't feel it was very difficult. After all, they were all actors, and had experience with wire work, how could they be afraid of heights?

She easily jumped onto the first plum blossom pole, just like Song Huan. Getting on the second pole was also no problem at all, but the third pole was noticeably higher, although she could leap onto it, she couldn't keep steady, so she had to lower her center of gravity and leap across, then steady herself with hands and feet after getting over.

Director Yuan was still commenting at the side:

"This move doesn't work, it looks strenuous."

Liu Xin couldn't hear her, her mind was completely focused on the poles in front of her. As the height increased, she could feel the slight swaying, and the further from the ground, the more unstable she felt.

It was only seven meters now, and her legs were already shaking a bit.

But she still had some face and courage to give it a try. Luckily the distance between each pole was not far, she almost crawled over the remaining three. From below it looked very embarrassing.

Standing on the ten meter high pole, Liu Xin didn't even dare to look down. It took a great amount of effort just to barely stand up. After greeting Master Weiya, she could no longer maintain an "agile as a swallow" look. She was almost lowered down by the wire. Kneeling on one knee for a long time before feeling her legs were not so soft.

So, looking easy is different from actually being easy. When your mind thinks you can do it, your legs, arms and heart are all telling you:

"You can't do it."

"Twelve minutes and thirty seconds! Who's next?"

The three looked at each other, then turned to see Qin Wei and Shen Qingqing already sitting in the shade drinking coffee.

"I'll go."

Chen Xinya was still very much looking forward to this role. In her mind, the best two roles were Gong Lan and Zhao Yu, either beautiful or dashing. These two character designs were most likely to become popular.


Half an hour later.

Qin Wei asked Shen Qingqing to buy her mousse cake delivery.

One hour later.

After eating the mousse cake, Qin Wei wanted a cup of milk tea.

Director Yuan couldn't stand it anymore and murmured:

"Can't you have high calorie foods?"

Qin Wei righteously replied:

"It's fine if I can burn it off today. Am I right, Huanzi?"


Song Huan raised her brows. She was most likely calling her right? So she nodded:

"Yes, but after drinking milk tea you can't have dinner, it will exceed..."

"Oh then forget it, dinner is more important."


Finally, the remaining three spent an average of twenty minutes each to complete the challenge. Everyone looked pathetic, but the good thing was no one gave up.

As for why Shen Qingqing didn't participate, it was because she opted out from the start, saying she just wanted to come and watch.

That was all.

"Take five minutes, I'll demonstrate how to scale the wall during this time."

The two meter high brick wall.

The four actresses felt relieved after watching. The wall wasn't high, it would be easy to climb over...

"Is that it after climbing over this wall?"

Liu Xin asked.

Song Huan didn't say anything, just pulled her sleeve and walked to the side.

It wasn't just one wall, there were six. They just couldn't see the ones behind from where they stood.


Liu Xin was a little lacking in confidence.

After all her legs were still a bit soft right now.

Song Huan glanced at her watch, then went to the wall to give a brief demonstration:

"There are two ways to get over. One by one, or all at once. I'll demonstrate both for everyone."

As Song Huan spoke, she leapt up, grabbed the top edge and flipped over: "This is the first method."

Then she came back, sprinted towards the wall, jumped at the wall, pressed both hands on the outer edge, leapt onto the next wall, easily completing it.

The four watched wide-eyed and slack-jawed, feeling this was a bit difficult.

"Isn't this meant to challenge us..."

Liu Xin complained.

Song Huan spread her hands:

"So whoever can do it, goes for it. This is making a movie not compulsory education, do you expect everyone to be able to do it?"

Yuan Xintong nodded in agreement:

"True, but Song Huan you're so annoying when you speak, I don't recall you ever participating in international military sports competitions?"

Song Huan sighed:

"Our unit doesn't allow participating in those competitions. I can only accompany other units for practice usually. And I don't get through by talking, stop talking about me."

Liu Xin looked at Qin Wei:

"If she can get through, I'll be the first to admit she can play Zhao Yu."

The others thought so too. Just the plum blossom poles nearly exhausted them physically and mentally. This really took effort.

Qin Wei said it was no problem.

Rolling up her sleeves, she took a leap but didn't climb up.

Indeed she couldn't do it either!

Qin Wei smiled awkwardly, took off her jacket, leaving just the tank top inside. Then she started over from the beginning. It can't be said to be effortless, but she steadily climbed over.

The second wall, third wall, no big issues...

She struggled a bit with the fourth wall...

Next was the fifth wall. She rested for a minute, then went all out to complete the task!

Chen Xinya couldn't help shouting:

"Holy shit!"

Qin Wei came back around, put on her jacket, swallowed some saliva, and pointed not far away:

"That two meter trench also needs crossing? And those rings?? Don't tell me there's still a five kilometer run!"

A familiar recipe, a familiar taste...

Song Huan looked at the four women beside her:

"That depends on them."

The four actresses didn't say anything.

Yuan Xintong walked over:

"The physical training is about that much. If you want to compete for Zhao Yu, you need to get through these checkpoints. Don't say it's unfair that Qin Wei has trained before. She wasn't born able to do it either. You weren't all starting from the same line to begin with. If you're not convinced you can keep challenging.

But you're all dressed professionally today, no need to waste time. Try the next few checkpoints, film videos without editing and send them to me for bonus points.

I think there are only small actors, no small roles. Sometimes there aren't many scenes showing your face, but if you seize the opportunity, it's still a chance."


That was it for today. The role of Zhao Yu still belonged to Qin Wei, although there were still disputes. But Qin Wei had also demonstrated her capabilities, so Director Yuan felt assured. If anyone was still unsatisfied, she didn't plan on having Qin Wei prove herself again. She could withstand this much pressure.

Covered in sweat, she wasn't in the mood for dinner either. She postponed the meal to another time. Qin Wei drove home, planning to shower, then eat something simple and sleep.

The apartment was quiet, her roommate seemed to be out.

After showering, Qin Wei took two slices of whole wheat bread with milk to fill her stomach, then went back to her room to rest.

Pushing open the bedroom door, she instantly felt happy. Her shelves of treasures were all looking at her, waiting for her to hug them one by one.

There was profound meaning in this sense of security. They had always accompanied her during her most fearful times, but she couldn't play favorites and had to hug the others occasionally too.

Opening the cabinet, she'd hug Duffy first today~

The limited edition dressed Duffy bear was hugged in Qin Wei's arms, and the small gift box it was sitting on was also revealed.


Qin Wei picked it up. It felt rather heavy.

Opening it, there was also a congratulatory card inside.

The card thoughtfully wrote:

[Wishing baby grows up happily!]

Qin Wei felt pleasantly surprised, turns out it was a gift for her!


On set.

Xiao Wang was organizing emails and came over when Qiao Sixiao was free, saying:

"Sis, Prada headquarters has hinted, and hinted, and hinted again that they hope to receive your feedback photo."

Qiao Sixiao looked up at her: "What feedback photo?"

"The collar..."


Qiao Sixiao held her forehead.

"Wasn't that a PR gift?"

"Yes, but headquarters is currently promoting this cherished pets line...they said if possible, they feel your dog can endorse this line..."

Xiao Wang felt it was ridiculous after saying it.

Qiao Sixiao was impatient, she definitely couldn't get another dog at home just for this: "Tell them the dog doesn't like wearing it. Return it to them, where did you put it?"

Xiao Wang declared self-defeat: "Put~in~bedroom~glass~cabinet~"


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