The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 336: Adjusting to Life Out of the Loop in Advance

Chapter 336

Qiao Sixiao blew Qin Wei's hair dry, and Qin Wei just sat on the sofa in a daze, her expression showing that she wasn't thinking about any issues but just spacing out.

Qiao Sixiao also didn't say anything. She didn't know why, but she quite enjoyed this feeling of having someone around yet very quiet.

"Teacher Qiao, it seems I'm hindering you a bit..."

Qin Wei's words broke the silence as she turned her head to look at Qiao Sixiao,

"Or else..."

"Just stay here."

Qiao Sixiao interrupted her words,

"Don't worry about staying here, this is the key, I'll tell the property management.

As for He Hong, she already promised me since the day I bought this apartment that she won't come here, so just treat this like your own home and do whatever you want here."

After saying this, she placed the key and access card in Qin Wei's hand.

Qin Wei looked at the key, with a bewildered expression as she looked at Qiao Sixiao:

"Why would I need to stay here? I got in here through my own capabilities, do I need you to be polite with me here?"

Qiao Sixiao: "............"

Qin Wei continued:

"What I mean is, I'm basically unemployed now. Our company only gives us a percentage of revenue without a base salary. Our plans are up in the air with no end in sight..."

Qiao Sixiao felt heavy-hearted hearing her say this herself, though she already knew the situation. Still, it felt quite sad:

"So you don't have any work at all?"

"There are some."

Qin Wei had to admit, Li Yao had sent her some notices and business opportunities she could take on but didn't want to for various reasons,

"I guess there's a dating variety show I could barely manage.

The production team also wants me to go for the drama, but the male artist refused as soon as he heard it was me.

Why is it so simple? Who doesn't have some so-called black history in this circle? Now whoever gets close to me gets attacked by my antis, so whoever is near me is unlucky.

Who knows how long this situation will last, maybe I'll just gradually leave the industry..."

Seeing her sadness, Qiao Sixiao also felt upset in her heart, but still maintained composure to comfort her:

"Alright, relax, don't feel too down. People in all professions may encounter low points, no one has smooth sailing...

If nothing else works out, treat this time as an early adjustment to leaving the industry, or as a vacation for yourself..."

"Teacher Qiao, you said to treat this place like my own home, do you mean it?"

Qin Wei's sadness disappeared in a flash, replaced by expectancy written all over her face.

Qiao Sixiao felt she deserved to feel sorry for her - what a shameless brat.


The next morning, Xiao Wang came to pick up Qiao Sixiao to go to the hospital. When he got downstairs, he didn't forget to repeat Qiao Sixiao's instructions to the property manager:

"Hello, the owner on the 21st floor has a small pet at home. She's afraid of being home alone at night, so she'll leave the lights on at fixed times.

Also, the owner bought projection equipment and speakers. In case the pet feels lonely at home, it's normal if you hear sounds, no need to call the owner about it anymore."

This gave Qin Wei free rein to do whatever she wanted at home.

So what would she do at home?

Out of curiosity, Qiao Sixiao also really wanted to get home early.


Returning home in the evening, walking in.

Then backing out.

Going back in again.

At this moment, Qiao Sixiao hesitated.

Is this really my home? Is this my home?

"You're back! Have you eaten? I was just about to eat, do you want to come eat together?"

Qin Wei walked out from the kitchen, crooking her finger at Qiao Sixiao standing frozen at the door,

"Go wash your hands quickly if you want to eat."

Then she felt like she had said something unnecessary, and went to hurry Qiao Sixiao along:

"Hurry up over here, I'll wash your hands for you. The soup is simmering over there, don't want it to thicken."


Qiao Sixiao still hadn't recovered, following her hazily to wash her hands.

Qin Wei made a light and nutritious meal for an invalid, with less salt and oil but a variety of quality ingredients. The portion was small but the ingredients were plentiful, and Qiao Sixiao took a bite - the taste was also very good.

At least it was much tastier than the nutritional meals provided at the hospital.

"Tell me, what's going on here?"

Qiao Sixiao asked while eating.

Qin Wei pretended to be clueless:

"What's going on where?"

Qiao Sixiao raised her eyebrows, using the ladle in her hand to point at the sofa, the cabinet, and the entranceway.

There were a few more plush toys on the sofa, and the cabinet had a new row of trinkets on it. As for the entrance, there was a new leather ottoman shaped like a little white dog, and a doormat with the four golden characters for "Steady Daily Progress".

"Don't you like how they look?"

Qin Wei asked back.

"Throw them away."

Qiao Sixiao said these two words lightly, then continued eating.

Qin Wei: "!!!!"

Qin Wei pointed at the toy goose on the sofa:

"Isn't that goose cute? It can be a pillow on the sofa but also decoration!

Doesn't that strawberry bear look nice? Not only is it cute, if you unzip its back, there's a little blanket inside!

Isn't that panda really cool? It looks like a panda, but that's just its headgear - it's actually a brown bear dressed up as a panda!

Come on, it's super awesome, right?"

Qiao Sixiao was unmoved, even giving a cold laugh to mock:

"And I'm still a little lamb, taking off the headgear I'm actually a big gray..."

"I bought that one too."

Qin Wei put down her chopsticks and got up to grab a toy from the sofa,

"But it's the opposite of what you said, a wolf wearing a sheep headgear to pretend to be a sheep.

Isn't it cute?"

Qiao Sixiao: "............"

"Either way, throw them out."

Qiao Sixiao still refused to have these odd things at home.

Qin Wei didn't try to persuade her further, putting down the little toy and sitting back down to continue eating.

Qiao Sixiao: "Where did you buy them? Did you go out?"

Qin Wei: "......"

Qiao Sixiao: "How's the picture quality on the projector I bought? Is it clear? I want to know if that 17,000 yuan was worth it or not?"

Qin Wei: "......"

Qiao Sixiao: "How about the sound quality on that Bose sound system? More than 20,000 yuan."

Qin Wei: "........................"

Qiao Sixiao: "............................."

Qin Wei: "......"

Qiao Sixiao: "............"

Qin Wei: "......"

Qiao Sixiao put down her ladle and leaned back in her chair:

"Alright, fine, buy whatever, don't throw them away! You win! Annoying!!!"

Only hearing the "don't throw away" part, Qin Wei immediately livened up and started chatting excitedly with her:

"The picture quality on your projector is amazing! And the sound system, are they high school classmates or childhood friends? Their pairing is perfect! I ate lunch and watched a movie, let me tell you, lights off, curtains drawn, the whole effect was no different than being in a movie theater!"

As Qiao Sixiao listened to her talk, she finished the vegetable soup Qin Wei had served her, then put down her ladle to say:

"Good, I got it. Now I really want to know, where did you buy this crappy pair? How did you buy them?"


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