The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 319: Original Intention

Chapter 319

This scene depicted Qin Wei and Su Yang sitting together eating lamb. Qin Wei, playing the role of Luo Yang, grew up on the grasslands and was used to eating lamb. Meanwhile, Su Yang, playing the role of Star Ablaze, hated lamb the most because of differences in lifestyle.

But in real life, it was the opposite.

Facing a bowl of cooked lamb, Su Yang swallowed, while Qin Wei was on the verge of collapse just from the smell.

Shen Kai had already gone to coordinate with the director and props team, asking if other meat could be substituted, or if the actors could pretend to eat.

After a brief discussion, the director, cinematographer, and props leads gave Shen Kai a reply:

"When not shooting frontally, they can pretend to eat, but there must be at least two shots capturing the eating process. As for the meat...our cameras are high definition, and will capture intricate details..."

She hated eating lamb. Even if the best chef used the best lamb and placed it in front of her, she would still be upset.

Shen Kai looked back at her. This hadn't changed. Qin Wei looked at the lamb with deep hatred.

"How to handle the shots is something the crew needs to figure out. If an actor inherently dislikes a food, the effect may not be good forcing her to eat it..."

Shen Kai didn't give up and kept negotiating.

On the other side, Su Yang kept looking at Qin Wei, making her a bit uncomfortable. She lowered her voice and asked Su Yang, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

Su Yang explained, "I was thinking hating lamb seems too superficial. You really hate it. I need to learn from you."

"Hurry up and start shooting, I'm about to go crazy..."

Qin Wei could barely sit still.

Shen Kai's negotiations with the crew were winding down. Director Yao came over holding the script to communicate with Qin Wei:

"Later, you don't need to really eat. We won't shoot frontally. The rest is the same as what we already discussed. No problem, right!?"

"There's a problem."

Qin Wei was a bit surprised. Because she disliked eating lamb, she had also discussed with the director the feasibility of avoiding frontal shots.

But the director had rejected it at the time, saying continuity and audience immersion would be affected. But now he had suddenly changed his mind?

Director Yao scratched his head. "If there's an issue, let's discuss it."

"Didn't you say no frontal shots would affect the overall effect?"

"We talked and can make changes so you don't have to be too put out."

As Director Yao spoke, his eyes involuntarily drifted towards Shen Kai.

"What benefit did he give you guys?"

Qin Wei lowered her voice and asked Director Yao,

"Shen Kai, what promise did he make you?"

She even knew about this???

Shen Kai had promised that as long as Qin Wei was spared the suffering of eating lamb, he would write a farewell post to the crew on Weibo after wrapping.

He had only meant to help smooth things over and didn't need the publicity.

But with his popularity, doing so could increase attention for the drama.

Director Yao was stunned. He hadn't said anything!

Seeing the director's shocked expression, Qin Wei had just been speculating, but now it was confirmed. It was because of Shen Kai that Director Yao and the others had changed their minds.

"I'm not put out at all. We'll shoot however we planned. I'm willing to endure anything for this drama. I also hope Director Yao doesn't forget his original intentions. Where we can avoid compromising, let's not compromise."

If Director Yao's attitude towards Qin Wei had been appreciative before, now it was respect. Director Yao was suddenly ashamed. He stood up and clapped his hands, telling people, "Don't change the plan! Proceed as originally intended!"


Filming didn't go smoothly either. Many shots had to be re-filmed multiple times. The lamb on the grasslands was delicious but really wasn't to her taste. On camera she showed enjoyment of the delicacy, but after shooting finished, even Qin Wei's complexion had changed. She found a secluded corner and felt awful for a long time.

"Have some water."

She looked up to see Shen Kai standing behind her.


Qin Wei took the bottle but didn't have the strength to twist it open.

Shen Kai helped open it for her.

"You didn't have to shoot this. I didn't want you to owe me any favors. You could have followed directions and didn't need to torment yourself just to oppose me."

Seeing her like this, Shen Kai still felt distressed.

"You also don't need to do pointless things to win my affection."

After drinking water, Qin Wei felt a little better.

"Plus you shouldn't have followed me. If caught on camera, it would just add to my recent string of bad luck."

As Qin Wei was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something. Raising the water bottle in her hand, she told him,

"Thanks for the water. I'll have Li Liang pay you back later."

Shen Kai: "..."


A large felt tent had been set up on location. Shen Qingqing only came because she had received an enthusiastic invitation from Qin Wei. Supposedly they would film a scene inside. Originally Shen Qingqing wasn't interested, but—

[Qin Wei: Shen Meimei, come watch me film! It's in the felt tent. The space inside is huge!]

[Shen Qingqing: No thanks, I'm going back to sleep...]

[Qin Wei: It's my bathing and changing costume scene! The not wearing clothes kind!]

[Shen Qingqing: !!!]

So she came.

The felt tent had already been furnished. To ensure shooting effects, unrelated personnel had been cleared out so it was quiet inside with few people.

A screen stood in the middle of the room. On the other side of the screen was a large wooden soaking tub. A young girl with long black hair stood next to the tub wearing only a thin undergarment, her waistline faintly visible through the fabric.

Qin Wei had such a good figure!

Shen Qingqing stared dumbfounded for a long time.

"Hey! You come over!"

But Qin Wei's voice called out from behind her. She was sitting in the corner wearing her Dior T-shirt and waving at her.


Qin Wei was in the back. The girl by the tub was...

The girl turned around...and looked at Shen Qingqing awkwardly.

Girl: "..."

Shen Qingqing: "......"

"Li Sihui, ah?"

For a moment, Shen Qingqing lost control over her facial expressions.

"It's Li Yan..."

Li Yan explained softly.

His name was a bit unusual. Usually Teacher Qin called him "that kid", "Little Tang", or "Xiao Li". He felt he could accept any of those.

But he had emphasized many times that his name was pronounced "Yan as in one hundred million", yet Teacher Qin insisted on calling him "Li Sihui".

And even earnestly introduced him to the entire team as "Li Sihui".

Well, today she had pulled him over again, telling him to "make sacrifices for art".

As soon as he entered, she told him to take off his shirt, saying he would be Qin Wei's body double for the bathing and changing scene.

Like, really make sacrifices!?!?!?

Shen Qingqing looked him up and down, then turned to Qin Wei with a look of disgust.

"Using a body double? I thought you were going to do it yourself! What a lousy stand-in. Average build and no appeal."

Shen Qingqing felt like she had come for nothing.

"Female actors usually don't need to do these kinds of scenes themselves."

Qin Wei said,

"Xiao Tang is skinny enough. Director Yao said his back lines are also good, so I asked him to be my double."

Then she cheered Li Yan on again:

"Xiao Tang, perform well! This is the first step in your acting career! If you do well, you can also become an actor! I can groom you! And the experience of being my body double can also go in your resume!"

No need!

Li Yan bit his lip, looking aggrieved. With his back to the camera, he looked over his shoulder at Qin Wei:

"I only ask Teacher Qin not to tell anyone! I don't want my mom knowing I'm working so hard to make money...wah wah wah..."


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