The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 263: Sun Tiantian’s Guilt

Chapter 263

Sun Tiantian watched the two of them joking around, but was clearly not as happy as usual, even a little absent-minded.

She kept glancing at her phone from time to time, as if she had something on her mind.

Qin Wei quickly noticed that something was off with Sun Tiantian. She patted Qiao Sixiao's hand to get her to let go, then gestured for her to look at Sun Tiantian.

Sure enough, she had something on her mind. Sun Tiantian didn't even notice that the two of them were looking at her.

Qin Wei raised her hand and waved in front of Sun Tiantian's face:

"Tiantian, I just kissed Qiao Sixiao, did you see?"

Sun Tiantian snapped back to her senses:

"Huh? What? I didn't see!"

"I didn't kiss her either."

Clearly she really did have something on her mind.

Qin Wei rolled her eyes at her, crossed her arms and leaned back on the sofa, looking Sun Tiantian up and down.

"What's up? Are you dating? Waiting for your boyfriend...or girlfriend? Are they texting you back?"

Sun Tiantian denied it:

"I'm not dating, I don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. *sigh*'s nothing..."

"Then why do you seem so down..."

As Qin Wei spoke, she reached out and felt Tiantian's forehead,

"Sweetie, you're not sick are you?"


Qin Wei pressed for details: "So what's going on with you?"

"She feels guilty towards you, and has been worrying the whole way here but didn't dare say anything."

Seeing the two of them going back and forth but not getting anywhere, Qiao Sixiao simply answered on Sun Tiantian's behalf:

"Let me just say it for her. On the way here she told me that scumbag is at the same company as her. She's known about everything that's been going on recently, so she didn't dare contact you either."

Qin Wei looked at Sun Tiantian, and she nodded.

She did seem to be full of remorse.

Qin Wei asked her:

"Did you tell him to do this? Do you run Hotspot Entertainment? Is he your son?"

"How could that be possible!"

Sun Tiantian quickly denied it,

"We just work at the same company..."

"Then what does that have to do with you?"

Qin Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and rubbed Sun Tiantian's face to comfort her,

"He is him, you are you. Just colleagues, not some special relationship... What he does has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, you have nothing to feel guilty towards me about."

Tears welled up in Sun Tiantian's eyes. She held Qin Wei's hand and cried,

"I should have told you earlier. I know some of the male artists at my company have this weird overconfidence that everyone should like them. I know he has a questionable lifestyle, but I never imagined he would have designs on you. I really don't understand, given his level of fame, why he would..."

Qin Wei raised her hand to wipe away her tears, comforting her as she did so:

"There there, stop crying...what's with the tears? No more crying. I scolded him on set earlier, gave him a good scolding in front of all the crew. From now on he definitely won't dare mess with me."

"Yeah right, I'm the one who scolded him."

Qiao Sixiao glanced at her,

"I haven't sunk so low that I need you to take the fall for me."

Sun Tiantian wiped her own tears:

"My agent told me that although he doesn't know what happened on Guo Yuyang's side, it seems like they've caused trouble. They're contacting the PR department for an emergency meeting now...I don't know what they're planning to do, but it doesn't seem like anything good. I should have told you earlier, maybe then..."

"They're busy trying to take down the trending posts and contact me to apologize."

Qiao Sixiao glanced at her phone,

"I just got the news too. It's alright Tiantian, this has nothing to do with you. It's about time, you should head back to set. We should get going too."

Having calmed down, Sun Tiantian asked Qin Wei softly:

"So that part I missed earlier...could you two do it again for me?\(//?//)\"

Qin Wei turned to Qiao Sixiao:

"She wants to hear you scold her too."

Qiao Sixiao nodded:

"That wish can be granted."


Sun Tiantian had only come because she felt guilty. Now that the issue was resolved, she still had to rush back to her drama set overnight. Only after getting into Qiao Sixiao's luxury SUV did Qin Wei realize her team wasn't with her.

Qiao Sixiao got into the driver's seat:

"Go for a drive?"

"Let's go~!"

Qin Wei got in the passenger seat and opened up the music player on the control panel. The car stereo began playing Nocturne.

"Opera, you have good taste."

After fastening her seatbelt, Qiao Sixiao started the car and drove towards the seaside highway.

Rolling down the window, the night breeze blew in as they listened to the music. Qin Wei felt the tiredness of the day melt away. With no cars in front or behind them, she stretched her hand out the window, then quickly drew it back in. (Note: Dangerous behavior, do not imitate)

"It'd be great if we were in a convertible sports car, that's true open air driving."

Qin Wei asked the person beside her,

"You don't happen to have a convertible do you?"

Qiao Sixiao thought seriously for a moment:

"No, any good suggestions?"

"Wow, are you thinking of buying one? How about a Lamborghini? Let's get a pink one."

"Let me have my assistant ask if there are any available domestically."

As Qiao Sixiao spoke, she really was about to make the call.

Is the world of the wealthy really so simple? Just chatting for a bit leads to getting a new car on a whim???

Qin Wei made a request:

"You have to bring me along when you go get it. I'll buy a big bouquet of flowers myself, and some balloons to bring to the dealership. You guys can take pictures of me, and I'll post them everywhere with captions like—

Got my first car ever at 23, achieved financial freedom. Ladies, find yourself a rich woman to spoil you, and your luxury car dreams will come true too!"

Qiao Sixiao finally smiled a rare smile, not the elegant smile she shows for the media, but a soft relaxation of her brow:

"If you had posted that 5 or 6 years ago, people would have known you were joking.

But now the marketing accounts, antis, and all the competition, they would definitely seize the opportunity to attack you, bringing along a bunch of melon-eating masses who can't tell a joke, and barrage you. Just wait for them to cyberbully you!"

Leaning on the window, chin in hand as she looked out at the darkness, Qin Wei could hear the ocean now even if she couldn't see it.

"So I'm just joking around. My team manages all my social media accounts now. I don't dare say much, I can only casually chat with you all. I'm planning to buy a house, in cash, so I have to watch what I say and do even more carefully."

"That's good. Have you decided on one? With your means, don't go for too average an area. The property management needs to be good. Don't consider regular complexes. Your profession draws a lot of attention, privacy is important."

Qiao Sixiao's advice seemed sincere.

Qin Wei nodded, noting it down in her phone memos one by one.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Sixiao hesitantly said:

"I have a question I want to ask you. Just casually asking, I'm a bit curious about your answer. Don't think too much of it."

Qin Wei waved her hand dismissively: "Loved, unfinished, save you."

Qiao Sixiao: "?"

Qin Wei: "Hm? Isn't that the safest answer?"

Little Qiao sighed, who knows what she's thinking again, and simply went ahead with her own question:

"Today when you asked Sun Tiantian if Guo Yuyang was her son, what if her answer had been 'yes', what would you have done?"

Qin Wei: "(⊙o⊙)!?"

Qin Wei: "(⊙x⊙;)!!"

Qin Wei: "(???!!!"

"Guo Yuyang is around 25 right? Same age as Tiantian! You mean! Tiantian is lying about her age! She's at least..."

Qin Wei was greatly shocked and started counting on her fingers, mumbling to herself,

"Her son is 25, according to China's laws, she could marry at 20, and have a child at 21, so she is... 25 plus 21 equals..."

"Qin Wei..."

Qiao Sixiao reached out to pat her shoulder, stopping her from continuing to calculate:

"What I mean is, if you had a very close friend, you two were really really good friends, but her family members had potentially harmed you, what would you do?"


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