The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker

Chapter 149 – Eye of the Storm

Chapter 149 – Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

Since the earth sank after the pagoda’s collapse, there was uproar when Hikaru and the girls climbed back up from the valley. Even Katy rushed down from the radio tower. After all, tall ruins like that were extremely weak against quakes.

Hikaru told everyone about the hidden cave and the three-storied pagoda. Count Buck said he’d call for assistance so they could start excavating right away. Apparently, the discovery of another ruin would be big news.

The next day, the Count called Hikaru to the Catford’s lord’s mansion to explain what happened at the pagoda. He thought it cumbersome, but thought if he told them exactly what transpired, he wouldn’t have to do anything else. I’ll just do what I have to do, Hikaru thought.

「So you’re... Hikaru.」

He was greeted by the local lord, a pale, timid man. Hikaru started explaining.

The three-storied pagoda was the residence of the man who drove the construction of the radio tower. He was studying holy mana, and that the energy was given by a drakon.

Hikaru tried explaining about radio, but they didn’t seem to get it. When he told them it was a magic item used to transmit someone’s voice far away, they seemed satisfied. Although they did ask with a straight face how it was built out of mere “amusement”.

He already filled Katy and Selica in about all this yesterday. He told Selica that there was a mummified man in the pagoda named Ota Masaki. He left the part out about the Heaven’s Messenger, though, since there was a chance she’d tell Sophie. As of the moment, Hikaru didn’t know what Sophie or the church was planning. Until he found out, he decided not to tell her.

「If we can study more of this holy mana, we might be able to create something different besides magic items.」

「Yes. Perhaps some of the relics found used holy mana as a source of power. But with no supply, we can’t do anything.」

「That is true...」

The Count and the lord were discussing things. In any case, the scrolls had to be safely recovered first before study on the holy mana could be done. Hikaru also omitted the part about Roux Vineyard since it was only his conjecture—although it was most likely the truth anyway. After all, humans tend to get out of control when they get their hands on advanced military weapons.

「So, Count Buck. When are you going to show me to the other ruins near the tower?」Hikaru asked.


「I don’t know what you’re talking about.」the Count answered, feigning ignorance.

「There’s no other ruins nearby.」Katy said.

「I told you. A man lived in that pagoda. Records also indicated there was a village nearby. Besides, they wouldn’t build a tower in the middle of nowhere. The man needed people to help build it. So there should’ve been a settlement nearby.」

「You got me. Well, I didn’t really think we could hide it forever. Indeed, there are ruins inside the forest.」

「What?! The official report didn’t mention anything like that! They said the tower was built by a solitary Sorcerer—」

「Most of the magic items were actually discovered in the settlement. Everything should’ve been collected, but there was a chance we missed something. If we released the info to the public, robbers might ransack the place. Plus designating the tower, and nothing else, as an archeological site means we can cut down on security.」the Count said, ashamed.

The lord wiped his sweat with a handkerchief.

「I figured it was something like that.」Hikaru said.「I just didn’t like how you were asking me for information, yet hiding things from me.」

「I apologize for that. We were just being cautious. Please forgive me.」

「Is there anything else you’re hiding?」

「None. If needed, we’ll show you the catalog of the artifacts. The complete version that only Zuburans can browse.」

「Catalog! Complete version!」Katy jumped to her feet and looked at Hikaru with expectant eyes.

「I’m good. Please show it to Professor Katy instead.」

「Really?!」Katy exclaimed.

「Yeah. So have I helped you enough in your research?」

「This is more than enough! Wonderful! I’ll give you full credit for my classes for free!」

Hey, at least give me an exam or something. She analyzed the revolver for me quickly and even created prototype bullets. I might ask for help with equipment in the future.

「Are you sure you don’t want to see it?」the Count asked.

「You’re probably going to bring records you can’t decipher to me anyway, right?」

The Count laughed.「True. We might just do that.」

「I won’t guarantee I’ll give the right translation. You did hide information from me, after all.」

「Uh... L-Like I said, I apologize for that. I’ll even add in a little gift if you want.」

「I’m just kidding.」

「It sure didn’t sound like it.」

Hikaru left Katy and Mille in the lord’s mansion, the latter saying she couldn’t leave Katy alone. Mille being worried about Katy, and not the other way around, was something new.

「So... What do we do today?」Hikaru and the girls were strolling around the town of Catford.

「Cats.」Lavia obviously desired cats.

「Yes, cats sound great!」Paula also desired cats.

「Don’t I get a vote?!」Selica asked.

「Is there some place you want to go to?」


「Really... All right, let’s head to the guild.」

There were fewer people in the guild than yesterday. The three girls immediately rushed to the cats lazing around on the warm floor. Hikaru took a vacant seat and had tea.

Oh, right... I wanted to check what my other job classes do.

Hikaru already tried setting Stealth, Throwing, and Wide Area Detection along with Lesser Angel. He planned to switching out Throwing, a class he might not need right away, with something he hadn’t used before.

He hadn’t actually told Lavia and Paula about this. He would do so once things settled down.

Yeah, it’s gotta be this.

He selected Common Chaos God: Eye of the Storm3. If there was a class with “Common” in its name, there would always be one without it. In this case, there should be a superior class called “Chaos God”. How the “Common” part was removed, Hikaru didn’t know. He had no idea how he obtained the class in the first place.

Let’s see its effects... Hikaru thought as he raised his cup of tea.

「M-Master! Is the guildmaster here?!」

An adventurer barged into the guild, sweating profusely, small wounds all over his body.

「What’s wrong?」

「What happened?」

「Hey, isn’t that one of the guys who tagged along to kill the Giant Rock Viper?」

There was a stir among the adventurers. The Giant Rock Viper, a kill target only recommended to adventurers rank C and higher. As such no one had taken the request here at the Catford Adventurers Guild.

The rest of the Four Stars of the East—Selyse, Sophie, and Sarah—set out to kill it. Quite a number of adventurers went with them so they could watch rank B adventurers fight.

Not a moment too soon, the guildmaster appeared.「What’s the matter?」

The adventurer rushed to the counter.「There was a mass outbreak of Giant Rock Vipers! Even unique ones like a Giant Rock Lizard, and a Double-Necked Viper!」

「What?! What happened to the Four Stars?」

「They retreated to a village and barricaded themselves. That place barely has any means to defend itself! Please, Master! Send for reinforcements!」

Hikaru was shocked as he listened. The Four Stars appeared to have everything under control. Were the monsters really that powerful?

「Hahaha! After all that showing off and this is what happens? This is why you can’t trust female adventurers! I bet they only got their ranks by offering their bodies to some guildmaster.」

The man laughing was the adventurer who picked a fight with Selyse yesterday and got beat up in a matter of seconds. He didn’t go with the ladies, presumably because he was badly injured, judging by his bandage.

「What did you say...?」

Selica appeared. The air around her—no, mana she emitted caused the more keen adventurers to turn pale and step back. With Mana Detection, Hikaru could see the mana enveloping her expanding. The adventurer who laughed, however, appeared to be too thick to notice it.

「They lost against monsters below their level! They deserve to get laughed at! Such a shame, though. If they were against Goblins or Orcs, they’d be suffering a fate worse than death! Those monsters would have XXXXX them by now!」

Vulgar words came out of the man’s mouth.


The next moment, the table the man was at flew and crashed into the wall. Plates and mugs scattered in all directions.


「Sh-She just used magic inside the guild!」

「Was that magic?! She didn’t even chant anything!」

「It doesn’t matter. It’s clear this black-haired woman did it! Get him, boys!」

Not one soul moved. Some were frightened, some believed she had every right to be furious, and some simply didn’t want to get involved.

「That’s enough!」the guildmaster roared.「We have an emergency in our hands. I will not tolerate fighting among adventurers. From now on, anyone who stirs up trouble will receive severe punishment!」

「Th-Then get that woman right away—」

「Did you not hear me?! I said “from now on”! You there, brief us on the situation.」

After getting things under control, the guildmaster turned his attention to the adventurer who came in with the report.

「Y-Yes, Sir. I think the Four Stars alone would’ve won the fight.」

「What do you mean?」

「The adventurers who went with them... tried to take materials from the dead monsters.」

The guild was abuzz. When a monster was slain, ownership rights immediately went to the one who killed it. Others taking materials, therefore, constituted theft.

「But the Giant Rock Viper was still alive and went on a rampage. Several adventurers were bitten.」the adventurer continued.

「A Giant Rock Viper’s venom is deadly. Losing their lives is a bit too harsh of a punishment for stealing.」the guildmaster said.

「Th-They’re still alive.」


「The ladies saved them. Lady Sophie used healing magic to keep them alive, while Selyse protected them from the monster’s attacks. But even Selyse got wounded. That’s when the unusual monsters appeared, forcing them to retreat quickly to the village.」

「So you’re saying those ladies cleaned up after those guys’ mess.」


「That’s just how Selyse is.」Selica interjected.「Tell me where they are! I’ll go and kill all those monsters!」

「You’re a member of the Four Stars too, right? Please help them. The guild will back you up.」

「We have no time to waste! Get me a horse!」

A guild staff bolted out of the building. Inside the guild, adventurers were either excited or frightened, but couldn’t hide their curiosity. Some made a quick exit.

「How are the villagers?!」

「Selyse already ordered them to evacuate. But she and her friends are drawing the monsters’ attention away from the villagers.」

「So we really don’t have much time!」

「I got a horse ready!」the staff said as he returned.

「Hikaru.」Selica said. She seemed to be having trouble getting the words out.

「I’m sorry.」Hikaru replied.

「N-No, it’s fine! I understand. This is my party’s problem—」

「I can’t ride a horse.」

「It’s got nothing to do with you... Wait, what?」

「Someone else has to take the reins and I’ll just get on the back. Any good riders around?」

「I’ll task a few adventurers to take you to the village as a special request.」a staff said.

「A-Are you sure you’re coming?!」Selica asked.

「Of course. Lavia, Paula, you’re coming as well.」


「M-Me too?! But...」

「There’s a Healer from the Four Stars this time. We can just give her all the credit.」Hikaru whispered to Paula.


「This is a great opportunity to make them owe us one.」

Powerful and well-known adventurers like the Four Stars were valuable. Hikaru also found Sophie’s advances at Paula quite annoying. So we’ll just make her feel indebted to us. Judging by her personality, she’ll have no choice but to back off.

Hikaru also wanted to make money. You can never have too much money. We still don’t have enough saved to live comfortably. This is also the best chance to try out my new ability.

「Hikaru-sama’s face looks terrifying!」

「Paula, this is the real Hikaru.」

「That’s a bit harsh, Lavia.」Hikaru said.

「That’s also a part of who you are. I don’t mind. I love everything about you.」

「I-I see.」Hikaru was a little shaken from her sudden declaration.

「I love you too, Hikaru-sama!」

「Okay, I get it.」

「Not even flustered!」

While they were talking, the adventurers who would accompany them were already selected.

『You guys aren’t even the least bit nervous.』Selica said, amazed.『You even looked unfazed after destroying the pagoda.』

『Correction. We didn’t destroy it; it collapsed on its own. Let’s go.』

Hikaru and the others hurried to the village where the swarms of monsters appeared.

NOTE: Changed “Ordinary” in the job classes to “Common” instead.


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