The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 74 Things Other See

After the dance, Aries left the ball to the changing room that was solely for her. Inside was Gertrude, waiting for her to help her change her clothes. But when Aries arrived and took off the mask, her personal maid could tell she was utterly upset. Hence, she simply served Aries some snacks and beverages, raising no questions.

"Thank you, Gertrude," Aries expressed, gazing up at Gertrude, who was serving tea on the small table in front of the divan she was sitting on. "I appreciate that you're not raising any questions."

"My lady, this humble servant will have her ears open if you need to vent. But since you are not saying anything that upsets you, I can only do what I can." She flashed Aries a warm smile. "Please rest well. The night had just begun, so you do not have to hurry."

Aries kept her mouth shut, watching Gertrude straighten her back to leave. But before her personal maid could, Aries spoke.

"Gertrude, why are you nice to me?" she asked, making the middle-aged woman smile. "Is it because of Abel, and it is your duty?"

"Partly. I am doing my duty as your servant. But I am willing to serve you because it makes me happy."Gertrude smiled. "Everyone likes my lady because she is a nice and a warm person. You treat everyone so well and speak to us with respect."

"Is that so? Then... what if I leave?"

"Are you planning to leave, my lady?"

Aries pressed her lips into a thin line while staring at the wrinkles in Gertrude's face. "What if I do?"

"My lady." This time, Gertrude sported a worried expression. "If you do, will you take me with you?"

"Gertrude, do you think I have enough money to feed you?" she asked, a little taken aback by her maid's last remarks. "What I'm trying to say here is, I am telling you this because you will serve a new person soon. You don't have to be so warm and kind."

"My lady..."

"Abel, I mean, His Majesty already knows about this. So you don't have to worry since I'm certain he will take care of everyone in the Rose palace." Aries forced a smile, waving lightly. "I would like to be alone for a while."

Gertrude frowned but resisted voicing out her thoughts. "Yes, my lady."

The maid didn't raise questions, knowing the palace was full of people with their own issues. Aries thought Gertrude was worried that what she mentioned was everyone's worry.

No, it wasn't.

Sure. Everyone wanted to work in the Rose palace because of the carefree life everyone could attain. But that was just the minor reason.

The Rose palace had become a place where everyone could breathe and live without the lingering fear of dying any moment. They only needed to pay attention to Aries and her well-being. And that task wasn't even difficult since she was a very likable person.

Moreover, as the people who were always close to Aries's vicinity, they had seen what Aries hadn't. How the emperor looked at her.

They had witnessed things they thought Abel would never do for Aries and how Abel looked so relaxed around her. Watching them from afar, one would wonder if he was the same emperor. The emperor no one would dare look at in the eye.

So her remarks about leaving brought mixed emotions into Gertrude's heart. Forget about the possible changes in the rose palace, but what would happen to Abel once Aries walked out of this place? Would things return to how it was before she came into the picture?

Thoughts like that hovered over Gertrude's head in a flash. She looked back at Aries when she was by the door, sighing deeply seeing her sip from the cup. She kept her mouth shut before closing the door, leaving the private room without voicing out any of the things that went through her head.

Aries glanced at the door upon hearing the soft click when Gertrude closed it. A deep sigh slipped past her lips, putting the teacup back on the saucer. She leaned back, closing her eyes, and another deep sigh escaped her nostrils.

"This should be alright," she whispered, tilting her head back. "It's alright."

She repeated that word like a spell, convincing herself everything would be alright. The thought of Abel and whether or not he was being treated currently kept resurfacing in her head, but she squashed it down.

Abel wouldn't die from poison. He was too evil to die easily.

"That's right. Bad people live longer, apparently." Her eyes slowly opened, catching the ceiling instantly. "That's how the world had always been. I shouldn't concern myself with that."

Abel had many people around him. Hence, they wouldn't allow Abel to die that easily and put the empire in peril. That was the argument she used in her head to stop herself from thinking about him.

She swallowed the frustrating tension in her throat, taking deep breaths. After she calmed down, she was going to meet Conan. But before that, she needed to breathe. There was just something that suffocated her.

Was it her feelings? Her brief argument with Abel during their dance?

Aries was unsure. But what she was certain was she needed to breathe. This place was stealing her breaths, leaving her breathless. With that thought in mind, she rose from the divan and marched towards the window connecting to the terrace.

This private room for her was situated on the first floor of the palace. So, it was close to the garden. Aries propped her arms against the railing, inhaling the night breeze with eyes closed.

"This is better," she whispered, opening her eyes ever so slowly. "Much better."

A subtle smile dominated her face as she welcomed the wind's soft kisses. Now that she thought about it, she used to be like this in Rikhill. Aries also liked to breathe some fresh air in the night to relax. Surely, many habits returned from the past that she didn't realize unless she thought about it.

"There's no point in thinking about... that," she trailed off upon hearing a faint squeal from the garden. It barely reached her ears, but she knew what she heard.

"What..." Aries looked around the garden in front of her, and she couldn't see anything further. There weren't also people around, so her sense of duty rose in her heart. Without a second hesitation, Aries hopped over the railings and rushed to where she heard the cry for help.

She assumed someone got injured or lost since it was late, and no one was around. But when she finally arrived at where she heard the voice, she halted.

There, not far away from the pavilion, stood Abel with a sword in his hand. Before him was a woman, kneeling on the ground. Just one look and she could tell Abel was about to sentence the woman.

When he raised his sword, Aries didn't think twice about calling his name.



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