The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 116 IF

"I'm simply doing this because she'll be bored staying in her room for days."

Dexter gazed coldly at Abel sitting opposite him in the marquess' carriage. He had known even before heading to the imperial palace Abel wanted to hitch on the marquess ride home. Abel could simply fly, though, but he had to wait for the night to fall so no one would notice him.

"Alright, whatever you say, darling." Abel shrugged playfully, slipping his finger to peek through the curtain. "I'm just amazed that you fell for her. My Aries is surely amazing."

"Don't you think she is far more amazing that you also fell for her tricks, Your Majesty?" Dexter inquired indifferently, eyes fixed on Abel. He was aware of Aries's plans after mulling over it, and he even commended it. It only showed how keen she was.

Despite that, Dexter still stepped foot into her traps. Or rather, he was already in her traps and it was already too late when he realize it.

Abel cast him a quick look after seeing they entered the gates of the House Vandran. "That is why I was confident in letting her in your territory."

"This is rarer than the rarest. For you to regard someone so highly than yourself."

"Of course, I do. If I don't, who else would?" Abel tilted his head, smirking at the marquess. "Doesn't that work for you, Marquess? You now want to believe Aries is your dead sister — or rather, the sister you wish Daniella was. Having me fawning over her only means she is protected at all times."

"And having me as her brother only means when you've grown tired of her, she will live," Dexter remarked almost immediately, staring at Abel straight in the eye. "Isn't that what you want, Your Majesty? For someone to stick with her when those people from your world come to have your head?"

There was a long silence in the carriage as both men stared at each other. One was smirking, while the other retained his cold front.

"I don't trust you. I will never do in this lifetime and the next. If she... Aries, died in that place, I do not mind working with those people on the mainland to bring you down."

"Now... that's some courage from a hunter turned into someone who is now hunted." Abel laughed with his lips closed, obviously showing who was the villain between the two of them. "Sure, Dexter, dear. Do that."

He leaned back, resting his leg over the other, eyes on Dexter. "You might as well fulfill your lifetime pledge to kill me."

Dexter's eyes darkened as Abel would stop at nothing to say whatever he wanted. A hunter turned into someone who was being haunted... right, that was the perfect summary of Dexter's life.

A man who was supposed to hunt all the creatures of the night had become one of them. All because of a certain man; this man who was sitting opposite him.

"Someday, Abel." Dexter's voice faded as he averted his eyes once the carriage stopped. "Someday, your demise will come on the day you do not expect. The Originals will fall one after another and the last vestiges of your clan and race."

After spewing those words, Dexter opened the door of the carriage and hitched outside. The carriage entered the back entrance of the estate, so no one would see Dexter returned with a guest with him. Meanwhile, Abel remained inside, staring at the shut door.

"If," he muttered with a smirk, leaning back without a plan to leave just yet. "If... they can even touch one of us, Marquess. We wouldn't last this long if killing one was so easy."

A glint flickered across his eyes as his smirk persisted. The look in those deep red eyes screamed with anticipation. He was looking forward to what his enemies had prepared for him.


"My lady, the Marquess had returned."

Aries snapped her eyes and turned her head at Minerva, her personal maid, standing on the side of the bed. Since she couldn't sleep, she killed time to read a book.

"Did he?" a subtle smile appeared on her face, making Minerva smile in relief as well.

"Yes, my Lady. He was asking about you when he did."

Aries studied the relief in Minerva's eyes, deciding to be a little kind since Dexter seemed to have acknowledged her. Moreover, there was no vestige of doubt left in the servant's eyes, unlike the first time she came in here. A mission success since she was starting to gain people on her side.

"He did?" she smiled even more kindly, turning her eyes to the window. "Minerva, prepare me a good dress that isn't so fancy but soothing in the eye. I would like to look at my best while dining with my brother."

Aries furrowed her brows when she received silence from her personal maid. When she looked back at Minerva, she tilted her head to the side.

"My lady, you know my name?" asked the maid, only to gasp and cover her lips upon realization of what she suddenly inquired.

"Haha..." Aries chuckled, shaking her head lightly. "How silly. Of course, I know the name of the person who serves my food and touches me. I was simply not in the mood the previous days."


"Now, go." She waved lightly, setting her eyes back to the book on her lap. "My brother is always busy. Don't make me waste a second."

"Yes, my lady!"

Aries glanced at Minerva as she hurriedly dashed towards the door to execute her orders. As she did, she could not help but smirk. Now that Dexter acknowledged their relationship, it wouldn't be too hard for Aries to be kind to others. They would just simply think it was because Aries and Dexter's relationship was getting better and so was her mood.

"That's quick," she whispered, trying to focus on her reading. "I wish I can tell Abel about this so we can celebrate."

While waiting for Minerva, Aries planned to do more reading. But shortly after the servant left, the door creaked open.

"Minerva, I told you to make it quick. But I doubt you this quick..." she trailed off as soon as her eyes landed on the person closing the door behind him.


Her face brightened up as her heart fluttered at the sight of him. "You're here?!" she exclaimed, about to jump out of the bed to run to his embrace. However, her ankle refrained her from doing so.

"Yes, darling, I am here. I beat you brother in the game of chess and he gave me a ride." Abel stopped five steps away from the door, spreading his arms wide. "Hmm? Won't you run to embrace me?"

"Uh..." Aries laughed awkwardly, crawling to the side of the bed before she stopped. When she raised her head, she tilted her head to the side.

"Won't you jump and cuddle with me?"

"No." He sported a smile that didn't reach his eyes, gaze falling to the outline of her ankle under the sheet. "Why would I? Just in case you don't know, I am not pleased, Aries. I am not pleased with what I am seeing and smelling."

'He's pissed...' she thought as she clicked her tongue. 'I'm doomed.'


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