The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 100 The Creation Of The Beautiful Monster

Abel cupped his jaw, elbow on the armrest of his chair. Meanwhile, Aries cleared her throat, tucking her hair behind her ear while Abel's people took their seats around the dining table.

Apparently, their five minutes extended to fifty. Isaiah and Dexter didn't mind the wait, as they kept their poker face. But the whimsical Conan was looking at them with a pair of judgemental eyes.

Aries reached for a glass of water to cool her body down. She was sweating, and her knees were still trembling.

"Conan, are you perhaps curious what my darling and I did in here?" Abel broke the silence, and Aries nearly choked on the water she was drinking. "I can elaborate."

"Your Majesty, your schedule has been pushed back!" Conan harrumphed with a deep frown. "Everyone was expecting to see you during the court meeting, but I had to send everyone away."

"It's good that you sent them away. We're quite busy with a more important matter, as you can see."

Isaiah cleared his throat before Conan could berate the emperor. "Your Majesty, we have prepared the legal papers for Lady Aries to debut as Lady Daniela Circe Vandran." He cast Dexter a look and the latter simply shrugged. "However, the Marquess had one condition before signing them."

"No," Abel answered, even before he could hear Dexter's condition. "If the condition is for Aries to live at the Marquess' estate, then the answer is an absolute no."

Dexter didn't have much of a change in expression, as he had expected his refusal. Isaiah and Conan already warned him about Abel's obvious answer, but he stood his ground.

"Your Majesty, if you are borrowing the name of my sister and our family, letting her live at our residence is nothing," he explained in a matter-of-fact tone. "If she will carry the name of our family, it is better for her to familiarize herself with our family affairs and the stronghold. After all, she will be returning to a place that knows her face. Suspicion will arise and if she can't prove she is Daniela, then Lady Aries will be in danger. Moreover, it is better to introduce her to the aristocratic faction and gain acquaintances beforehand."

"The answer is still no." Abel cocked his head to the side, lazy eyes on Dexter. "Aries will stay at the Rose Palace. I can't let you seduce her. Na ah."

"Your Majesty, why don't we ask Lady Aries since this is about her, anyway?" Dexter tilted his head to the side, batting his eyes with confidence.

Abel pressed his lips as its corner curved down. The four of them slowly set their focus on Aries sitting beside the emperor. The latter raised her brows, darting her eyes across their faces.

"What do you think, darling? Do you want to move out?" he inquired almost innocently. "Just so you know, I will kill everyone you lay your eyes on and everyone you interact with outside the imperial palace."

"That's cheating!" Conan gasped, slamming his palm and pointing at the shameless emperor. "Your Majesty, as much as I hate the Marquess, he has a point! Lady Aries will only become a Vandran if she experiences being one!"

"Shut up, Conan." Abel clicked his tongue, frowning when Isaiah rocked his head in agreement. "Darling, look at them, trying to take you away from me. So heartless!"

"Your Majesty, aren't you sending me to another country yourself?" Aries reminded him while staring at Abel with conflict in her eyes. Was he crazy and forgot this entire idea was his in the first place? Well, that wasn't actually an important question, since the answer was obvious.

She smacked her lips, sprawling her arms to hold his hand. "I think Marquess Vandran has a point. If I stay in the Rose Palace before I depart, it'll be hard on me too, since I'm getting used to being just around you," Aries argued honestly and shrugged.

"I mean, I can always stay here for a couple of days and then at the marquess' residence. Marquess Vandran is already doing us a huge favor and I need to live up to the family name if I am going to carry it. His family name and reputation are also on the line." Aries set her eyes back to Dexter and sported a weak smile. "The people in the Maganti Empire aren't easily fooled."

Although she didn't like the entire idea and simply wanted to stay close to Abel, she also needed to consider the people involved. Moreover, the crown prince of the Maganti Empire wasn't just a ruthless and disgusting specimen. But he was also remarkable and smart. He would definitely try to figure out Aries real identity if she showed up as Daniela Circe Vandran.

"I agree with Lady Aries. The Maganti Empire wouldn't have persisted this long with all the enemies they have  gathered through the years if they were that easy." Isaiah nodded, backing up Aries's claims.

"We can just schedule her to visit the imperial palace. If she fooled every person in the empire as Lady Daniela, then that also means she can fool those barbaric people in that damned empire." Conan chimed in as he snapped his fingers. "It's not like the marquess' estate is far from here. Also, we will have a reason to plant spies in the marquess' residence just in case he is planning something silly!"

"I'm very sure that should be a secret," Isaiah commented before raising a cup of tea to his lips.

After Isaiah's remark, Aries and the other three refocused their eyes on Abel. It was four against one now. Abel was tapping his fingers against the armrest, glossing over their face before his eyes settled on his beautiful darling.

"You'll leave me?" he asked, raising his hand to play with her emerald hair.

"I will visit you. We can play when winter comes along since people tend to stay indoors during that season." Abel narrowed his eyes when she answered.

Winter would come soon, but that wasn't what he focused on. Her remarks only meant Aries was still thinking of being a part of his life in the future, even if she wouldn't live here.

"Also, Marquess Vandran won't seduce me. Even if he tries, it will be futile. He's not as handsome as you. I won't settle for less," she added — now this was her specialty, inflating his ego.

Dexter's expression this time died, while Conan grinned evilly. Meanwhile, Abel just chuckled with his lips closed before rocking his head.

"Very well," he breathed out, breaking his absolute 'no,' for the first time. Although Isaiah and Conan backed up Dexter's condition, they didn't raise their hope that much. Therefore, they already prepared an alternative just in case.

However, for Abel to back down only meant they should thank Aries. If she were not so rational, things would be a little harder for them.

"Thank you." The three of them froze when Aries smiled and leaned towards Abel, planting a quick peck on Abel's cheek. But Abel's soft expression for that simple coaxing was what was truly phenomenal to the three of them.

"Anyway, since that is resolved..." He snapped his eyes at the three before casting Aries another look. "... let's proceed to your new lesson schedule."

"Huh?" she blinked cluelessly.

The side of his lips stretched before casting a glance at the confused men across from him. "Your lessons in history, literature, and etiquette will have to be changed... a bit. Instead of history, Conan, you will teach Aries how to scheme. Isaiah will hone your skills in wielding weapons, and Marquess Vandran will... teach you all the things you need to know about poisons." He flashed her a smile while she gazed back at him blankly.

"I'm a strict instructor, Your Majesty. I will not go easy on her." Isaiah, who was a bit taken aback by the sudden orders, gave Abel a heads up.

"Don't worry. She is quite good. You'll be surprised."

"I don't know how to scheme." Conan frowned only to receive a judgemental glance from Isaiah and Dexter.

Abel chuckled as he pinched her cheek to bring her back to the current lapse. "And I will strengthen your stamina, darling. Don't worry."

"That's not..." Aries trailed off as she glanced at the rest of them. In the end, she couldn't speak another word, overwhelmed by Abel's orders.

No one knew, even Aries was unaware, what kind of she-devil would come back to the unsuspecting hell that broke her wings.


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