The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 728 - Plotting Against James Crawford

James spoke longer than Nikun ever imagined. Then James retired to his room. Nikun paid for the expensive dinner and left the hotel. He saw a different car coming to the door instead of his. Identifying it as Aaron's car, he got into the shotgun seat, very sure Aarvi was in the car too.

He grumpily sat inside and the car left the hotel. Turning behind, he squinted his eyes at Aarvi who was waving her hand at him. He glanced at Aaron who ignored him completely. He knew how to get Aaron's attention.

He reached out and pulled Aarvi's cheek. Aarvi wasn't expecting that so she didn't evade his touch and whined at the little stinging pain. "Brother Nick!!" 

Aaron glared daggers at his friend, snapping his hand away. Pulling his wife closer to him, he caressed her cheek. "Lawyers could be handicapped." He meant he would break his hand.

Aarvi and Nikun: "..."

It was obvious he was just playing around. Shrugging off, he looked at Aarvi, "Do you call that a surprise, President Evans?"

Aarvi watched Nikun. He didn't seem afraid, he looked more energetic and determined. He was pretending to be angry which was fine. Aaron watched her worry ease up looking at active Nikun. He stayed silent to let them talk.

Aarvi nodded, "I gave such a perfect opportunity for you to catch up with your dear mentor. Shouldn't you be thankful to me?" She blinked innocently, leaning Aaron's shoulder.

It was true.

Nikun snorted. Thinking it overall, he felt the meeting was worth it. He could read how James was thinking about Aarvi and his mindset towards the case. "I will be thankful if you fill my account." He was living on his expenses which was low and wasn't big enough to treat James in such a restaurant. 

Aarvi chuckled while hearing him and paid the bill amount without a penny extra. "Done."

Nikun: "..."

He really wanted to know how she got to know the bill amount. He realized her reach in the Mocon was too deep and spread. "Pinchpenny."

Aarvi was shaking her head when Nikun came to the point, "Aarvi, My mentor's view on you doesn't seem to be good. He hadn't met Leon yet, so why is he so bitter?"

Aarvi didn't know how Nikun might react to this news. Yet she was prompt, "I wanted to be double sure with a backup plan. So I reached Mr. Crawford. He rudely responded to the mail." She shrugged.

Nikun patiently explained to her, "My mentor doesn't like to share his email contact with anyone. Only a very few, highly respected clients have his email. Seeing your name, he would be really pissed off."

Aarvi looked at Aaron. She understood she should have dropped the message to James's assistant. Anyway, it's too late. "My team got the email id at the flick of their finger." 

Nikun chuckled. Then he chose her worry. "Coming to the backup, Aarvi Evans, do you believe if I bet you alone could handle my mentor?" He had watched her carefully draw out the plan and how she uses her cards one after the other, instead of just showing off. So Nikun was sure, even if he missed out on something, she would immediately guide him before the situation got out of hand.

Aarvi suddenly grinned. Nikun knew she was plotting something against James Crawford, "Aaron, your wife never leaves a chance to clean off her path."

Aaron glanced at his wife and looked at Nikun, "Thank you, I am aware of it."

Aarvi burst into laughter. Then she spread out her plan, narrated the moves of pawns and the result of the final strike. 

Nikun was blown, he needed time to digest.  After mulling it over, he nodded, "It has risks but is plausible. Even if we fail in this plan, we don't actually lose anything. If we win, it's a half win to the battle."

Aarvi nodded and pointed out, "You have to be patient." Then she gave a suggestion, "And I think if you act a little flustered, your mentor will drop his guard."

Nikun denied without a second thought, "No acting." He will be the confident lawyer who people will remember.

Aaron interjected when they crossed over, "It was a suggestion." 

"No issues," Aarvi added. Her suggestion was only if he wanted to have fun. Since he was serious about his profession, she didn't mind it. 

They spoke for a little while. Nikun changed the car and they went their ways. 

Still, on the way to Skyarc, Aarvi was snuggling in Aaron's arms when her mobile beeped. She ignored it, focusing on seducing her husband. It's no more work or tension time. It was their time.

Aaron held her hand away from Adam's apple. He was glad that she wasn't allowed to drink. Or Else he was sure, she would have tried to take a bite of his Adam's apple when drunk.

Nibbling her nose tip, he fetched her mobile. There was an email. "Cupcake, this might be important." He showed her the screen of her mobile.

"Mr. Palmer?" Aarvi uttered as she sat straight.

She already spoke to Dax, even though she tried to cool off Dax, she was incensed due to the old man's behavior. She read the email. Mr. Palmer would like to meet her personally to discuss some conditions before sealing the deal.

She threw her mobile on the seat, went back to his arms. She closed her eyes, ready to sleep.

Aaron had gone through the mail with her and he knew why Palmer wanted to meet her personally, Milo Wen had updated him in the morning. She would have been excited if Palmer behaved. Even if Skylar gets Palm resort, Dax and Aarvi weren't in the mood to celebrate it.

He regretted showing her the message and spoiling her happy mood. Alighting the car, he proposed to test the water, "Let's make you happy."

It piqued her interest, "How?" She thought she might get cupcakes and licked her lips, grinning widely.

Aaron: "..." He knew exactly what was in her mind.

He didn't say anything and the plan was too simple. Both bathed Laze, dried it, played and she was already happy. He helped her wash her hair, blow-dried, and braided it. She was over the moon. Then she snuggled him on the bed, telling some fun stories, and dozed off half a way when he was already asleep.


At Maple Regency,

After a long time, the family sat together, had dinner, and laughed. There was a hint of sadness as their eldest grandson/elder brother/husband went to prison. They didn't show it in front of each other. But when they dispersed to their rooms, their faces had fallen, gloominess filled in, and didn't get a wink of sleep.

At least Aeon was busy with new responsibility, the other three felt like an eternity before their eyes shut to put them to sleep.


On Sunday,

It was soon the morning, Aarvi and Dax waited for. Yet, it became the day that made them irritated. They didn't care about the project anymore,

The meeting was at ten in the Morris hotel conference room. The employees had reached excluding Palmer and his assistant, Dax, and Aarvi.

Aarvi and Dax went together. Dax was adamant about joining her. He was ready to break the old man's face if he started his petty mindless games. They entered the conference room and everyone greeted them. 

Palmer followed them inside almost immediately. Palmer's assistant was about to greet Aarvi but paused. He could feel the tension in the air so none greeted each other.

Aarvi looked at the lady secretary who had reduced to tears. The latter quickly went next to Aarvi. Aarvi looked at the old man, "Apologize to my employee." It wasn't a request but a demand.

Employees gasped, taken aback by Aarvi's actions.

Palmer's assistant froze but he didn't find Aarvi's behavior odd.. Whereas Palmer glared at her.


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