The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 650 - The Danger

At Harmon mansion,

The Shadow team members spread out and surrounded the Harmon mansion. The three climbed to the upper floors and the two tried to enter the mansion on the lower ground.

They tried to sneak in through windows, balcony doors, and the terrace but found the accesses secured as though the owner knew the intruders will come that night. The Shadow team members were alarmed and discerned Leon was well prepared for Aarvi's arrival. 

Each one of Shadow team members was struggling to get inside the mansion, checking every locked door and window. They left nothing unchecked in such a short time. 

Not just that, they could sense somebody was there in each room, hiding and waiting for some actions. They knew the families would never let the guards enter inside. The duty of guards would be guarding the mansion outside in an open estate. The current situation only meant, there were none in an open estate but inside the mansion. Hence breaking inside without knowing if the men inside were armed or not was too risky. 

The first time, they felt they couldn't stand Aarvi's high expectations. However, they didn't lose hope. Their confidence didn't dwindle. Rather, their determination to enter the mansion was brimmed to the rims.

They repeatedly exchanged messages in the lowest voice, reporting the current status and abnormalities around the mansion. People might think it's late at night and everyone might be sleeping with the lights turned off. But the mansion never goes completely off. There would be some lights flickering at one of the corners so it was clearly obvious that the danger was just around the corner.

Alex strained his eyes to see where the man was hiding in the darkness of the room but it was impossible. Due to the faint light outside, he was sure the men inside the mansion could see him. Meant Leon's men were keeping track of every move.

They could only keep Aarvi safe by being safe so he didn't want to take the chance of getting caught so easily. Hence he couldn't stand by the glass for too long and watch inside.

He heard a report by the little earplug in his ear, [Young Madam reached the front entrance.] 

The plan was to make sure none of Leon's men stay in the shadows and attack Aarvi from the blind spot. From the looks, Leon was seizing every way. Taking Leon's psychotic behavior, they doubted if Aeon could shield Aarvi if Leon or his men fired a bullet at Aarvi. Leon was giving them no chance. 

Now they understand how it must have felt for Leon and his men when Aarvi was playing Leon like a puppet in the dark.

[We shouldn't wait longer.] Another person gave his opinion hearing Aarvi was at the door entering the lecherous psychotic man's territory. There was still calmness in his tone.

Alex had already heard each one mentioning they should just barge in and take control as waiting wasn't fruitful and Aarvi could be in grave danger at any moment. However, Alex has to consider every possibility as a team leader. Blindly attacking wasn't useful as that would put everyone's life in jeopardy.

Alex was in a very tight spot. This decision of Aarvi might cost them too much. They knew Aaron and Shawn would get rid of the kidnappers and Aarvi could have just stayed in the home. Now his decision was like die or die. The chances of success were dropping by each second when he sensed men inside the room snickering.

He didn't even know if he should report it to Aarvi. Would he be called a coward if he asked her to abort and return?

Well, he knew well that Aarvi wouldn't step back from here. She would use her brain and have her way. He had that confidence in her but he wasn't certain if he could protect her from all the threats.

If he was with Aarvi, he at least could have made sure she didn't get any blow. He didn't trust Aeon. Aeon was an outsider, a Harmon, and an heir of the Harmon family after all.

Why would Aeon put his life in danger for Aarvi?

Alex wouldn't be surprised if Aeon goes to Leon's side and enjoys leaving her alone against those sly, lecherous, cunning men. Thinking all that, Alex chose to stay by Aarvi's side, even if he has to sacrifice his life for her. 

Alex ran towards the main entrance of the mansion so that he could enter from the main door if the situation got extremely critical. He ordered his men, "Choose the best way and be careful." The team already knew Aarvi had mentioned she didn't care about the bloodshed this time.


Before Alex could even reach the main entrance, he heard one of his men groan after the sound of a bullet. 


In the living hall, the Harmon mansion

After the call ended, Leon took a look at his reflection on a full-length mirror and admired himself. He had changed to a new set of comfortable leisurewear that made his physique look more brawny and appealing. A smug smile appeared on his face, being proud of himself for having his spectacular plan.

He hadn't expected Aarvi to turn out to be a fool when her husband and brother-in-law fell into trouble. How dare she, step inside the Harmon estate so bravely? 

He had also expected her to go and try to save Aaron or call him to threaten or bring cops and everything. But anyway, now the fish fell into his net by choice, he wanted to mark the date on his calendar to celebrate his success every year.

Leon left his bedroom to the living hall ignoring his men quickly taking the position. He knew Aarvi wouldn't easily bow down to him. She would go with her team. She definitely would try to scare him, capture him. So he was well prepared to tackle her men and weaken her. 

He didn't realize he was again assuming once he controls every man around her, may it be her husband or friends or Brother or her bodyguards, she will submit to him.

When Aaron had appeared at the Harmon mansion, it was wholly unexpected and he was unguarded. He had also underestimated Aaron Rivas as a doctor seeing him in the hospital. Aaron had looked nothing but a bookworm and serious doctor. Leon was proven wrong there.

This time it was his game. When Leon planned, he expected her presence there, why would he be unguarded? 

He wouldn't accept that he also feared her. She was capable of changing any situation in her favor. Maybe by acting weak again. Hence he was prepared to truly make her weak this time. That way, he instructed his men to hide inside the mansion in every room. 

He had clearly instructed his men twice that unless he orders them to kill her, they don't have to take any action. They could keep her scared by their presence when he cues them to appear.

When Leon descended the stairs and went closer to the living hall facing the main door. His brows furrowed as soon as his eyes fell on the black SSC Tuatara. Some memories flashed in his mind. He had seen that car a few times around him. 

Before he could dig more about the past, his face turned to pitch dark when he saw Aeon get out of the car followed by Aarvi.. If gaze could kill, his glowering eyes would have burned Aeon into ashes.


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