The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 34 - Complimentary Kiss

Aarvi saw media reporters at the entrance of Amiah Entertainment to meet Aeon Harmon due to Leon Harmon. She drove her car out instructing the bodyguards to return to Skylar and reached Rivas Industries.

She has to meet her therapist due to her previous days' outburst.

She never really goes alone to any checkup and Aaron always accompanied her as a personal physician which he started to think how to get rid of it

Waiting for his meeting to get over, Aarvi had dozed off on the couch due to lack of sleep. Aaron entered to see her peacefully napping.


He silenced his secretary at the door and cued the directors and secretary Wen to leave. Grabbing a soft knitted rug from the room closet, he covered her and helped her with a pillow removing her arm under her head gently saying, "How can you sleep in such a small place?"

His Cupcake, thirteen-year-old Ava Kelly, and Aarvi Evans didn't look much different other than growing a little. Her petite face still looked dainty and her skin was still baby soft.

He smiled looking at her lips reminiscing the past.

Both studied in the same school. He was working part-time in a cafe nearby from the age of sixteen years. He had recently learned to prepare cupcakes and was good at it. He got to know Ava Kelly when she frequented the same cafe only for his cupcake.

Even though he was ready to give her a free cupcake, she always paid for it. He had even offered, if she helps him, she doesn't have to pay but she had asked 'how could help be priced? Help is help and business is a business.' She was helping him and still paid for the cupcakes.

Once he had said a cupcake will cost its price plus a complimentary kiss to the chef. Even though she was flabbergasted, since it was him, she had kissed his cheek and enjoyed the cupcake.

He had repeated it a few more days and the rest of the days she would voluntarily kiss his cheek and eat the cupcake.

'Doozy!' There are many kisses in the debt.

He had just tapped her nose, Aarvi woke up and saw Aaron tenderly looking at her. His sharpness had softened, instead of cold, he looked full of warmth and his gentle smile was worth watching.

Aaron didn't know what to do kneeling closer to her. If she had reacted, he wouldn't have found it difficult but her blank look gives him no clue.

Aarvi blinked a few times and thought when did she start having Aaron in her dreams. She always got her past in the dreams, 'Why did he come?' She again closed her eyes without believing Aaron was right there savoring his view.

Aaron: "..."

He waved his hand in front of her face and voiced his thoughts in a low voice, "You don't have the habit of..."

His voice shot her eyes open. Slowly, her forefinger poked his cheek to test and sat up in fluster. Without explanation, Aaron understood she thought he was in her dream.

He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, "Lunch?"

Aarvi nodded as she was hungry but the next second she was in his arms. She held his shoulder to balance herself glaring at him. "Doctor Rivas!"

Aaron nonchalantly left her in the ensuite and went out saying, "Get fresh and come."

Aarvi: "..."

Her mouth was open like round O looking at his indifference as if it was common for him. 'When did he get so daring?' She looked at the mirror and scolded herself, "Yeah! All because of you. Which idiot told you to cry and that too in this man's embrace? Ugh."

She splashed some water on her face and calmed down before going out in her full composure as 'Aarvi Evans'.

Aaron noticed she started behaving more reserved with her signature serene expression for everything and maintained a distance from him.

His move on her - In the bottomless hole.

He has to think about how to woo her without telling her so that she could remove the tag 'Doctor.'

After meeting the therapist, both returned to the waterfront villa. Aaron noticed Aarvi was avoiding him and doing everything on her own and even took her medicine and went to bed without letting him utter a word.

Leaning on her room door frame, he was really envious of Laze seeing it cuddle her. He controlled his urge to toss it out when it licked her cheek.

'I'm going to cast you aside soon.' He thought like tsundere and went to his room haughtily jealous of a cat.


Unexpectedly, that night Aarvi slept rather well without getting disturbed even when there were heavy thunderstorms the whole night.

Aaron had checked on her twice to make sure she was sleeping which surprised him. He always saw her pressing the pillow on her ear to stop hearing it.

On the other end of the city, Aeon was sleepless thinking about the company and Amiah. Leon was sleepless because his team failed to get information about everything.

Information about Beauty in black - Failed.

Information about the person who released his photos - Failed.

Information about the new shareholder - Failed.

Leon whose face was in White Bandage ignored the pain from it and broke everything in the study room failing to control his aggression. He never lost whenever he wanted anything.

Dylan stood in the corner failing to control Leon but he didn't try repeatedly because whenever Leon loses his cool, he was an untamed beast destroying everything. He had said a few times to get help from a psychiatrist for his uncontrollable behavior but Leon never listened to him.

Dylan was standing silently without provoking him but Leon saw him and held his collar, "Did you check the company details? How can we not get any information? And how did that rascal get fired? I want every information."

Dylan tried to lose his clutch saying, "Okay, we will check on it..."

Leon didn't wait for him to continue and punched him, "Incompetent fools! How dare you lie to me?" Leon clutched his neck, "If I don't get information, you all will die in my hands." Then he threw Dylan aside and said gravely, "Get out of my sight."

Dylan frowned but didn't let a single word out of his lips. Other than himself, nobody knows why he was working for many years under Leon bearing his all torture, insults, and attacks.

As soon as he gets the information he wanted, he wouldn't care to kick Leon aside and leave. Leon Harmon's every misdeeds proof is with him if Leon tries to make him a scapegoat.


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